
Search for true love

"Wait, you mean you have been set up by my dad to be with me and here I am thinking you cared for me, thinking I was loved. Do you realize how that sounds. No just listen to yourself. I trusted you for crying out loud. You know what, just get out all of you. You irritate me." I tried to think of ways to persuade her, at least listen to the positive part of the whole story. I loved her now "Cella I'm so sorry but I love..." She interrupted immediately "I don't think that should be coming out of someone who used me and you know what, you are nothing but a mistake along with your three weeks baby." I came to my senses after realizing that she was pregnant for me "wait you are what?" She began to cry more "well I don't expect you to accept the child so just leave". I was so heartbroken. I had no stamina to withhold her push. She pushed me out of her house and for the first time in my life after growing from been a baby a tear dropped from my eyes. I couldn't control my feelings. I wept bitterly.

Jemima_Oluwaseyi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Celina Coker

      I ran through the stairs hurriedly taking two steps at a time. I was tired and frustrated from staying at this mansion without seeing how others lived. My dad never had any interest in letting me out after the death of my mother. She died when I was five years old. It was a painful death. My dad was a mafia boss who left the underworld after getting married to my mom. He wanted a peaceful life without fear of losing his family anytime. He welcomed me into the family after two years of marriage. After five years of having a peaceful family, my mom was kidnapped and killed brutally by one of my dad's enemies. This made him return to the underworld for revenge and ever since then I have been living secretly in the mansion. I had the best private tutor who taught me without seeing me. My life was frustrating and I decided to have this talk with my dad once again. Anger boiling within me as I ran through the stairs.

"Dad it's just for two years moreover no one knows about me. It's over sixteen years now. I'm tired and frustrated. I just want to live alone like a normal teenager. Mom promised me this when I was five. I can't believe you are gonna break her promise. I'm disappointed dad." I sobbed quietly as I sat on the floor in the middle of flowers.                                                            

           My dad came near me as he sat beside me and patted my back. I looked up at him with my tears filled eyes ready to walk out on him when he sat me down.

"This was where we all sat when your mother made that promise. Do you remember?" I nodded slowly.

My dad sighed heavily as he looked up "I'll make arrangements for it."

I wiped my tears dry with my hem of my dress as excitement ran through me "really dad?"

My dad smiled "but on one condition dear." I smiled to myself ready to go on any. " You can't reveal your identity and on your eighteenth birthday, the deal ends. Also, you must be very careful."

I nodded happily. "I love you dad".

My dad stood up and stretched his hand out to me as I held it and he picked me up "love you took darling. No boys allowed."

I laughed and went up to my room. I laid on my bed and sighed happily as I slept peacefully expecting what tomorrow had for me.


    I went straight to my study after seeing my daughter lay peacefully on the bed. My mind drifted to my wife, Amelia. She was just like my daughter in appearance and attitude. They were both a handful. I remembered the day I came home late from work and went straight to the kitchen when I heard noises and screaming only to see my wife and four year old daughter on the floor giggling with flour all over them. My wife stood up to welcome me and ended up staining me with flour. Cella laughing at both of us.

I opened my arms widely and she ran to hug me smiling widely "happy birthday co."

I checked my phone only to realize today was really my birthday. I smiled awkwardly at forgetting my birthday "thanks ce." We were so happy then until she died painfully.

Back to the present, I quickly picked up my phone and called my friend. It rang a few times and finally picked up "I agreed to let her go for two years."

He sighed "let's meet up tomorrow at our usual place in order to make arrangements. We can't let it repeat itself."

I hung up the call and went to the bar for some drink. Before getting myself wasted, I went to my room. After taking few pills, I slept off.

****hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, can't wait to write the second. Please comment and show your love. Love #jemmy#