

There are two existed worlds, the first one is human world and the second is the magic world. Four years ago the tragedy of kyrie occured where the girl named Zen and the whole village swallowed by the abbyss but somehow she was rescued by the master of the red country, noa with blood tepes. After six years she awakened, some of masters in different country are disagreed to let a human like her to stay in magic world . Her memories were collected and remmember her first love, hydro and her twin sister, Zein but she was nowhere to found. Zen felt that she could find her in magic world because of what happen to them all. But needed some help from them, noa, assigned tepes to take care of her until she find her sister and her companions who experience the same tragedy. But it wasn't easy task to begin with. She have to learn what kind of world that is so much different from theirs. A unexpected happen to them both.

luciel_707 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


That move makes dan's body fall to the ground as flame turn into fire chains. He can't move due to chains wrapped into his body. Flame choked his body tighter that make dan scream and let go of his wind eagle sword, it became a normal sword as it falls down and made a clanging sound. Noa stepped forward while dan was looking upon him.

"I know that you're worried but be calm, you cannot kill the human girl unless I told you so, she falls into the outside of the red country, it means she belongs to us and I know what I'm doing. But when I heard you hurt her even a strand of her hair…"- noa

He slides his left pointed finger in dan's jawline as he bends down and looked at him with a grim expression that the sound of his voice are deeper and terrifying.

"I'll kill you without hesitation, Daniellus Vilgentiasen."

Noa stands up and snapped that cause flame in the form of fire chains come back to him and turn into scepter form. He gripped it and stomp it into the floor, Dan grabbed his sword and the eagle seal appeared to his sword once again and unleashed a big wind wave on the double-edged sword while he pointed on noa. Their hairs are flowing with the waves as dan gritted his teeth in anger.

"I don't care even we'll fight until death. But in this world, that human girl is a threat and curse. They have their own world and that's where she belongs, were totally different from her, don't you understand that you dumb?! do you want to break our alliance for the sake of that human?!"- dan

The old man blinked once and his amber eyes were shining and smile as he touches his chest that makes dan lose his breath in a few seconds.

"Yeah, even I'm old now, I'll protect her as fast as I could. She's a child of the red country now. No one can ever change that."- noa

Dan put down his sword and slide it inside the sheath, looking at noa in a calm state with a hint of seriousness.

"Is it because she looked like laine?" - Dan

"Maybe?"- noa

A sad bitterly expression appeared in noa's face and sighs. As dan remember a memory that he couldn't forget.


A fifteen-year-old dan was sitting on the large roots of a tree in their school and taking a shed for the heat of the sun, he's reading a book titled 'Elements of magic for the mages'. As his mind was focused on it, a boy with an orange-haired in gray vest clothing and black large leg pants whistling as he walked begin to stop because of dan. He smiled evilly and tiptoed quietly to go near in dan's location and get the book that makes him shocked.

"Noa, give that book back, I'm studying for our next written test."- dan

Noa pulled down his right eye bag with his finger and stick his tongue out. looking at the book what dan's reading makes him dizzy.

"Geez is this book has the power to make the reader dizzy? I feel my mind is gonna burst out. Even the magic reading glasses are not helping too."- noa

Dan sighed and facepalm, he pushes the center of his reading glasses up and points on the book.

"it's because the book what you're reading is on upside downstate, idiot."- dan

Noa felt his sweat drops from his right head temple and laughs awkwardly as he gives back the book on dan, he sits beside him as he stared at the blue sky. A moment of silence occurred but noa started to break it.

"Hey, dan. What did you think when you were chosen as magus? Seriously I think it's a pain ass job. Why the heck that sceptix chose me? I just want to be a healer mage."-noa

Dan flipped a page on his book but closes it as he pats noa once on his head.

"Is it because of laine? She can be healed in no time but healing mage is rare to find and it requires a big amount of magic stone, it's hard to obtain unless you work hard. Be thankful that you are a magus if not, the ordinary mage can only work limitedly by their own power. But I envy you noa, you're a fire magus, I always wanted to be like that but fate gave me as wind magus caster."- dan

Noa smiled sadly while he hugged his knees and looked at dan.

"You loved my sister as a woman right?"- noa

"yes, I--- wait what?! no! I mean yes! Geez! don't ask that so suddenly! And don't change the topic!"-dan

He laughed and tap the ground as he saw dan's red face and he pokes it multiple times. Noa speaks in teasing mode.

"Caught you! My intuition is always right as expected. I wonder if I told to laine? What she would say? Reject or yes?"- noa

Dan covered his face in a book and turning his head side to side.

"Please anything but not that, I'm not ready to be rejected yet! Spare me noa!" - dan

Noa hold dan's right arm and dragged him until they are outside of their school.

"Then we're gonna ask her face to face it's the moment of truth! And before that were gonna cut classes first!"- noa

Dan tried to stop him but he didn't listen, dan sighed deeply as a sign of defeat. Laine Presicia, sister of Noallier Presicia . The same age of dan, Noa, and laine are twins but during the twins days in their mother's womb, he's taking more power that inherited from her mother that makes laine body weak when she came out. She can't go to school like the other mages and she can't release her power two times or more if she does that her body will undergo a coma state and a small amount of chance she cant wake up anymore.

When the two boys are in noa's home, he opens the door but noa feels something strange. The door isn't locked. They looked inside and saw their things are messed and the wheelchair of his sister and her wheelchair are gone. They quickly find her everywhere around the house but there's no laine to be found until they saw a paper that was stabbed with a dagger with a sentence written.

'Want to get your sister?

Then go to the central town

And go inside of the abandoned

House near the market. No one can

Come here unless its magus like you.

If you don't do these conditions,

Your beloved sister's corpse is my gift on you.'

The two nod to each other as if they thinking the same thing and do the conditions are, approaching the abandoned building as what the paper's written. As the two mages in black besides on the double door opening they lead the boys inside and saw the culprit who kidnapped his sister. Noa releases a big fireball and points it on the culprit.

"Let go of my sister or do you want to be burned into a crisp?"- noa

His amber eyes glowed in anger as he looked at him, the culprit smiled wickedly and step into the small amount of sunlight and he snapped that make her sister appear inside of a magic cage that prevented to her escaping in his both hands.


He was running to save laine but the culprit smiled. As he speaks the sound waves became visible into their eyes.

"Don't come here."

Only a few words but dan hear that and was push back forcibly and his body hit on the wall, he screamed in pain before his surrounding darkens and put him into an unconscious state that makes noa shouted his name. He looked at the culprit to see his mana.

'He's not a dark magus. But why is he doing this?'

The culprit bows gracefully to him and smiled innocently.

"Sorry for not introducing myself, I'm lupin a voice manipulator mage. And as for your question that obvious in your expression, I kidnapped your sister because she might be worth in our experiment in terms of the magus, but sadly it isn't. She's so weak that even a tap could kill her."- lupin

"If she's not worth then give her to me and it will end"- noa

Lupin shakes his head side to side and snapped once, the cage breaks into pieces and laine expression darkens and walks, noa saw dark mana flowing into her body.

' She's been manipulated, then..'

He concentrates his power into his other hand but he hears lupin say the word 'stop' the makes him paralyze and can't move his body, noa cursed in his mind because of the situation.

"Tsk. Tsk. Noa, your really naive huh? You can't cure her consciousness as long as I'm here and look on your hand! You have the big fireball, right? Your gonna use that on me, what a bad boy you are. Ah! Why don't we use that on your sister? It will be fun to turn her into crisp instead of me. She's garbage after all!"- lupin

Noa's teeth began to chattering in fear as he looks into his sister. His body reacted of what lupin says he can't break it no matter what he does, noa's tears fall as lupin ordered her sister to walk until she was near in front of him. He laughed crazily.

"I gave her what you want the most. The ability to walk into her own feet again, since I gave it to her, then why don't you gave me the exchange? Her ashes that is."- lupin

"Spare my sister lupin! I'll do whatever you want but not her!"- noa

He smiled wickedly and noa hear his voice again that he doesn't want to do. noa looked at the blurry figure of her sister cause his tears filled up.

"Laine, you can hear me right?! wake up! You're being manipulated!"- noa

His sister didn't budge or blink when she hears his voice. Noa gritted his teeth as he trying to break his paralyzing state.

"laine! Listen to your twin! I promised that I'll find a healer and cure you! I want to stay with you until we're old! Wake up ...my sister.." noa

His voice began to crack up from crying and lupin clapped thrice, a rose appeared on his right side when he draws a circle in the air by his hand and grabs it. He throws it between noa and his sister.

"What a touching scene, But sorry I love tragedy and make others suffer. Now I'm getting bored, time to spice this up. The climax of this story!"- lupin

He stretches his both hands that make the surroundings vibrate, noa jaw-drop a little as he sees lupin floats and he pointed at them. As he speaks bigger sound waves were hit by them.


The sound waves have been hit on noa that makes his body down because of the heavy pressure. The screams of his sister while lupin kidnapped her and her calling for noa in help before she was injected by dark mana makes noa gasping for air. Lupin sits on to play his piano.

"Noallier Presicia, by my order, kill your sister with your power and burn her into ashes!"-lupin

Noa stands up and his eyes are soulless as his tears flowing and slowly ignite his hands with fire, lupin plays the moonlight sonata as he laughing crazily and watching the scene.

"Yes, that's right noa. Killing your own family will be the greatest event for your entire life, the love and bond will be broken apart. Watching with anxiety and agony of this negativity a new dark magus will be born!"- lupin

As noa will target his sister, dan begin to open his eyes and put his right hand into his head and shakes it.

"Noa? You probably win in that sound…mage? No-noa? What are you doing?"- dan

He saw noa standing near to her sister and he can't see his face due to his spiky hair bends down and the next thing that dan knew, noa throw a big two fireball into his sister and her body was burn along on the roaring flames. Dan feels his breath was taken away. He hears a piano song and saw the sound mage, unknowing him that he was awake, the wind was slower but stronger was unleash into his body in anger, a two twin wind and it forms into one sword.

He charged lupin who was busy playing piano and stabbed him but lupin dodges and pulled out a flute on his white long sleeves and blows a tune, dan slice his left hand into the front and a wind barrier appeared to not be pushed back again.

"Did you really think the same method will work on me twice?"- dan

Lupin smirked and snapped that make noa back into his self, he laughed while he put his hood on.

"It was fun to play with you two, I saw an amazing scene today. I thank you for that Aaand! All was an act by my script! Hohoho~ the curtain of the stage play will now close if I knew the magus are this weak I'll kill you all by my voice. But the play is over, then till we met again, magus."- lupin

As he raises the cloak and turns his body in a clockwise direction, his body disappeared and the piano turns into ashes. Dan's weapon began to vanish and saw some of the laine's ashes are been taken, he looked at noa who was staring in nowhere. Noa looked at dan and cry even more.

"My sister… is no longer here. If I'm not only a magus this will never happen. Dan.. I.."

Dan punch him and gritted his teeth in anger, as he grabbed noa's clothing and shouted at him. But not a voice came out, Dan pushed him away and run away while crying as he remembered laine's beautiful face. He knew its not noa's fault but he couldn't accept it, She was killed by her twin's hands.

'Goodbye, my precious days, my love and my friend.'


At the present time, noa stomped his scepter twice as he looked to all sages it shines as the crystallize red screen appeared to the center of them.

"As the one who leads the red country, I, Noallier Presicia and the element sages made an oath that will not execute or hurt the human girl! if whoever broke this new rule will be the one who will be executed!"- noa

"It seems dan agreed on it then I have no choice to say agree too. After all noa make him stop"- rai

Ray's expression becomes brightens when his brother says that.


"Shush! I'm not doing this for you!"-rai

As noa said that it was converted into written on the screen and they all slice their skin in the finger and stamp it on the screen as their agreement. While dan didn't have any other choice, as he put his own blood fingerprint, laine's beautiful face while smiling appeared to his mind. He closes his eyes for a while and they hear a double door opens, tepes were there and looked at noa.

"Old man, the human girl is awake."- tepes.

Noa stands up and begins to walk away but he stopped at dan where he's standing. They looked at each other's eyes for a few seconds and noa walk past to him.