
Scars of Grace

Life of Raydn Adite and his Adventures, discoveries in the continent of Cerulus. (I know it’s short)

Archvestige · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Witt’s End

It's now nighttime and as they got closer to Nathan's location they hear a growl and a scream, the scream cuts through the night and Raydn's ears perk up in alarm, his eyes going wide and his heart starting to pump faster as he hears it. "Nathan! That was him, that had to have been him!" he says with a worried tone, his body tensing up and he speeds up at that, moving as fast as he can as he runs faster and faster towards the scream. "Marceline, hold on tight!" he adds with a worried tone, carrying her like that as she tells him to trust him, and he moves faster and faster through the forest towards the source of the scream.

Raydn sets down Marceline near Nathan "Marceline! Heal Nathan while I fight the Minotaur!" He yells, and then he moves up to face the minotaur, his eyes glowing bright and his magic swirling in the air around him. "Take this!" he shouts as he moves to blast the minotaur with some of his magic, aiming to stun the minotaur for a moment with the force of the attack so that he will have the time to finish it off.

Raydn's eyes go wide at that, his body still tense, but he realizes that his attack did absolutely nothing to the minotaur. He moves quickly then to the side to dodge an attack that the minotaur throws at him before he speaks up again, his voice determined and confident still even though his attack did nothing, "I can't take this thing on all by myself! One of you two help me!" he calls out to Nathan and Marceline when he moves to dodge once more, hoping that one of the other two will be able to do something now to stop the minotaur.

After being healed Nathan joins in the fight to help Raydn "Look like you need a hand." in a playful mocking manner

Raydn's eyes narrow at the mocking remark for a second and he gives Nathan a dirty look, but he quickly regains his composure and he smiles a bit at the joke as he lets it go. He nods to Nathan and then he gives a friendly smile back, "Sounds like a plan to me!" he says with an encouraging tone, his voice sounding relaxed enough despite his body being ready to fight at any moment. "This could be a while so let's kick some butts and take care of this minotaur once and for all now." he adds, his voice going slightly harsh at that last part.

Raydn uses the sword style passed down in his family"Adite Sword Style: First Step, Malevolent Blade!"

Raydn get's a buff and his attacks become stronger but it's nowhere near enough to penetrate the tough skin of the monster.

"I don't know what it would take to get through that rough skin of its but we just need to find some way to pull it off!" Raydn shouts as the minotaur gives out a roar before it charges straight forward to give out a powerful attack of it's own. Raydn manages to duck to the side to dodge, but the force of the attack still sends him toppling backwards. His body hits the ground and he lets out a pained groan, but despite the pain and the shock of the sudden hit, he still gets back up fast and he moves forward once again to attack the monster.

Nathan also decides to use his family sword style

"Irus Sword Style: First step, Crimson Illusions!" Nathan's sword style creates 6 illusions of himself to trick the Minotaur.

Raydn's eyes go wide as he sees what Nathan is doing, then he seems to get a sort of understanding about how powerful that particular skill must be just from the name, or perhaps just from the look of confidence that the other man seems to have as he uses it. It must be something really powerful if he is taking it that seriously, and Raydn finds himself feeling a little tense about that. He gives a quick nod to Nathan though after he sees that, and then he moves forward to join Nathan in facing the monster yet again. They attack the minotaur together with all their might with their skills.

The mention of the combo they trained goes straight through Nathan's mind, the combination of the two of their skills. He remembers it and nods to Raydn, agreeing that this idea could work. "Yeah, let's do this," he says with an eager and confident tone, his body tensed up now as he gets ready. His eyes shine bright as the magic in both his body and mind is swirling together to give him the power of the combo, and he moves forward with that power, ready to strike at the minotaur with the combination attack!

Raydn gets sent flying by the giant Minotaur's tail, and the hit knocks him off his feet as he lets out a pained groan. The hit hurts something awful and he looks up through pained eyes to see the minotaur standing in front of him, with Nathan standing on the other side. He grits his teeth, letting his anger over him being hurt fuel him now, and he pushes himself to his feet through the pain as he's getting ready now. He's hurt but he's not willing to let that stop him, and even with the pain he moves forwards again to fight the minotaur.

Nathan looked at Raydn who was sent flying and gets grabbed by the minotaur. Raydn's eyes going wide in surprise and fear as he sees that. He turns to look at the monster now, a fear in his eyes as he sees what the minotaur has done, but he manages to keep that from completely taking over him in the next moment. Rather than letting the fear stop him, he moves forwards with all his courage and he yells out, "Nathan! Hang on buddy!" he calls out in a reassuring tone even though he sounds scared about the thing that has happened, but he keeps moving forwards to help Nathan.

The minotaur grabbed Marceline next. Raydn feels the pain shooting in his legs now, but he tries to ignore it and force himself to move forwards, but he is clearly moving really slowly now due to the pain. Still he doesn't stop moving forwards and he says through gritted teeth, "Let her go!" he yells about the minotaur. He moves slowly towards the monster, his legs shaking a bit under him and his eyes shining bright even through the pain as his magic is starting to flow through him. "Let her go, NOW!" he demands again as he tries to sound threatening.

The minotaur opens it's mouth and is about to eat Nathan, when Raydn sees Nathan's life in danger and he starts to panic. "No, no, not Nathan!" he yells as he tries to rush forward once more, the pain in his legs getting more prominent and intense but he doesn't give up, and he presses onwards. The minotaur seems to notice Raydn now and it looks at him, it's eyes glowing red as its attention is on him. Raydn takes out his sword when he sees that it sees him, pointing the blade at the minotaur and trying to look threatening. "Stay back!" he shouts.

Raydn is clearly nervous as the minotaur steps close, but his eyes still stay glowing bright as he stares right back at the minotaur. "I'm warning you, back off! Do you really want to face someone like me?" he threatens the minotaur, trying to sound a bigger threat than he really feels. He really is starting to panic now, the threat of the minotaur being too close and of potentially harming him and the others getting too much to bear. But he pushes that aside and he's still trying his best to stay calm, even though he's not having much luck doing so.

Raydn seems to blink for a second as a light beam appears from nowhere and then he blinks again when the minotaur's head flies off, but his eyes go wide in surprise when a knight appears right in front of him. He stares up at the person with a surprised look, trying to comprehend what had just happened, but his first instinct is to ask what the heck is going on here and how did this stranger show up. "Who are you?! What just happened?" he asks the person now with a nervous and slightly confused look, but he still seems cautious of them as well, not knowing who exactly they are.

The knight looks at Raydn "The test is over, good job on passing your test."

Raydn just stares back at the knight for a few moments, his eyes still wide and his expression one of surprise as he tries to comprehend what happened to the minotaur and then the person showing up. Eventually he manages to regain his comprehension, and he gives a soft laugh as he realizes what this means. He smiles for a moment at the knight then, giving her the respect of showing his gratitude for his help. "Thank you for saving us," he says to the mystery person. "We were in trouble and I am... very grateful that you showed up."

Raydn felt relieved after receiving the news, and blacked out.

Wrote this in school

Archvestigecreators' thoughts