
Sealed omnipotency

Takudzwa_Muperi1 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 4

Jaden froze on the spot as soon as he saw the cause of the noise.

It was a Lion in blue fur. On its back was a black 60cm long snake tail looking at JADEN. The lion's body was about 6 feet tall and 3.5meters long. It had red eyes on both heads.

Seeing the weird beast he had never seen in his whole life looking at him as if he was peace of delicious meat, JADEN wanted to turn and run away from it but his legs failed him.

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" he shouted desperately.

Fear and dread enveloped his whole body making him shiver and scream but no one could hear him.

[Scadey cat, you have two options one, run for your life. Second, face the beast like a real man which I doubt you are]

*brows twitch*

*Beast status*

NAME: Linake









Author:The name 'Linake' is a combination of snake and lion. 'Li' is from the lion and 'nake' is from the snake.HAHAHAHA!. lame right?


Jaden got even more scared when he saw the beast's stats.

"This f**kin useless system! If I could run, I would have already started!"Jaden

screamed inside his head when he saw

the suggestion proposed by the system which was all impossible to do. How was he supposed to run away from a beast with two times his speed? Not to mention other seemingly 'OP' stats, especially the skills it had. And the second one was what made Mike lose his sh**t.

No matter how you look at it, there was no way he was gonna face that thing like a 'real man when he couldn't even run like a smart little girl would. His legs had long lost their energy just from looking at the terrifying beast.


The beast kinda felt satisfied looking at the weak human powerlessly sitting on the ground scared shi*tless. It didn't immediately attack because it wanted to enjoy seeing more of his suffering and the human didn't disappoint since he started screaming for help like its other previous victims.

It started walking toward the weak and powerless human with slow steps just to further intimidate him and it worked. 'He is weak, I better just eat him' thought the beast

as it increased its pace towards the weak human


However, just as it was left by a single meter to reach the human, it was horizontally sliced in half by someone or something it didn't even see.

Jaden: 'ehh'


Jaden was startled seeing the beast fall opposite ways with its eyes screaming 'surprise' and disbelief although they had already lost their shine.

He moved his eyes from the now corpse of the lion beast and stared at a figure standing beside it with a bloodied sword in her hands.

"Wow. What a goddess" He couldn't help but commend the girl's beauty which was far superior to his wife on earth.

She was a beautiful girl about 5.5 feet tall with a serious face. She had honey blonde hair and beautiful violet eyes. Had an oval-shaped face with sharp brows, a thin nose a soft pink lips.

JADEN's dishonest eyes roamed from her face to her firm breasts (let's just put the size on medium. Not too big and not too small). The maid uniform she was wearing couldn't hide the curvaceous body within. She looked at least 16-17 years.

The maid girl threw her sword to the side and started running towards JADEN and prostrated herself before him surprising the unprepared JADEN.

"What is she doing?" he thought to himself as he looked at her.

"Master, please punish this useless, incompetent servant for putting your life in danger"



Jaden looked at the maid girl prostrating herself before him and wondered what she was talking about. He doesn't know her and had never met her yet she came and saved him first and then prostrated herself before him calling him master and asking him to punish her for a mistake endangering his life.

"What's going on and who are you?"Jaden asked the maid girl.

The girl raised her head from the ground and looked at Mike with a confused face but there was also a hint of worry and fear of something.

"Master doesn't remember Lily" She started panicking for some reason after hearing that Jaden couldn't remember her

"Lily?. I don't know any Lily and could you please get up? Prostration is unbefitting of ladies." he smiled awkwardly.

The maid girl's eyes turned moist and she got off the ground before hugging his legs crying.

*Waaaaa! *

"eh. What did I do now?" he asked himself with a defeated expression.

"Master... sniff.... please .... sniff....don't.... sniff..... abandon Lily!." She sniffed after every word making Jaden feel like he had wronged her.

Jaden wondered what she was talking about. 'Abandon her?'. He didn't even know her. He was sure that her face and figure were impossible to forget after seeing her just once, he was a man after all ....well, at least when he was on earth.

"... *sigh*....ok now stop crying and let's talk," Jaden thought it best to talk to her.

She looked up at Jaden's face and asked.

"R-Really? màster won't abandon Lily?." She looked happy like some little child being given his favorite toy back.

Jaden nodded.

LILY immediately got off the ground and started wiping some tears from her eyes.

"First off, My name is JADEN so call me that from now o..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Lily.

"No! Màster is not JADEN but Master Alexander"



Sup my favorite people.

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