

J.Y.J high school is know for it's excellent teaching all around the city .Tan Kabra is known as the Ace of J.Y.J high school . Lian Dias is an intelligent girl chasing her dream of becoming doctor. Four years ago they were the best friends but now can't even stand each other's face in one school. As the story proceed , readers will experience unimaginable twists with comedy , love and conflict. For this enroll your selves now in School 2021

Apurva_Dhanawade · Ação
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28 Chs

You are his friend?

DATE - 20/10/20


"Hi! " said Ren waving at Aria who was present today but Lain was absent. Since, Aria was absent yesterday she didn't had any idea about Mr. Ren Tesco who siting today at Lian's place. " I guess you were not present yesterday. I am new admission. My name is Ren . Peon has not added extra bench to our classroom therefore I am siting here at empty bench." He explained politely. " Oh! You are new admission . Sorry! I don't have any idea about it. By the way I am Aria Watts ." she replied .

" Nice name ! Aria can show me the way towards school office please . I have some work to be done there . I have a friend in this school but his has not arrived yet." asked Ren. " Yes. Come with me ." accepted Ren's request.


Rayn and Zayn tuan were planning some mischief outside the principal's office when Aria spotted them there. " ZAYN & RAYN , What are you doing here ? " she interrogated them. " SHH! Stop yelling . Hey! Aren't you new admission in our class who arrived yesterday ." asked Rayn to Ren who was standing with Aria .

" yeah"

" HI! WE ARE TROUBLEMAKER TWINS - ZAYN & RAYN TUAN " They waved him to-gather . " Do wanna watch some fun? Wait for some minutes." said Zayn.

" Ahhh! WHO PUT GLUE ON MY CHAIR ? I CAN'T MOVE . " Exclaimed Mr. Dk who had came out from the washroom and sat on the chair . When tried to get up from chair he couldn't because of the super glue that they had put on the chair when Mr. Dk went to the washroom. When they heard Mr. DK's troubled voice they couldn't help but to giggle . When Mr. DK heard their laughs he understood that it was none other then Rayn & Zayn. He screamed ," Isn't it you'll two again ? RAYN AND ZAYN! "

As soon as they heard the Mr. DK's Screams they ran away from there. " Ren didn't you had some work at office ? " reminded Aria to Ren who was busy in conversation with Tuan Twins . It seems they made a match in personality. " OK! Guys see you at class . I have some work to be done ." he said as he waved bye to twins.

" Hey! Aria . How are you? " came the voice from behind . They turned back to see who was it. Bang! It was Megan Williams . " I don't have time for your trash now so please shut your mouth." replied Aria in disgust. " Who is she ? " asked Ren quickly with a blink of seconds . Ren was a curious person and always asks lot's of question irrespective of place , people and time. With this question unnoticed Ren was now noticed by Meghan and her friends . " Who is he ? she asked .

" Ren can't you shut your mouth for a moment. Let's go ." exclaimed Aria at Ren. Finally ,they reached the office and Ren's work was done ." Thank you so much , Aria."

" Oh! It's nothing like thanking in it. By the way I am sorry earlier I scolded you." apologized Ms. Aria.

" No! Actually , I am an ETHUSIASTIC person and therefore , asks lots of questions. Even my friends are sick of it." he explained.

" HAHAH! By the way , that girl's name is MEGHAN WILLIAMS. She is totally a brat . Always bullies everyone and I don't like her . So, we always share hate with each other ." she answered his earlier question.

" But she is pretty ,though. "

" Yeah! That's why she acts top of the world ." she answered

" You look beautiful ,too ." he complimented her.

Before , Aria could reply and another voice came . " HEY! Ren." and this time it was none other than Mr. Tan Kabra. " OH! Tan " he waved him back ." Aria , I told you earlier that I have one friend in this school . He is it . You might be knowing him after all he is so famous in whole school ." introduced Ren to his already known friends . " YOU ARE HIS FRIENDS ? " Aria said in disgust .

" Aria , Where is your friend ? asked Tan bluntly .

" Why are you asking ? " she replied .

" I have some things to be done ."

"Then sorry ! Your things will not be done today . She is absent ."



Finally, the heated conversation ended and they separated their ways back to class.

" Tan, What was that? Why were you talking rudely with that girl ? She is so nice ." asked Ren.

" And why were you hanging out with her ? " reverse questioned Tan to Ren .

" I had some work in the office .So I asked her to come with me." explained Ren

" Yesterday, only I showed to you the way to office . But then why you asked her to accompany you." asked flustered Tan

" Yeah! When I saw her in class for first time I was so into her . I want to hang out with her . So, I told her that I don't know the way to Office ."

" You punk! " came the voice from behind Ren . By now , Ren could recognize the voice and knew that he was completely screwed. He turned back and said,

" Aria ....What are you doing here?. You went that way right ." he asked even though he was frozen with fear .

BANG ! A punch came flying at Ren's face. " Next time .Don't you dare ? " she warned . " Here , are your documents which you forgotten to take from me . I came to returned you but I heard your reality ." she said handing over his file . " I am sorry ! " He apologized but Aria had left till then.

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