
Impressions And Suspicions

If you can bait the beast, and then you are mates Maheega or any other she wolves stand no chance ever.


Standing with a bunch of Daffodils in his hand, was Z'ev. Shumani was flabbergasted, she was unsure why her heart skipped a beat, now what was he doing with those flowers and where did he get those from? Slowly he approached them. Now... now... Is he going to do something embarrassing in front of her grandmother?

"You..." Shumani was about to say something, but surprisingly Z'ev ignored her and walked upto Lady Sedet and then bowed in a traditional courteous way, "Greetings of the day, My Lady, I am Z'ev Alpha of Helink. It's an honour to greet you My Lady." He respectfully kissed her knuckles, Z'ev looked breath takingly handsome in his formal attire. He gave the flower to Sedet, and said, "These flowers are nothing next to your eternal beauty, My Lady.I request you to accept my humble offering."