

Sorry guys, I'm currently in the middle of my vacation right now so I don't wanna write too much.

After this, the school will be fully open again so there will be some problem with me writing all of the 3 stories at once.

In the future, I may or may not be able to update stories anymore, it might take more than a week for me to do it.

if you want, I can stop writing a story and focus on 2 other stories or just stay the same. I will ask for your vote later.


(Cain POV)

"Damn it, Madara! You are cheating! Why the hell do you even think about using Sharingan in a damn racing game!" I shouted and smash damn the controller at the wall, only if I didn't create those controllers from adamantium, it would break.

"Hm, no matter if it's a game or a fight, I will always win!" Fuck you, you lost to me once... no, it's technically black Zetsu who killed him so I still haven't got any wins against him, damn it!

"Seem like other than fighting, you are really bad at doing other stuff Cain, even a newbie like me can beat you in-game. Being suck at playing games you call yourself a gamer? what a joke." I don't know who the fuck you are damn unknown Caster but I swear I will throw you into the Blackhole after this!

And cursing her aside, how did she even knows about the fact that I'm a gamer? I thought that the grails doesn't provide information about the master, right?

"Don't overthink it, Cain, you will know it very soon. And don't think bad about me, I'm not reading minds, it's just all over your face." Goddamn it! Should I see her real identity now? Wait, does it even help me to beat the crap out of her?

Gah damn it! If it's not for her mysterious parameter, I would kill her right now!

"Papa, why do you look so angry?" Aww thank you, Jack, you are my little girl, only you care for papa. "You better control yourself, Cain, your force would crush her if you hug her like that."

"No need for you to remind me Konan, her body has far exceeded you and her power is no less than a top-tier servant."

*Sigh* "Whatever, just remember not to bully her." "Hey, I'm her father, why would I bully her?" And hey! What with that disgusting look?!

"Itachi-kun, do you wanna try out this one? The name sound quite tempting." Kisame said while holding a "God of War" game. Did I even create that one? Or it's just popped out of nowhere?

"... you guys can do whatever you want, just remember to not break anything. I'm going to check on the Chaldea's group." Well, no one pay attention to my words, guess I'm alone again.

Well, whatever, gotta check on Ritsuka and Gudako, no one wants the embodiment of chaos run around, right?


Hol the fuck up, did they seriously summon Artoria? What kind of dumb luck is that?


Oh, it's the altered version. But that doesn't help at all damn it!

Wait, using such a powerful Noble Phantasm in a big city like London may cause direct damage to the foundation, so why risk destroying the whole of humanity like that? Unless...

It's heading this way, isn't it?


I swear to the god above... on the second thought, I'm just gonna take a note.

-Fuck the world's will over by destroying the world

-mind break Mashu for evil's sake


(3rd POV)

"Artoria, unleash your Noble Phantasm and clean out those disgusting zombies!" Gudako pointed at the horde of zombies holding miniguns from afar and shouted.

For the past hour, Gudako and Ritsuka have been chased by the undead created by Cain, normally, they can just hide away to avoid the zombie's attention since zombies are normally really dumb but that doesn't apply to summoned undead.

Cain's summoned zombies have a simple mind but they have a very powerful weapon: magic and guns. With modern arms and magecraft spells, the zombies can trace the two masters and the eggplant easily since they don't possess any of the assassin's skills.

After a lot of near-dead experiences, the duo was finally able to summon their first servant, which is Artoria alter. With Artoria cleaning up the horde of zombies, Ritsuka and Gudako got some time to summon other servants to aid them.

"Excalibur... Morgan!" Artoria alters released her Noble phantasm at the zombies and cleaned all of them, despite having the type disadvantage.

(Normal zombies: berserker. Zombies with guns: Archer)

"DAMN IT ALL!" A shout from the other side of the city surprised the two masters and interrupted the summon progress, they look in the direction of the sound and saw something unexpected, a magic beam.

"Master! Take cover!" Artoria yelled and prepare her sacred sword to block the attack. Unfortunately, the famous sword Excalibur Morgan was able to withstand the attack for a spit of a second before both the wielder and the sword disappear.

From the two masters' perspective, Artoria was disappeared from the scene the moment she was hit with the beam. "Onee-san, what happened!?" Ritsuka asked his sister worriedly

"No, I think she simply gets teleported transported away, I still feel our connection intact. Saber will be fine on her own, we must summon some more servants to help us, there is no time to rest!" Gudako said then pulled her brother to finish the summoning ritual while Mashu stay on guard to keep the undead away.

{With Cain}

"Yeah, space manipulation at god tier is something else. Directly send her to another side of the world! With this Artoria won't be interfering for a while... I think it's time to summon some demons. Zombie might not be enough to deal with 2 of them."

Then the scythe do what he said, he opened the portal that connected to Hell itself and allow the demon's army to come to the mortal world.

"Welp, this will probably the last moment of this world, since there are no Doom slayer in Fate series........ right?" Oh well, depend on my mood


Question: Who is the most suitable candidate for Doomslayer in the Fate universe?