

J.Y.J high school is know for it's excellent teaching all around the city .Tan Kabra is known as the Ace of J.Y.J high school . Lian Dias is an intelligent girl chasing her dream of becoming doctor. Four years ago they were the best friends but now can't even stand each other's face in one school. As the story proceed , readers will experience unimaginable twists with comedy , love and conflict. For this enroll your selves now in School 2021

Apurva_Dhanawade · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


Place- Anna's house .

" Please make yourselves comfortable here!" said Anna serving the coffee mugs to Ren and Tan .

" But you still didn't answered , who you are ?" repeated Ren . Aria wanted to punch him right away . " This punk ! I wish I could hit him into two pieces right here !" she mumbled to Lian .

" Aria were you saying something ?" asked Ren . Aria gave him the coldest gaze ever. " What's wrong with her now ?" he whispered to Tan but Tan too had that same cold expression on his face. Ren couldn't understand anything.

" I am Anna. Lian and Aria's best friend and Tan's classmate " she said politely .

" OH! you are Anna ? I know you...." even before his could complete the sentence Tan interrupted ," Won't you introduced yourself to Anna ?" with wide eyes signing something to Ren which was unreadable for Ren.

" I am Tan's best friends - REN TESCO . And Lian's and Arias classmate and friend ." he said proudly as if announcing himself 'King ' or something .

" Anna, I think we should leave . We have some work to be done ." Tan made an excuse to escape but eventually failed due dumb friend . It's well said - ' A WISE ENEMY IS BETTER THAN FOOLISH FRIEND .' Tan would have clearly understood the meaning of the proverb today .

" Tan , All work is done ! And your friend has invited us so pleasing at her home and you are leaving from here within just 5 minutes ." said Ren . Today, for sure Ren was going together hit ; either by Lian and Aria or by his beloved friend Tan .

" It has been a while since we met . How are you ?" asked Anna looking at Tan with a pleasant smile .

" Yeah! I am fine .How are you ?" he asked

" I am fine too. It was so good meeting you'll . Today is luckiest day for me . First , I got nice time with my best friends and now You and your friend ." she said excitingly.

" Yeah! WE ALSO GLAD TO MEET TO YOU." said Tan smiling at Ren .

" So, You'll were planning to hang out?" she said looking at Aria and Lain.

" NO! we just meet Ren co-incidentally." answered Aria .

" OH! We should keep meeting each other . " she said again smiling at Tan .

" Sure ! "

" Tan, did you changed your number ?" asked Anna politely looking into his eyes .

" Yeah! Actually...MY "

" Give me your new no. " she said handing out her phone to him . Tan saved his number in Anna 's phone and returned it back to her. Lian and Aria were completely disturbed by Anna's behavior towards Tan .

Finally, after 1 hour of awkward conversation they have left the Anna 's house .

" Tan , wasn't she that mad girl...who.." before he could saying anything . Tan smacked him on his shoulders .

" Don't you keep your mouth shut for a while ." he exclaimed at Ren .

" Stop beating him . Why did you give her your no.?" asked Lian .

" What you mean ? Didn't you see she asked me herself . I didn't asked her ." he replied arrogantly .

" Ren , should you kept your mouth shut before. Was there any need to call Tan so aloud in the crowd ?" said frustrated Aria .

" I don't know but you guys have gone crazy . Your ran suddenly and then I was confused so I followed you'll. I saw Tan there so I called him ." he said innocently.

" OK! Then why did you agree to visit her home ?" asked Tan .

" She was so pleasing and she even said she is your friend so I thought why not?"

" I am also thinking of hitting you right now!" said Aria .

" Why not?" said Lian smirking at Ren.

Poor Ren failed to understanding anything and was upset by everybody's behavior towards.

" What should we do now?" asked Tan .

" What should we do means what ?" asked Aria back.

" She had already started messaging me ." he said handing his mobile phone to Lian and Aria .

Aria snatched the phone and took a look at messages. Aria then handed mobile to Lian .


Hi! Tan it's me


Are you free this weekend ?

Can we meet ?

" She is asking him to meet also !" said LIan looking a little bit annoyed at Aria .After thinking for sometime , It wa decided that Tan wouldn't answer any message from Anna no matter what . Tan agreed to it diligently.


" Why would I do anything ? I have no interest in her . She was the only one who .." Tan shut his mouth looking at angry faces around him . Lian and Aria separated their ways from Tan and Ren . Ren was filled with many questions which he wanted to ask but was scared .

" Sorry, Ren . Earlier I shouldn't have smacked you !" apologized Tan who was now regretting his past actions .

" It's ok! But you have to answer all my questions now ."

" ASK !"

" Earlier , the girl's home we visited wasn't that mad girl from your old school?"

" Yeah! She is the one . That's why I am trying to escape from their but you called my name allowed ." he explained .

" But she said she is Aria's and Lian's best friend ."

" Because she is their best friend . Even If they don't go to same school ,they had studied to-gather in nursery ."

" And why was Aria and Lian so upset ? And they were even warning you ?"he asked curiously .

" Anna is mentally ill and they think I am the one responsible for her . I have tried so many times to explain them my side but they are blinded by their friends love ." said Tan sadly .

Tan was Anna's classmate in his old school. It was indeed hard day for Tan , Lian and Aria but they manaed it quite well .

Aria and Lian took Bus back to home but all the way they seemed worried about something .

*Some memories which were toxic to Tan but sweet maple to Anna*

[ Flashback ]

Place - T.C high school playground

" You are so good at playing SOCCER ." said Anna who was sitting since One hour watching Tan's practice .

" Thank you ! " said Tan bluntly and headed towards changing room as he was getting late for home.

" This is for you ! " said Anna handing him a bottle of apple juice to him.

Tan was really thirsty so he took it .

" I really needed this very much! " he said after gulping the whole bottle down his throat .

" After , so much of practice of course you gonna need it . Don't push yourself to hard !" she said looking at his tired face .

" By the way , What's your name ?" he asked smiling at her .

" Anna !" she answered smiling back to him .

" And your name is Tan right !" she added.

" Yes but how you know ?"

Anna smirked and said ," But I want to knw if this passionate soccer is interested in friendship with me ?"

" Friendship with me why?" he asked him back .

" Because I have a juice factory and I want to treated my tired friend everyday after practice ." she said .

" Everyday ?Well then yes ! I would be happy to be friend with Juice factory owner ." he said laughing aloud

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