
Chapter 19

“Right then. But tonight’s for resting. Never knew the central storms were this horrific,” Caen said as he drank down the last of his buttermilk, before placing his bowl by Aria’s side. Then the old man was gone, retreating into his tent for the night.

I was left alone with Aria. I watched the fire bounce and light her face and my hands. It was silent now except for crackling, snores, and a few shuffles in Caen’s tent.

Despite the peacefulness of it all, a moment to gather my thoughts before sleeping, I still couldn’t get that man’s terrified face out of my mind, his agonizing screams. His absolute terror at dying by a force beyond his understanding. Drowning on solid land.

Even Aria’s adorable snoring couldn’t keep those thoughts at bay. I stamped out the fire before retreating into my own tent for the night. I didn’t sleep well. 5: The Gods Are Watching

“Charlotte? Are you okay?”