
Scourge Valley

From the beginnings of this story, A boy named Nathan is just living his normal life until he met a girl that he knew not so long before, she enlighten him with a game that everyone played during this time of year, knowing that it's new and hasn't been played by many but left with a lot of good views. With the Information that he got, Nathan began to play the game, It went good for a while and now he end up in a world that's simpler to the game as he thought, Right now he has to continue down his path and dream to make it come truth as he's willing to make it happen, but as the day goes by, someone will make it to be true, but for now Nathan will have to learn which side to pick.

Neisan_Forgotten · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 1 - How it begin of a new world

Where should I begin my writing...

Lets start from the beginning of my origin

First of all My name is Nathan Ki-ra-san I'm 18, single and just travel into Japan. I change my last name because If I'm being honest, I just really wanna fit in and don't be the odd one out... :( Well continuing to my introduction The place that I'm living and staying, is Kawagoe as I am slowly buying off the home that my distance family has given me during the few days I spend by paying it off, I started to enter in an online class for fun so I won't have to go out that much, But probably made friends along the gaming web. The guys mostly ask question about if I would be able to hide in the shadow and other things that I don't get about because I'm not all great in speaking Japanese but I'm learning the language slowly but they are the only one that is helping me with it.... Maybe because within the group I'm the only Character with the muscles instead of aiming to level up my HP or Mana. In the real world I'm a health guy and exercise almost everyday, during the time off is bills, fun, watching porn which is every lonely guy with no girlfriends and buy off katana that doesn't cut a bamboo but I do sharpen the blade to reach to my expectation.

That'll be all for myself but I'll continue to this story In a next time when I'm bored

Nathan would close the book and look around as his room was in a messy state, "Why life have to be so hard and boring" He'd remove himself from his seat and slowly make his way through the mess, leaving from his room he make his way down the stairs, heading toward the kitchen as he was startle by the ring of the door bell "who would that be..." he smell himself and realize that he hasn't shower for days but the person continue to rush him into answering "alright, alright, I'm coming, just give me 10 to 20 mins please and thank you for you patience" Over the Loud banging the person couldn't hear it.

Girl: She kept knocking on the door hard as she can "Open up already, I wanna have a chat with you!" she would pouts and continue to bang on the door "What's taking him so long.... don't tell me that lonely guy have a girlfriend!?" She stop for a while and think back "How could big brother have a girlfriend and he's terrible at speaking to girl around our age, It just don't make sense?" She reach into her beg and take out a spear key "I guess this is the time to surprise him and see if he do have one or maybe he's sleeping under the morning star", As soon as she open the door..... fate was meeting with the smell that defeated her in a combat which brought the result as she fainted.

Few hours went by as she was still out cool, and during those times Nathan finish cleaning up the house.

"Okay this is new... A girl who I barely met before laying down unconscious.... Hmmmm" Nathan look at her body and face "She's pretty, beautiful and very short..." Nathan stop to think for a bit and came to real life situation "What if the Neighbors saw me, carrying a helpless girl that fell unconscious from the mess and smell that I made!" Nathan walk around aimlessly, thinking of a situation to avoid it "Okay what to do, what to do, what to do..... what the hell am I suppose to do" He look at the girl and reach his hand towards her. "Maybe the neighbor won't find out if I carry her to the guest room and just tell the cops that she was really busy.... I got nothing but I have to find a way not to be throw in jail"

Girl: She regain conscious to see Nathan hand reaching for her "GET AWAY YOU PERVERT" In a fast reflex she aggressively kick Nathan to the torso as from that pressure thrown him into a wall which left a body print as Nathan went unconscious within seconds "I think I made it in time because if he get his hands on me" she quickly feel around her body and then to look at Nathan and was left in a stat of shock. "My mom gonna kill me!" She try to wake him up but there's no luck "wake up you idiot. As much as I wanna justified your action but I need you alive so I could learn about you" She kept shaking him up

A few hours has went by... again as The girl sits on the couch just waiting....

"D-did I die...?" Nathan look around carefully as he notice the girl siting on the couch with her legs folded

Girl: "Are you enjoying your view pervert" she stare at him with only death in her eyes

"Who are you call me a pervert" Nathan quickly get up and stare back, "You were the one that fainted in front of my house and trying to get me in prison, Not to mention that kick could have kill me!"

Girl: "It's not my fault that you were going to rape me" she unfolded her legs and quickly gotten up from where she sit and quickly move to attack Nathan but he defeated her "let me go or I'll shout out for help pervert"

("What's the problem with this chick, is she out of her mind") Nathan would agree and let go of her "Before you run out of this house or call for help, My name is Ki-ra-san Nathan and what is yours?

Emi: "My name is Yuki Emi and it's nice to meet you Nathan" She lower her head "I'm sorry for the trouble That I bring you in and I won't do it again but please don't tell mother because she'll have my head if anything happen to you because of me"

He would sigh and pat her head "It's okay and you're very fortunate that I didn't leave you outside the door for an older men to take you away but why are you wondering alone to my house, your mother must be worried about you?"

Emi: "To clear the confusion I'm your age and I'll be staying here for a few mouth so you don't have any other option in your word of saying" She show her tongue to him and walk around the house "This is the first time that I see a lovely guy clean house and everything. I'll do the cooking since you kept it so clean for the reward of your effort"

"Uhhh sure... (I'm very fortunate to have a sexy girl to stay in a place like this and It's a great time for her not to notice that I was cleaning during the pass hours) wait what's in the menu?"

Emi: "Rice ball with some meats and a salad to balance it out the complete dish" She open the fridge and take out the ingredients begin to create it "I also brought a game that you would enjoy and play"

"What kind of game do you intend?" Nathan quickly run upstairs to his room, aimlessly looking all over to bring down his gaming console "where could it be?"

Emi: "I can't continue to explain the game if you run to your room and that's rude of you to do that" she'd pout as she finishes up the rice ball and rest it on the plate and sigh "what am I going to do with this guy.... Maybe I should have stay with my mother" she think back a bit "It's more worth it then going back to her"

"Sorry for that Yuki, I was just looking for the console to set it up so we could play together"

He quickly set it up and sit there, waiting

Emi: ("It's still worth it") she look at him "At least set up the table so I could served the meal"

"Sorry Yuki" he set up the table and sit on the chair as there's no time of the matter ("I mustn't show any bad impression to her because she's the first girl that every enter in my house.... well other then her mom but she still the first")

Emi: She rest the meal on the table and sit down in front of him as they both pray first to then begin eating

A few minutes has pass after they finish ate, the whole table was clear and the dishes wash

Emi: "Alright so the game that has been sold out today is call Scourge valley, A simple Rpg adventure game, It's not only base on adventure but you'll get to learn more about the story later on while you play it" She smile and put it the CD as Nathan began to look it through

"Wow It's so detail in name and back ground... Am I playing the future" he look so excited and confused on where to start

System... online

Gameplay... online

building Terrain... online

Wifi / internet... Great!

Now please wait and allow me to scan your surroundings

We'll begin soon

"This is new and so cool that they added a voice robot" Nathan continue to get ahead of himself

Emi: "Why are you getting so work up on this? It's normal for the game to do that but I'm guessing that you haven't been playing any games in your life" She look at him with confusion, thinking and knowing that what her mother told Emi about his favorite thing to do when he's on his day off and what food he now started to like when I first show him my great cooking.

"What are u taking about Yuki? The reason why I'm excited and wanted to play this so badly because my friends keep teasing me about- " before Nathan could finish his sentence he was interrupt by "wait you have friends!?". he turn to Emi as he wasn't surprise "Yes I have friends, A guy who just moved in the city and doing online classes plus with the added on points not so great with the language" He came not so close to Emi face "So what bring you that question of me having no fr-"

Emi: She slap him across the face without having a second to think as her face turn red "Too close for comfort" she quickly cover herself "Well I didn't know at the moment so" she pouted

Nathan rub his cheek "Why did you-.... never mind, lets just see if the game finish loading up"

Game system complete.....


In this, where you find your calling and seek your limit In love, power, money, loyalty and king

We hope you meet our expectation

Nathan became speechless as he was already amazed and course about how to begin it, what advantage he could take and how lucky the lady's is going to fall for him "alright lets begin our character design, so I could began my quest to Victoria length.... huh?" looking confused as he saw his character that look almost identical to himself

Emi: "Well you see that this game have already taking a liking to you and create the character in your images so you won't have to go through the progress of suffering" she would pout at him "It's not like I play the game already and create him"

"I'm not blaming if you do or don't but not to mention that even if you did, the game won't take long to finish, what it has left off..... but thanks for the assist into making the character for me"

Emi: "I told you it's not me that made it for you but just put it as a help from the game system itself", she given a light smile showing and enlighten the point that Nathan is enjoying himself ("even though we only met for a week or 2 I can't stop the feeling that bother inside of me") within her thoughts she wonder clueless about what could happen during there first meeting but just brush it off by watching the beginning of the gameplay

"All right this going to be big part of my story, to became the strongest player their is!" Nathan shouted with all of his lungs as he then stop to think about what he just say. "How am I going to begin my quest of becoming the strongest and it have hackers left and right, just waiting to take out the newbie.... how am I going to pull off from that just by pushing button and learning new skills but even so" He slap himself hard that put a scare to Emi

Emi: "Did you slap yourself for something stupid Idiot" she stare at him for a second and look away "Tch just forget what I say and if you say anything about it I will kick you again, got it" she pouted more and remove the controller to begin playing the game for him

Game system active and ready to begin quest....

??: hello and welcome to the life time of your journey to become something great in this system, I'll be your only guild so you have to follow through.... got it?

Emi selected yes to processing the game code and rules

??: Alright lets begin our journey to take advantage over the exploiting OH HO HO HO

"That's a first to see a game do that kind of laugh or is it stuck on Christmas theme" He took the controller and continue the game

??: For your first quest we need to kill 5 rabbit, That'll be easy enough for you right? The game look at the character with a wondering face

Emi: "yea Nathan it'll be easy to kill off a few rabbit" She smile at him waiting to move in with teasing "I mean how much damage could a rabbit do huh?" she laugh a bit and trying to not make herself obvious.

"Oh come on, It my first time playing this and I don't care about if it's easy or not because how hard it'll be?" Nathan would click the button to accept the quest

??: Alright follow me to your location to grab your equipment for your gear then we'll start the quest, okay?

"Alright lets start our journey!" Nathan would enter the store after a long quest of killing the poor rabbit, As he look around carefully choosing the item that would be good for his status "So what'll be the very best recommend for my suitable fighting style

??: right this way and I'll show the items that you need and carry your team to higher Mountains, You could call me the shop keeper or Emma for shot, because between all weapons and armor, please take your time and enjoy your stay Heh... heh... heh...

Emi: "I guess she's on the mood in attempt to seduce into your interest to sell you a shitty weapon for a high prize" She look at the cost as Nathan have an idea about the deals and knock off with each items "well If you know so much, you should give it a try. But I'm warning you to be careful or you would got played by the Npc"

"I know what I'm doing so don't tease me about it" He approach the women but before he could do anything "wait.... It has a limited deal with the most op weapon, not to mention It has a great cost of it, I'll try to win it over" Nathan look at the shopkeeper "I want to give my offer to you if you don't mind, It'll be simple and straight forward so no holding back"

Emma: Alright Then I won't hold back with any fake detail, The owner show the limited weapon as she began to explain its story


A weapon that devour magic and life forces, a sword that emerge from the bloodline of a devil between the holder that carry it with his soul, Life without the words of the holy knight that shield the blade from ever Breaking the limits and slowly eating the soul of the human. If I give you this sword for 100,000 gold, you would keep this with u and use it carefully... It may kill you~

Nathan read it over and look at the cost of it "I'll ask for a down grade with that prize"

Emma: Ohh I see where you're going with this heh.... she'd smile evil as she's ready to give it her all

This went about 15 hours, counter after counter, upon deals after deals, Nathan wasn't going to give up until he have it at the lowest prize

Emma: This is getting no where..... She would look at the sword and then to Nathan, I'll give you this sword with only 2,000 coin..... take it or leave it because you're holding a line of players that want to buy something off of me okay??

"I love that deal and I thank you for not making it hard for us" Nathan give her the money and walk away with the weapon "But I'm very sorry to tell you that this is all that I got on me for kill 200 rabbits"

Emma look shock after she heard the words that flow out of his mouth. I been played!! She hold her head and tears was coming out of her, I'll get you next time when we encounter each other again.

Emi: "Wow.... You.... really did it....." She would yawn over the hours of Nathan trying to lower the deal to the weapons and armor as she then fallen to take a nap

Heh... heh... heh... I did it.... and it only take- Nathan has pass out of the blue

"Where did I left it off , I forgot to hold on between where it went with my origin, All I remember...." Nathan has open his eyes with a image of a female poking him with a stick "Uhhh.... Where..." The girl poke his face "Okay what the hell Yuki!" He was face with the girl in front of him

??: "So you awake and feeling well... Good" she give a very light smile "this will be the beginning between you and me"

Continuing to the next chapter....