
Chapter- 1

Akiva who just got transferred to a new school.

She was finding her class but then she bumped into someone and they both fall . They stood up and said sorry to each other but then the person asked her are you new here Akiva said yes Then the girl said Hello , I am Lee Yuna nice to meet . I am also new here . Akiva- hello I am Kim Akiva nice to meet you too .

Yuna - in which class you are ?

Akiva - I am in 11th B but I can't find my class room

Yuna - It's great ,I am also in 11th B . It has been 4 days since I came here, com'on let's go to the class and tell you everything about this school.

Akiva - Let's go then .

They both left for the class

In class

They seated next to each other after sometime. The teacher came everyone said good morning then the teacher asked you - You , are you new here , Akiva - yes

Teacher - Then come and introduce yourself to the class

Akiva- Good morning everyone, I..I am Akiva nice to meet you all .

Teacher - Good now you can go to your seat .

Everyone open your book so we have to start our 2 lesson today .

He was teaching and then someone entered the class without saying anything and settled himself on the last bench. Mr. Choi ( teacher) didn't said anything to him because he was use to it .

Akiva - hey who is he? (whisper to Yuna)

Yuna - Kevin the bad boy of the school . He always comes when ever he is in mood to come in class after all his fafter is the richest business man of the city every girl is mad about him he is so hot after all. Leave it I'll tell you everything in lunch break. You nodded.

After sometime there was lunch break you and Yuna goes to cafeteria. You both where talking and telling about you families to each other but then you both heard all the girls screaming for Kevin and his group fab 4 .

Akiva - who are the else members

Yuna - The one with glasses is Rack and the one who has a little long hair is Jake the one with near Jake is James.

( I am veryyy sorryy guys if i disappointed you with this story and ya i know I made a little short part cause i wanted to know first that you guys have intrest in it or not and if you guys have any recommendations for story line then plsss tell me in the comments i will think about it and add it ) That's all I hope you liked it thank you everyone 💖 👀