
Search for true love

"Wait, you mean you have been set up by my dad to be with me and here I am thinking you cared for me, thinking I was loved. Do you realize how that sounds. No just listen to yourself. I trusted you for crying out loud. You know what, just get out all of you. You irritate me." I tried to think of ways to persuade her, at least listen to the positive part of the whole story. I loved her now "Cella I'm so sorry but I love..." She interrupted immediately "I don't think that should be coming out of someone who used me and you know what, you are nothing but a mistake along with your three weeks baby." I came to my senses after realizing that she was pregnant for me "wait you are what?" She began to cry more "well I don't expect you to accept the child so just leave". I was so heartbroken. I had no stamina to withhold her push. She pushed me out of her house and for the first time in my life after growing from been a baby a tear dropped from my eyes. I couldn't control my feelings. I wept bitterly.

Jemima_Oluwaseyi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Best birthday gift

       After leaving dad's study suspecting him of hiding something from me, I walked elegantly towards the dining hall as I was eagerly looking forward to what I would be eating on this special occasion.

   The guards opened the hall as I strode inside only to meet a basket of fruits on the table. 'I guess they didn't know today is my birthday' I clicked on the dining bell and Benjamin came in hurriedly

  "You called Miss" He bowed. I smiled "Ben I thought I told you to call me Cella. You have been with me since I was a baby so I would appreciate it if you stop the respect thing"

   Ben smiled as he hugged her and tears started forming in his eyes "I can't believe you are sixteen today. It's like time flew back. I remember vividly when you were little in your mom's hands."

He drew back a chair and asked me to sit as he served me some fruits. I gave him a fork implying he should eat with me. He smiled as he stroked my hair.

   He took a bite and moved his head gently savoring the taste. "You should have some". I took a bite and realized it wasn't as sweet as he exaggerated it to be so I played along "was it gotten from heaven?" He laughed heartedly "well it was harvested with love"

     "I have a gift for you". I smiled as I awaited his gift. Ben gifts maybe little but it held much love. He smiled sadly "well it's a gift your mom is supposed to give you and I decided to give you in her stead." My demeanor changed as little tears formed in my eyes. "Hey, hey don't cry it's a happy day."

     I hugged him and took another fork of my fruit. It was like Ben understood my act and spoke. "The day your mom gave birth to you was the happiest day of her life. She kept smiling as she looked at you in her arms. She said...


    "Co, have you seen my baby? Oh! It's our baby." Coker smiled as he rubbed her palm. "Sweetheart you should rest. You will be discharged tomorrow evening so take some rest okay? Aren't you tired?"

    She looked over to Ben who was petting the baby to sleep "Oh Ben be careful while rocking her to sleep. Bring her to me."

  Coker looked at Ben with a straight face. Ben understood his look "Uhm... I'll rock her gently while you rest. You have to rest inorder to take care of her well." He said while smiling.

    "Don't worry Co I'll rest after her pet her to sleep. I promise." Coker looked at her face which held charms that made him fall for her pleads "Okay. If you say so" he said defeated. "You're surely my weakness."

     Ben gently placed the baby in her arms. "Look how cute she is. She has light brown orbs just like me and her color like yours. I'll call her Celina cause she is a girl who turned my pains into joy." She smiled as she looked over to Coker "Co don't you have something to say to her?"

     He smiled "well I do. Firstly I don't know what your mom is talking about cause I don't give her pains." He said jokingly "I never knew I would welcome both you and your mom into my life. Seeing how little and cute you are I don't regret having you so I hope you grow to be like your mom and inherit only my good attitude. I love you Cella."

    "OMG did you just shorten her name. Cella, so cute. Would you mind holding her?" Co stood up "no I can't she's too small, she might just slip." Alicia laughed heartedly "I'll tell her when she's sixteen that you were scared of holding her so she can tease you well"

   "I'll carry her but you'll help me out." He took her in his arms gently resting on the bed....

************Present day ********************

    "Your family was a happy one. I decided to tell you since she isn't here to tell you. I hope you grow well and always remember your mom loves you."

Ben wiped the tears that was flowing down his cheeks "Gosh I can't believe I'm crying. I promised myself that I won't."

   He gave me a handkerchief and I realized I was also crying. "It's a happy day so don't cry. Now do you know what you are gonna do for me? You are gonna take this body and scary face upstairs and let the girls dress you. We're having a ball party after eleven years."

   "Wait what? A ball party? Why exaggerate it when it's just between the family?" She hugged Ben " Thank you Ben. It's the best gift. Well, How many people are attending the ball?" Well your dad, Frank along with his wife. Oh lest I forget someone called himself 'necklace guy' is also attending."

   I registered what he said "did you just say'necklace guy'?" Ben looked at her worriedly. "Yes I did? Is anything the matter?" Her cheeks became red "uhm... can you send in the best dressers and makeup artist?" She literally ran upstairs to her room "Be careful miss" I heard Ben scream "it's Cella I screamed back."