

my mom and dad left home...but they didn't come back the police showed up at my door and told me (they got shot about 3-5 times on the back and there will soon visit me)...I didn't know what that meant but I new it was probably just a big qainsadence...later that night I saw something... something bright but I just couldn't remember what happened and why I was at the hospital. the doctors said (I was in a comma for 12 years and soon though you wouldn't make it)...I was devastated and when I came home my parents were there it was a little weird but later that night...I saw my dad leave again and my mom did... then the police came to my house and said (your mother was shot 3 times and your father was shot 5 times one there back)...I just new its going to happen again but when I woke up I wasn't in the hospital I just saw a light but it wasn't White or black or brown or clear it was blue and soon I was awake on my bed with my mom and dad crying it was wired a little to weird then I found out I was druged...

uwu the end hope you enjoy