
Sealed omnipotency

Takudzwa_Muperi1 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


JADEN couldn't even move ,his whole body frozen.The words hit deep.If what Peterson said was the truth the wouldn't that mean he had been living a fake life with a fake family all his 5 years of marriage ?. 'no, this is a lie , she wouldn't d that to me.....right?'.Jaden thought trying to insure himself ,however, all his senses were already filled with dought and distrust after catching his wife who had sworn to be with him through thick and thin when they had exchanged wedding vows sleeping with another man and to make it worse, the man was his best friend.

"Is what Peterson said true?".Jaden asked looking at his 'wife' but the other party didn't respond and kept on fiddling her fingers with her gaze on the floor.

"l f**ckin asked you a question so answer me,you have the voice to moan for this di**ck head but can't even say a single word when your husband asks you a question!" his patience was running out that he felt like punching her if she kept on dallying.

Melissa looked at her husband in disbelief,in all the 5years they had been married he never yelled nor abused her in any way, he was always careful and calm when speaking to her but now he looked like he couldn't care any less and if she kept her silence , he would punch her in the face and still not feel guilty about it. She looked down and cautiously replied

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean for this to happen, you're always busy and never have time to love me and satisfy my sexual needs.I couldn't take it anymore so things happened and I ended up with Peters".She kept her head low but her eyes were on Jaden trying to see his expression. She didn't want to get punched off guard.

"Sexual needs my ass ,you say that I neglected you but what was I doing,busy working so that I could give you a better life and the children and what did I get in return 'betrayal and disloyalty' I used to think that you're a faithful and innocent woman but now I don't see the difference between you and a prostitute, you f**cking made me work for kids that aren't even mine while you were here busy getting screwed by the father, you know what ,you are disgusting and shameless and the same goes for you too Peterson, you slept with my wife everyday impregnanting her 3 times and you dared to call us best friends I'm so gonna make the both of you pay a heavy price for betraying me, messing with my life telling lies.

Melissa felt hurt hearing Jaden's cold words especially the part he called her a prostitute which had always been her biggest fear even when she had s*x with Peterson.

"I am not a prostitute.....right?".Melissa muttered in a low voice but Jaden heard her loud and clear.

"Ohh , then how can you explain the situation. Prostitutes aren't only the women found in brothels , even those who sleep with their husband's best friends are prostitutes!".Jaden said this with clear hate and disgust. He had always valued his wife like a priceless treasure giving her anything she asked as long as it was within his capabilities to do so. All his hard work was to give her happiness and financial security.

Although he sexually neglected her, she should not have thrown herself to another man because of just that. All Jaden could see when looking at her was an unfaithful , ungrateful and most of all , a lustful woman.

.... ...........

Peterson saw that Jaden was distracted talking with his wife and picked up a long nail almost about 6cm in length and started walking to him with sneaky steps.

Jaden not knowing of the impending danger behind him kept on calling his wife names letting out his frustration .As he was talking , his senses warned him of threat and by the time he looked back , it was already late.


Peterson pierced the nail into Jaden's throat Jaden held Peters' hand and tried to remove it but Peterson's power was just too much for him, He tried to scream but no sound could be heard as his voice box was damaged.

He couldn't do anything other that resigning himself to his fate but the pain was too unbearable and as powerless as he was he could only endure and wait for the incoming darkness to devour him

Melissa pissed herself when she saw Peterson cruelly mudering her husband .Despite cheating on him , the was still the person she loved that's why she chose to marry him and not Peterson.

Now that the man she loved was dying she couldn't even scream or do anything ,she regretted letting her lust get the better of her and betraying him. She looked at the half conscious JADEN and pissed herself again,he looked scary and pitiful ,He mustered all the strength he had and said "I hate you all" before his eyes closed never to open again.

Melissa screamed loudly , Peterson only looked at her and left the scene like nothing happened after threatening to kill her and her children if she were to tell on him.

Melissa knelt before JADEN and called his name but he was already gone, she covered the hole on his throat and tried blowing some air into his lungs but nothing happened,She could only blame herself for Jaden's death.

"I'm sorry JADEN and everyone I ever cheated , my crimes cannot be compensated with only my life but going to hell might make you feel better I'll do it for you my love" Melissa picked the long bloodied nail and raised it to her throat but what happened next made her think that even the devil didn't want anything to do with her because her first child 'Alexia' came and saw her mother pointing a bloodied nail at her throat .

"Ahhhhh!, Mommy!"she screamed her lungs out while dashing to her mother's side and hugging her without even noticing the bloodied ground with a lifeless body.

"Mommy ,waaa"The 5year old girl cried hugging her mother.

Melissa seeing her child crying felt bad.In the end she couldn't help but hug her back and console her. No matter what , this girl and the other two children were born of her and she had to take responsibility for bringing them to the world and she could only do that by giving them happiness and fulfillment which meant, she had to live for them.

"Don't worry my child mommy won't go anywhere"She reassured her while patting her head.

"you promise?".Alexia asked staring at her mother with her big red eyes which were similar to Peterson's.

"Mommy promises"

After hearing her mother promise, Alexia released her mother from her embrace .Only after then did she notice the blood on the floor and the man she had know as her father all her life lying in the midst of it unmoving .

Alexia didn't cry like any normal little girl would after seeing the blood but she went close to him and started shaking him as if to make him.

Melissa seeing this and felt guilty and responsible that her heart squeezed and tears burst forth like a waterfall.

Melissa told her child that her father was gone since only Alexia was old enough to understand what that meant...they both cried loudly and anounced this to family and friends then set up a date for the burial.

Somewhere in a seemingly endless void, a white light could be discerned. If one were to look closely , they would see a soul which looked about 13-14years based on it's appearance and height.

"Am I going to hell or Heaven,If I go to heaven what will I be doing??,If I go to hell.....well I'll just leave it at that," The soul started talking to itself "I only wish the master of whichever place I go to will avenge me. Getting killed with a nail by an adulter, what a pathetic way to die *sigh*".

Of course , this soul was Jaden but somehow his soul seemed younger than normal.

CREATING SYSTEM 0.001%..0.02%

As he was busy lamenting over his pathetic death, he suddenly heard a feminine voice in his head.

"Who's there?" He asked while tilting his head sideways in hopes that he would see the source but to no vail. Of course, he didn't believe that the voice was from his head, dying patheticly hadn't made him crazy after all.

CREATING SYSTEM 10%....20%>30%>40%....90%.....100%


"Hey lady what are you talking about?," he was scared shitless after not finding the source of the voice "and why do I feel like you're talking inside my head?"

"Hello my name is &#"©¥¢ and I'll be your guide (teacher) throughout your journey master"

"EHH, What journey are you talking about.....ohhhh am I going to hell or Heaven?"


"I'm not really a fan of suspense you know, come on show yourself" Jaden pleaded but the voice ignored him and asked its own question .

[Does host want to see his status window,if yes then press YES if no press NO]

"*sigh* Perhaps dying the way I did took a large toll on my brain, I must be imagining things. There is no voice , just my brain playing with me".He ignored the voice ,however,

[Does host want to see his status window,if yes then press YES if no press NO]

"Ok ok Yes".The voice didn't give up and kept on bothering him so he decided to entertain his madness a bit by agreeing.

After he agreed, a blue screen appeared before him.












"Am I in a game?"



