

J.Y.J high school is know for it's excellent teaching all around the city .Tan Kabra is known as the Ace of J.Y.J high school . Lian Dias is an intelligent girl chasing her dream of becoming doctor. Four years ago they were the best friends but now can't even stand each other's face in one school. As the story proceed , readers will experience unimaginable twists with comedy , love and conflict. For this enroll your selves now in School 2021

Apurva_Dhanawade · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


Place - J.Y.J High school playground.

Today, Class 12-C was in another spring of happiness reason- P.E lecture. But sun was playing hard at 10: 00 am on the ground. J.Y.J high school has always given a special importance to sports in their teaching's . Some students of school became next players of national team further . Tan was very passionate when it came to sports and indeed he was skilled.

When class, arrived at ground they saw playing equipment like footballs, basket balls and badminton. They all were happy to see it until Mr. Wills arrived with two peon with long jump landing mats . Terror seized everybody. Long jump was one to the sport which students hated on. " Sir, Why long jump this our first P.E lecture of this year ?" Whined Zayn.

" Zayn, Shut up! I know you'll very well if I leave you'll free to play something else; girls will sit and gossip on that bench whereas Boys will get into fight and most importantly you both will plan some mischief." said Mr.Will bluntly. Mr.Will was trained in military for 2 years and he was really strict and disciplined .

" Lineup , according to your heights in ascending order there ." he said pointing towards the sand pit .

" Sir, .....But" said rebel escaping from it when Mr. Wills interrupted .

" Those girls who don't want to do long jumps can do running of 1600m that's 4 times of our ground circumference."

Mr. Wills played smart here shutting the complains and whines completely.

" AND what if boys don't want to do? " asked Rayn

" There is no exception for boys and if there is anybody who have exception for it then I'll get physically ill certificate from Mr. Dk for them." Rayn was totally outsmarted this time.

J.Y.J high school gave special attention to children's health. Students who would be physicals or mentally ill were reported and then were given a certificate which would put - ve 25 in your final result. Lian was shortest girl in the class so she was standing first in lineup.

" Ms. Dias I didn't knew you were shortest in class ?" cracked up Ren seeing her standing first. " I also didn't knew you were a pervert ." taunted Lian back who was told about the park incident by Aria. " PERVERT!" exclaimed other girls loudly staring their own self defense conspiracies . Ren was ashamed and walked off. Though, Lian was shortest she can cross the sand pit swiftly. As it proceeded ,some fainted in sand pit , some tasted it and some of them had fall in it like a dead bird trying to fly . Finally, it was Tan's turn . " GO GO GO TAN " were the cheers from girls who waited so long to see him jump . Like a dolphin he jumped out of sand's ocean gracefully. " It's P.E not Olympics " calmed Ren to his friend burning in passion after jumping 2 feet 7 inches long . Ren didn't had special skills in sports . He was one of those, whose team suffered in relay due to his slow run , in football due to his weak limbs and in basketball due to smalls palms . He was nervous because of his painful history in long jump. He took the flight with his closed eyes and jumped off and landed nicely . " Yeah! I finally did it . This is my first time doing it and not getting hurt ." he trumped as he opened his eyes . " Ren , my brother you jumped just 50 cm long ." said Zayn looking at the scale . Now, he could hear the laughs and was embarrassed .

' triiiing ' rang the finishing bell. " How did the bell rang? There is still 15 minutes left ." exclaimed Mr. Will. " Oh! Guys let's go to class ." announced Rayn who was standing behind the Ren in line up but now since the bell rang twins won't be doing jumps anyways . " Wait , ZAYN AND RAYN isn't it something your plot ? asked Mr. Will who had smelled the foul tea . " No! we didn't do anything "

PLACE- Class 12- A

Yoona was waiting for Tan in recess as she thought he would come to inform her about menu's approval but he just texted her . " Yoona , why do you look so lost today? asked Lians .

" No, It's nothing ."

" Girls , let 's grab our favorite ice cream for canteen ." said Aria who was craving for ice-cream since a week but couldn't have it because of series of unluckiness.

" But I am not having one due to cold ." said Lians who just came to school from suffering .

As excepted canteen was crowded ,so they decided that only one person would stand there and rest would go to restroom. Lian was waiting in canteen while other both were heading to restroom .After long time , finally she got it . " You were down with cold then why are you eating ice- creams ?" asked Ren who was also waiting at canteen. " Sorry, I don't talk to 50 cm pervert " she replied .

" What 50 cm pervert ?"

" Ren , let's go from here . Some people only know to cause trouble for others ." said tan who had heard their conversation earlier .

" Excuse me . I didn't told you to bring soup for me ! "

" Soup for you...? " mumbled Yoona who had just arrived at the war zone with no idea about war .

" Yeah! But you told my mom on purpose ." emotions of being threatened by mom earlier were now swayed in the conversation.

" I didn't . And you could just refuse your mom if she tells you..." said Lian using her shield splashing tan's emotions back to him.

" He did but his mom told him to get out of house . She even told him not to act boss in front of her ." said Ren jumping in war zone as a foolish friend pricked his own friend with needle of embarrassment .

' triiiiing ! ' the peace bell rang . War was now on hold and the warrior's from both sides headed back to their territory - one with embarrassment one with laughter as todays result were;



" What were you guys talking about ? " asked Yoona who still didn't knew the subject of today's war .

" Oh! I am getting late . This is your ice- cream ." said Lian as she handed her the subject of war ( ice - cream) which was melted by now.

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