
Chapter 3

I woke up with a terrible headache and reached up to rub my head, but my arm wouldn't move. I looked down and saw that I was in a chair and my wrists were bound to the arms with old rope. "Hello, young man." I looked up. It was the man in the lab coat. He had short brown hair, a chevron mustache, cold blue eyes, black pants and under his coat he was wearing a black shirt with a strange white circular symbol on it. "What are you doing here," he continued. "I was exploring." It's not technically a lie I thought. "So, you've never heard of an SCP then?"

"What's an SCP?"

"Um, it means someone caring and protective. I'm very protective of my companions."

"So then what was up with the orange blob?" The man frowned. "You saw that then?"


"Well," he continued, "then I'm afraid your going to have to stay here until we leave."


"Don't worry, we'll tell someone you're here then they'll come get you. We're just going to leave first."

I struggled against the restraints and kicked out. "You can't leave me here!" The man simply sighed and said, "I'm afraid its necessary. Don't worry, after this you'll never see us again." Then he simply turned, walked out of the room, and closed the door. I stomped my feet against the floor and groaned. The room I noticed was not one of the ones I'd looked at and the windows were intact save for the cracks in the glass. Then I heard something. It was footsteps down the hall. They sounded strange I noticed. The footsteps stopped outside the door. Maybe that lab coat guy changed his mind I thought. The door freaked open slowly and in walked something impossible. It was the woman with the green clothes. Only she wasn't wearing any clothes—except for rubber and what looked to be plastic shoes—then I noticed, it was her skin that was green! It's skin was a smooth dark green that showed complete lack of any of the usual gender identifying traits, however, her chest did exhibit the usual female trait and her lower body was just completely without any reproductive body parts she also had strangely long and thin limbs and a swollen stomach area along with long black hair. I almost had a panic attack and began to hyperventilate and kick the floor again. "What are you!?" She looked at me and spoke. "Hello new boy, who you?"

"I-I'm Ben who are you," I stammered out. "Am Aé nice meet you."

"Uh, nice to meet you too."

"Why come here? You dokta?"

"Dokta? Oh, doctor! No I'm not a doctor."

"Hmm, to yung be agint. Maybe dee claz ?"

"I can't really understand you. But, did you say something about an agent?"

"Aé! What are you doing," the lab coat man said walking through the door. "Aé wait for me in the room, I'll talk to you later." Aé walked out of the room and the man turned to me. "How much did she tell you?"

"Everything," I lied. "I know about the doctors and agents." He sighed. "Really, how much did she tell you?"

"Nothing," I relented. "She just mentioned doctors, agents, and something about D class." The man crouched down and looked into my green eyes. "You know, you remind me of me when I was young. Curious, imaginative, exploratory, and above all else the nagging sense that something bigger is going on," he sighed. "Do you really want to know who we are? If I tell you, you will no longer be blissfully innocent, you will no longer be safe." I looked right back into his eyes and said the very words that make me come to question everything I ever knew. "I do." The man nodded, then reached over and untied my wrists. "Come with me then."

I followed him back to the room I had first seen them all in. They were all there apparently waiting for the man in the lab coat to come back. They all turned and looked at me. "These are my companions." The giant man stood hunched over so that he wouldn't hit the ceiling and spoke. "Hello there, nice to meet you. I'm 2662, and you are?" I looked up at the hulking man only to realize he wasn't a man at all. He had a muscular green skinned body covered by a black t-shirt and pants he had squid like limbs sprouting from his back and tentacles sprouting from his face. "I-I-I'm Ben," I stuttered. The other man I'd saw wearing the green shirt with the C and M emblazoned on it spoke up. "Very nice to meet you I am Cactusman, the Spiked Menace," he said with a Scottish accent. "Or 2800 if you prefer." The little orange goo creature I had seen was also there sitting next to Aé. "I know you've met 999 here," the man in the lab coat said. "And you've met Aé or 811. So I suppose it's time to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Bright or 963. Now there's just a couple more you need to meet." He walked over to a table by the wall and picked up something then he walked back over and held out his hand. In it he held two small snail looking creatures, however, they had horns, they were much bigger than normal snails, one was red and the other was blue-black, and their heads were shaped like that of a dragons. "These little guys are 111s or I suppose you could call them Dragon-Snails™️. This little guy," he said pointing to the red one is a Slimybellie®️ and this one is a Glowdrake®️."

"What are their names," I asked.

" Well they don't have names, but, I suppose we should think of something."

"Maybe later. I still have one question. What is SCP?" Everyone in the room was dead silent with the exception of 999 who was just making high-pitched gurgling and cooing noises. Bright put down the 111s and walked over to me. "SCP is the SCP foundation. It means secure, contain, protect. SCPs are what they contain inside. SCPs are creatures or objects that exhibit anomalous properties and the SCP foundation contains and protects them and of course test them, sometimes in very inhumane ways. That's why I left. Well that and the containment breach."

"Well what are you going to do then?"

"I suppose we'll have to find a new place to stay. If you found us then the SCP foundation will be able too as well."

"Where will you go?" Bright sighed, "we don't know, but we have to try."

"Well, why don't you come stay with me?"

"What? We couldn't, your parents-."

"Are gone," I finished. "My dads trapped three states away and my mother... Well she's gone." Bright looked sadly at me. "I'm sorry Ben."

"It's fine. Point is my house is perfect, even for 2662, we have high enough ceilings. Plus we have plenty of food for all of you."

"Well I suppose we have no other choice then. Thank you Ben. Also don't touch Aé, if you do you'll die and don't let her touch anything organic or it'll decompose unless your feeding her just give her some meat and she'll touch it to decompose and eat it. Do you have a basement with concrete floors?"

"Ok I'll keep that in mind. And yes we do have a basement." Bright smiled, "that will be perfect."