
SCP - The Game Console

[This Fanfic goes over Game-Elements, Multiverse Traveling, and more. If that is not your cup of tea, then it's your choice in whether or not to read the novel] [Synapsis] From being run over to finding out that I am an SCP within a world full of beings that could end the world as we know it... Arc 1: The Beginning(Chapter 1-25) Arc 2: Multiversal Travel and Divine Energy Collecting(Chapter 25-?)

Unholy_Student · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

010 - The First Guardian

[Create Guardian]

[Selecting Target...done!]

[Imbuing Divine Energy...2.5 Divine Energy has been imbued, you now have 5 DE remaining]

[Target is evolving...done!]

[Connecting Consciousness...done!]

Suddenly I felt thoughts not my own enter my mind.

Suddenly a stream of golden energy flowed out from my body(the console) and into the cat.

The golden energy wrapped around the cat and began changing the cat at the molecular level...

I watched as the cat slowly turned into a beautiful young woman...

A...naked, beautiful woman with cat ears and a tail...

Through my new connection with her, I could feel her emotions.

She is confused, excited, and uncomfortable.

"Calm down, try to get used to your new form, my name is Michael, what's your name?" I asked her.

"I don't have one, are you my new master?" she asked through our connection.

"I guess you could say I am your new master, but I prefer if you just called me Michael and since you do not have a name, how about I give you one?" I asked.

"I would like that..." she told me with her white cat ears twitching.

"How about...Bastet? Or Bast for short?" I asked.

[A/N: Bastet, also called Bast, an ancient Egyptian goddess worshiped in the form of a lioness and later a cat. The daughter of Ra, the sun god, Bastet was an ancient deity whose ferocious nature was ameliorated after the domestication of the cat around 1500 BCE, Goddess of protection, cats, perfume/ointments, fertility, pregnancy, children, music, the arts, and warfare]

"Bast? I like it..." she told me.

"Okay! From now you shall be known as Bast!" I told her.

While she stood in front of me I looked into her status.


Name: Bastet(Bast)

Class: None

Titles: Guardian of the Divine Game Console

Race: Cat

Level: 25

EXP: 0/25,000

HP: 100/100 (CON x 10)

MP: 90/100 (INT x 10)

HP Regen: 1.0 HP per minute(HP / 100)

MP Regen: 10 MP Per minute(MP / 10)

STR: 10

AGI: 10

CON: 10

INT: 10

CHA: 10

Free Attribute Points: 240

Physical Damage: 1-10 (STR x 1)

Physical Defense: 1-10 (CON x 1)

Active Skills: Human Form(Level 1, 1%)

Passive Skills: None


[Human Form(Level 1, 1%) - Allows the user to take on a humanoid form, costs 10 Mana per minute while transformed]

[Guardian of the Divine Game Console(Title)(Evolvable) - A title given to those that are the Guardians of the Divine Game Console, this title gives the following buffs:

--> +500% Stat Increase when Protecting the Divine Game Console

--> +500% EXP Bonus for every kill]


Does this mean my players can earn EXP in real life too for killing creatures?

Hm...I will need to test this.

"Bast, if you don't mind can you bring me a bird?" I asked her politely.

Without any questions, poof, in an explosion of smoke, she transformed back to her cat form and nodded before heading outside.

Within a minute I saw a screen appear at the corner of my vision.

[Your Guardian, Bastet, has killed a Bird!]

[You have gained 0.01 Divine Energy!]

Oh? I can gain Divine Energy from Bast's kills?

Soon she came back into the abandoned house I occupied with a dead bird in her mouth.

I looked over her status and found a change.

[Bas(Level 25) 1/25,000 EXP]

Only a single exp for killing the bird?

Wouldn't she have to kill 24,999 more birds if she wanted to level up?

But, does this mean that I can earn Divine Energy from the other players when they kill something in real life?

I guess only time will be able to tell.

I wonder, can Bast earn EXP in my game dimension?

But before I test that theory I need to guide bast in placing her free Attribute points she got from leveling up.

And after a few minutes, she finished placing her points.


Name: Bastet(Bast)

Class: None

Titles: Guardian of the Divine Game Console

Race: Cat

Level: 25

EXP: 0/25,000

HP: 500/500 (CON x 10)

MP: 500/500 (INT x 10)

HP Regen: 5.0 HP per minute(HP / 100)

MP Regen: 50 MP Per minute(MP / 10)

STR: 80

AGI: 100

CON: 50

INT: 50

CHA: 10

Physical Damage: 1-80 (STR x 1)

Physical Defense: 1-50 (CON x 1)

Active Skills: Human Form(Level 1, 1%)

Passive Skills: None


Once we were done I pulled her into my dimension and to my surprise she could hunt down the Slimes for EXP!