
A Gift.

as soon as he texted back, a big smile appeared on my face I wanted to ask so much questions but I decided not to. I did not want to make it worst for him. I'll ask when i feel like it. But to show him I care i texted

Me: 'are you okay?'

Unknown Lover: 'Well. I Don't want to talk about it right now. sorry'

That tells me something is wrong, my smile fades away and I feel like when he is sad. it makes me sad.

Unknown Lover: 'dont worry about it. I'll tell you when i dont feel like this. but tomorrow at school I have a gift for you'

I tilt my head and text back as my curiosity got to me.

Me: 'what it is?' I reply

Unknown Lover: 'a surprise'

he gave me a fast reply, and i just stayed quiet. we texted for awhile and then we talked on the phone. for maybe hours until my grandma came in and told me to go to bed, it was literally 4 am. he didnt seem tired and so did I. I wasn't tired at all, we could talk all the time and never get tired. he would so fun to talk to. I enjoyed talking to him. "hey I have to go bed now, I didn't really keep track of the time. haha. I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?" I said getting changed into my pajamas. "alright that okay. oh wow it's really late haha. Anyways yeah talk to you later goodnight. Bye love you" he said. I was suprised when be said 'i love you' that wasn't the usual routine. we say goodnight and hang up.

he hung and I looked at my phone, I could feel my face burning up. "Oh what a gift!" I exclaimed