

J.Y.J high school is know for it's excellent teaching all around the city .Tan Kabra is known as the Ace of J.Y.J high school . Lian Dias is an intelligent girl chasing her dream of becoming doctor. Four years ago they were the best friends but now can't even stand each other's face in one school. As the story proceed , readers will experience unimaginable twists with comedy , love and conflict. For this enroll your selves now in School 2021

Apurva_Dhanawade · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


DATE- 20/10/20


" You would have told me , that she was standing behind us ." whined Ren.

" I also didn't knew that she was standing behind us."

" Huh! What impression I would have left on her. Would she think that I am a big flirt or even a pevert ."

" Yeah! I think she wouldn't talk to you again." said Tan .

" Stop ! Don't say like this." pleaded Ren.

" I know her from four years . She will not even she your face again."

" OH! What should I do now?" said Ren

" Just forget her and focus on school." give Tan a wise advice.


Ren was very embarrassed about his earlier actions . He was totally confused as to how to start conversation with Aria again. But the bell rang and the period started. Ren took admission about two weeks after school started ,so he did not knew anything about earlier lessons . " AH! Aria please help Ren today with lessons ." said Mr. Lee to Aria who was very annoyed with Ren . Aria didn't replied anything . " Lian, didn't came today? " he asked further. " NO, SIR. she is down with severely cold." she said. " Ok! " sighed Mr. Lee.

"I AM SORRY FOR EARLIER . " sincerely apologized Ren to Aria who was busying packing up her stuff for next period. " I should have knew it earlier only that you are TAN'S FRIEND.' she said ripping off the sincerity of Ren's apology. " BECAUSE I AM TAN'S FRIENDS .Is it right what I heard ? I thought Tan is really popular but then why did Aria said something like this ." thought Ren as his minds peace move to self destruction. Ren was now mentally disturbed by that incidence and can't focus on anything .It was Mr. Mark's lecture . Mr. Mark was a P.H.D in mathematics and was indeed a strict teacher . His lecture was a biggest challenge for students as while teaching he used to suddenly ask students some questions and students would totally go insane about it . His favorites in this Q& A round student's was none other than Zayn Tuan and Jackson Yee. They would always be asked questions and as excepted came up with stupid answer . But the condition was if you fail to answer you will be given special homework from Mr. Mark's self made math's textbook which he will be publishing next year . Last time , When Jackson was busy arguing with one was his gangmates ; the needle stuck at him .

" Jackson, I see you are good at talking . You got social skills huh.." he teased .

" No, sir.... It just..." said Jackson.

"OK! Answer this , If sally's mother was 51 years now when sally is 18 years old now . What was sally's mother age when sally was born? "

Of course ,it was a tough question and our Jackson was not enough good even to remember the question after Mr. Mark said . Lian was only the one who can answer such questions but not orally though. CLASS 12-C had average skills in math's no wonder everybody was so afraid of Mr. Mark .

" Sir, Sally is 20 years old and when her daughter was born she was 51 ." answered confused Jackson who messed up in question and even if he hadn't then too his answer would be more stupid.

But anyways his answer was so fumy that whole class broke into laughter . It wasn't a joke that people called him class clown . Our silly boy Jackson Yee is a gang leader which includes more bunch of stupid people to form biggest stupidity of J.Y.J high school named 'J.Y.J swaggers ' Actually , Co- incidentally the group mates name started with J , Y and J which stands for Jackson, Yuri and Jae . So, They named it after their name initials and not after J.Y.J high school.

" Hey.. Are you new admission ? " asked Mr. mark to Ren who was still floating in thoughts of Ms. Aria watts and Mr. Tan Kabra. But Ren didn't bother him much as he didn't new about the Q& A round . He nodded silently .

" OK! Let's test your ability in math's now . If 888 added to 88 and then subtracted by 6 and then divided by 10 and the quotient is then added by 3 what is the answer.? "

Ren was flustered now . His reaction was same as of the ancient human who asked about fifth generation internet . But when he saw Aria hardly controlling her laugh at this situation he was LOST! " Even though she is angry on me her laugh still fancy me like gravity to apple that fall on newton . " were his thoughts.

" Hey...answer!" said Mr. Mark.

" 100 % I like her ." mumbled master Ren who was busy counting his love for Aria .

" Did you just said 100? "

" Oh! YES.. I mean ." said Ren when reality hits him back again.

" I must say you are good at math's ." complimented Mr. Mark to surprised Ren.

" I am .... GOOD AT MATHS !


DATE - 9/6/2019


Ren's pov :

I should hide it before mom could find it out . Where should I hide this test paper . What if mom comes to know that again I failed in math's test? Let me hide it in garden no one will find it there ? Or should I burn it ? Yeah , Burning is a nice idea." Master Ren you are really very smart . What a intelligent beings are you ? " I complimented myself . I took the lighter from my drawer and went out in garden to burns it . I thought burning in house wouldn't be safe . It feel so good seeing this trash test burning . Only one sec and this paper is vanished . " Ren.... What are you there ?" came the voice from terrace.

"Nothing mom." I said without turning as a pinch of paper was left to burning .

" YOU ....BRAT WHOM DO YOU THINK ARE YOU FOOLING? " screamed my angry mom.

" Mom, What are you saying...? " I turned back as the paper was completely burned by now. I gave my 100 on 100acting performance . A flying slipper came flying from the terrace and hit me like a rock.

[ After some more smacks ..... in the living room]

" Mom, I am saying the truth I wasn't smoking ?"

" SHUT UP! I saw the smoke and I found some burns outside too. Don't fool me . You are in 9 th grade and smoking at this age?"

" Mom, Believe me . I wasn't smoking . I was burning something."

" What! Burning somethings? What were you burning . OHHO ! now I remember .Isn't it today you got your math's test paper , right?"

" No! Mom teacher told that she had some still left to be corrected ."

" DON'T LIE. Do you think you are really smart? Doing lame thing like this you call your self intelligent ? I have got your test result online by your teacher . She had emailed me today in morning only."

There was world war three in the house now where Ren was completely powerless being shattered by his giants powerful mom.


Class 12-C was bit astonished by Ren's exceptional skills in math's including Aria ." I thought he is idiot but he is really genius . He answered it so fast . " thought Aria but Ren knew his own truth .

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