
SCP: "The Rise of The Administrator"

Léonard Dumont, a 16-year-old French teenager and geek of the SCP Foundation's myths, one day receives a notification on his computer from the SCP Foundation Management System. His duty is to build the SCP Foundation has The Administrator of the Foundation. This story is a mix of several canons of the Foundation. Mix everything with our own real world to add a weight of realism to all this. This is my very first story, I hope you will enjoy it and I am open to all criticism and comments.

phamtom3000 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: 

The fierce battle between Ares and the cult leader had reached a fever pitch, with each blow and taunt pushing them closer to their limits. The air around them crackled with raw energy, a testament to the sheer power of their struggle. The cult leader, his face twisted with rage and contempt, swung a massive, energy-infused fist toward Ares. The ground beneath them splintered from the force of the impact, but Ares was already gone, having teleported just out of reach.

Reappearing behind the leader, Ares unleashed a rapid series of strikes, each one aimed at a critical point in the leader's defenses. His movements were precise, methodical—he was a soldier trained for moments like this, where a single mistake could mean death. But the cult leader, despite the damage he was taking, seemed almost unstoppable, his body pulsing with a dark, unnatural energy.

"You think you can hide behind that armor forever?" the leader sneered, recovering quickly from Ares' assault. His eyes glowed with an unholy light as he tapped into the source of his power, an ancient and malevolent force that seemed to radiate from deep within him. "I'll tear you out of it piece by piece if I have to."

Ares, breathing heavily but still composed, fired back, "You'll try, but you won't succeed. You're just another anomaly that needs to be contained."

The leader's laugh was a deep, guttural sound, filled with equal parts amusement and disdain. "You don't even understand what you're up against, do you? The Foundation, your precious rules—they mean nothing in the face of true power. I will bring this world to its knees, and you can't stop me."

Ares responded with a blast from his Goliath Railgun, the projectile slamming into the cult leader's chest with a force that would have obliterated a lesser being. But the leader barely flinched, the impact only fueling his rage. With a bellow of fury, he retaliated, summoning a wave of dark energy that erupted from the ground, aiming to engulf Ares.

The operative, recognizing the danger, activated his Kinetic Absorption Module just in time, absorbing a portion of the energy, but the sheer force of the attack sent him skidding backward, his armor struggling to compensate. Even as he steadied himself, Ares could feel the toll the battle was taking on him. His systems were pushed to their limits, and the cult leader showed no signs of slowing down.

"You can't win this," the leader taunted, his voice dripping with confidence as he stalked toward Ares, the ground cracking beneath his feet. "You're just delaying the inevitable. Why don't you just accept your fate and die with some dignity?"

Ares, ever defiant, gritted his teeth and responded through the pain, "If you think I'll just roll over and die, then you're dumber than you look." With a swift motion, he activated his Grappling System, pulling himself to a higher vantage point on a nearby ruined structure. From there, he launched a barrage of Mass Disruption Grenades, each one creating a localized gravitational anomaly that distorted the battlefield, tearing up chunks of debris and sending them hurtling toward the cult leader.

The leader shielded himself with a wave of dark energy, the debris disintegrating before it could reach him. But Ares wasn't finished. Using the distraction to his advantage, he launched himself off the structure, coming down hard on the leader with a powerful strike aimed at his exposed flank. The blow connected with a satisfying crunch, and for the first time, the leader staggered, a look of surprise flashing across his face.

"Is that all you've got?" Ares taunted, not giving the leader a moment to recover. He followed up with a series of rapid strikes, each one aimed with deadly precision. But the cult leader, driven by sheer will and dark power, fought back with a renewed ferocity, their battle becoming a blur of motion and energy.

"You think this will end with me?" the leader snarled, even as he struggled to keep up with Ares' relentless assault. "There are others like me, stronger than me. You're just a pawn in a game you can't even begin to understand."

Ares didn't flinch, his focus laser-sharp as he continued to press the attack. "Maybe," he said, his voice calm and unyielding, "but taking you down is a good start."

The two warriors clashed again, their battle pushing them to the brink of exhaustion. The landscape around them was a ruin of craters and shattered structures, the very air thick with the power of their struggle. And still, neither side would give an inch, each determined to see the other fall.

As the fight dragged on, Ares knew that time was running out. He could feel his systems beginning to falter, the energy reserves in his armor dwindling. But the cult leader was also weakening, his movements growing more sluggish, his attacks less precise. It was a battle of attrition now, a test of who could outlast the other.

The cult leader, his breath ragged, launched one final, desperate assault, pouring all of his remaining power into a massive surge of dark energy. The wave of force tore through the battlefield, a last-ditch effort to overwhelm Ares and end the fight once and for all.

But Ares, drawing on every ounce of strength he had left, met the attack head-on. His Kinetic Absorption Module roared to life, taking in as much of the energy as it could, and with a roar of defiance, he unleashed it back at the leader, amplifying it tenfold. The resulting explosion rocked the battlefield, a blinding flash of light and sound that drowned out everything else.

When the dust settled, both combatants were still standing, but barely. Ares, his armor battered and sparking, faced off against the cult leader, who was hunched over, breathing heavily, his body trembling from the strain of the battle. They locked eyes, and in that moment, they both knew that the end was near.

The fight wasn't over yet, but it was clear that the final clash was imminent. Both Ares and the cult leader were on the brink, each knowing that only one of them would walk away from this battlefield alive. The tension hung in the air, heavy and oppressive, as they prepared for what would be the decisive moment in their brutal, unrelenting struggle.

The battlefield was a chaotic swirl of energy and destruction as Ares and the cult leader continued their brutal exchange. The sky above crackled with the residual energy of their clash, the air thick with dust and smoke. Ares, his armor battered and glowing with stress fractures, showed no sign of backing down, despite the immense toll the fight had taken on him.

The cult leader, however, seemed to draw strength from the devastation surrounding them. His eyes burned with a malevolent light as he launched another series of powerful strikes, each blow shaking the ground and sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Ares countered with calculated precision, his movements a mix of agility and brute force, but it was clear that both combatants were nearing their limits.

"You think your technology can save you, Ares?" the leader taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "Your Foundation has no idea what true power is. They play with toys while I command the forces of creation and destruction!"

Ares dodged a vicious swipe, then closed the distance between them, landing a powerful punch to the leader's side. "All I hear is a lot of talking," Ares replied, his voice steady despite the exhaustion creeping into his limbs. "You're just another tyrant with a god complex. I've dealt with worse."

The leader grinned, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth as he staggered back but quickly regained his footing. "Worse? You haven't seen anything yet, soldier." With a sudden burst of speed, the cult leader closed the gap between them, driving his fist into Ares' chest with enough force to send him skidding backward across the ruined terrain.

Ares' armor groaned under the strain, sparks flying from damaged circuits as he tried to recover. But the leader didn't relent, pressing his advantage with a barrage of dark energy blasts. Ares deflected what he could, but several blasts connected, tearing into his armor and sending a surge of pain through his body.

The cult leader, sensing victory, began to chant in a language older than time, his voice resonating with a deep, otherworldly power. The ground beneath them began to pulse with dark energy, tendrils of malevolent force rising from the earth and coiling around the leader as he prepared his final, deadly assault.

Ares could feel the air thickening, the very essence of the battlefield warping under the influence of the dark magic. He recognized the signs—a Sarkic ritual, one meant to unleash a curse so powerful it could rip the very soul from a living being. Despite the pain and exhaustion, Ares' mind raced as he tried to think of a countermeasure, but the ritual was beyond anything he had encountered before.

The leader's voice grew louder, his chanting now a roar that echoed across the battlefield. The tendrils of dark energy coalesced above him, forming a massive, pulsating sphere of pure destruction. Ares could see the raw hatred in the leader's eyes, the sadistic glee as he prepared to unleash the full force of the curse.

"You will die, Ares," the leader hissed, his voice layered with malevolent intent. "And when you do, I will devour your soul, just as I have done to countless others before you."

Ares, battered and on the verge of collapse, stared up at the swirling vortex of energy, his every instinct screaming at him to move, to escape, but he knew there was nowhere to run. The ritual was reaching its climax, the sphere of energy growing larger, more unstable, ready to obliterate everything in its path.

In those final moments, Ares' mind was a blur of calculations and possibilities. His neural interface screamed warnings, his armor systems pushing beyond their limits to provide any chance of survival. But as the cult leader raised his hand, the energy above him pulsing in rhythm with his heartbeat, Ares knew that this was the moment where everything would be decided.

The leader's voice cut through the air like a blade, a single word that carried with it the weight of a thousand curses. The dark sphere of energy surged forward, aimed directly at Ares, moving with a speed and inevitability that left no room for escape. 

Ares' eyes narrowed, his body tensed, ready to make his final move—but then the world slowed to a crawl as the deadly curse bore down on him, mere seconds away from impact.

The very air seemed to distort around the spell, as if reality itself recoiled from the sheer malevolence of the attack. Ares, standing his ground, readied himself for impact, every muscle in his body tensed, his mind calculating every possible outcome. But before the dark energy could reach him, a figure materialized between them—a figure both familiar and unexpected.

SCP-073 appeared with an aura of calm that belied the chaos surrounding him. The deadly spell, which had been seconds away from striking Ares, collided with Cain instead. Yet, instead of causing harm, the curse rebounded, reflecting off of Cain's. The dark energy shot back toward the cult leader with terrifying speed, its force now doubled by the unexpected reversal.

The leader's eyes widened in shock as his own curse slammed into him, his body convulsing from the impact. He staggered, dark smoke curling from his flesh as the spell's effects ravaged him. For a moment, the battlefield was silent, the only sound the crackling remnants of dark energy dissipating into the air.

Ares and Cain exchanged a glance—brief, but filled with unspoken understanding. There was no need for words. They both knew what had to be done. Without hesitation, they turned their attention back to the cult leader, who was now struggling to regain his footing, his body trembling with pain and fury.

The leader, despite his suffering, refused to fall. He roared in defiance, the sound echoing across the battlefield like a thunderclap. His eyes burned with hatred as he summoned more dark magic, the ground beneath him cracking and splitting as he drew upon the corrupted power that fueled him. Black tendrils of energy spiraled around his form, weaving themselves into a new, even more potent spell.

Ares and Cain advanced together, their movements synchronized as if they had fought side by side for years. Ares raised his Goliath Railgun, its barrel glowing with charged energy, while Cain's calm demeanor never wavered, his presence a steady counterbalance to the chaos around them. The two operatives moved like predators closing in on their prey, their focus entirely on the cult leader.

The leader, now desperate, unleashed a barrage of dark energy blasts, each one more ferocious than the last. The sky above them darkened as the spells shot through the air, their impact shaking the very earth. Ares and Cain dodged and countered with practiced precision, their teamwork seamless. Ares fired shot after shot, his railgun tearing through the air with explosive force, while Cain absorbed and deflected any attack that came their way.

The battlefield was a scene of utter devastation—craters and debris littered the ground, the remnants of their previous clashes still smoldering. The cult leader, his body battered and bleeding, seemed to grow even more unstable with each passing moment. The dark energy surrounding him pulsed erratically, as if responding to his mounting desperation. But even in his weakened state, the leader was still a formidable opponent, his power a deadly force that could not be underestimated.

As the battle raged on, the cult leader began to chant in a guttural, ancient language, his voice filled with a mix of rage and agony. The air around him shimmered with dark energy, and Ares recognized the signs of an even more dangerous spell being cast. This was no ordinary attack—whatever the leader was summoning now, it had the potential to bring utter destruction to everything around them.

Ares exchanged another glance with Cain, a silent confirmation passing between them. They knew they had to act fast—if the leader completed this spell, the consequences would be catastrophic. Ares prepared himself for a final, decisive strike, his mind racing through calculations, searching for the perfect moment to attack. Cain, ever calm, stepped forward, ready to shield Ares once more if needed.

The cult leader, now surrounded by a swirling vortex of dark energy, raised his hands toward the sky, the spell reaching its peak. The ground beneath him cracked and groaned, and the very air seemed to scream in protest. The power he was harnessing was immense, beyond anything they had faced so far. But Ares and Cain were undeterred—they had come too far, fought too hard, to back down now.

Just as the leader prepared to unleash his final spell, Ares and Cain launched their assault. Ares fired a concentrated beam of energy from his railgun, aimed directly at the leader's heart, while Cain moved in with lightning speed, his presence still a shield against the dark magic. The leader, caught off guard by the simultaneous attack, faltered, his spell momentarily disrupted.

But the leader's desperation fueled his resilience. With a snarl, he redirected his dark energy toward Ares, a massive surge of power that threatened to overwhelm even Cain's protection. Ares braced himself, knowing that this could be the final moment of their battle.

In those last seconds, the world seemed to slow down, the sounds of the battlefield fading into the background. The leader's spell, a swirling mass of dark energy, hurtled toward Ares with deadly intent. The outcome of this fight hung in the balance, with the potential to decide not just their fates, but the fate of everyone around them.

And then, just as the spell was about to make contact, the battlefield exploded into chaos once more...