
Chapter 6

While the resistance celebrated the Rookie's performance, Shadow and Mustapha were determined to find out the truth about Zay after months of despondency. And the time of Aloy Morningstar...was soon to be now.

The sun had finally gone down and the sky was pitch black but lit by the millions of dots in space. "I can't believe Zay is alive!" Mustapha exclaimed to Shadow as they strolled down the quiet roads of Zipline. Shadow quietly nodded as Mustapha continued expressing his enthusiasm he had. "I may have just used all my wishes for the rest of my life, but it was worth it! Now, Radkon said something about Zay being around the lab being under lockdown in Luminous Forest of Sub Zero. We should hurry there before anything else. I'll keep up with you on your communicator."

Mustapha said as Shadow nodded and dashed down the road to the rainforest of Sub Zero. The forest was still with the brown mountainous background and lush tropical tree crowns that peaked in front of the moonlight. Fern-like bushes surrounded the area with a flowing river and vines in the overgrowing plants. The ancient parts of the forest were lit with neon yellow-glowing runes and murals.

Numerous ancient road gates, bridges and fallen pillars can be seen outside near temples of the forest, holding the belief that a god controlled the rainforest for thousands of years. But the temples weren't expecting to last for any time longer as Andrew24's plan to convert the remains of this forest into a casino was underway.

Most of the temples were equipped with dazzling neon lights and multiple signs in all shapes and sizes have been added. Even the street lights were palm-shaped street lights. Shadow zoomed in through the retro-like music playing in the background of the PA intercoms, as if it was the music from Sonic the Hedgehog on a regular Sega Genesis console. But enough of nostalgia, the hedgehog found himself bumping around pinball-like scenery.

Slot machines were around the dizzying area as Shadow bumped and flew around in a spiky ball. The flippers that were in green and purple colors including the light blue triangle bumpers almost gave Shadow a hard time reaching further into the place but gave him a little fun to have a break from the war he went through.

After bumping into springers and bumpers and flippers and loops, Shadow reached the end of the neon palace. "I think Zay IS around here. But I wouldn't think he'd sit still for long," Mustapha called on Shadow's communicator as he caught up to him at the same vault door where the Phantom Ruby prototype from last night's truculent fight with Blackheart went down against Gingersnap and Zay. That's when they were both met by another face who were unexpectedly friendly.

Remember that Morningstar that I mentioned back then? I think it's time we know a little more about the retired scout. She was notably quiet most of the time and her voice was almost faint to a whisper caught in the wind. What was it that Blackheart wanted from her? She stood outside of the city of Summit in which she heard was now captured back by DCP, their first step to taking back the world. She remained in the shadows underneath a large oak tree on a cliffside as the suburban life went on.

The resistance soldiers marched around and chased out any rivals outside of the city who were trying to take it back. Aloy heard much from the Rookie that in fact, they'd have to stop using that nickname if he keeps up his hard work. "The Phantom Ruby...why does that gem invade my postulations? It's the one thing that's kept my head spinning. And that, monster." Aloy thought emotionlessly, her arms folded and just looking down at the city.

There was one thing that made her relatively special. Most people would think it's either her passion and pride or bravery. But whatever it was, her memory always fed her the perception of inexistence from every database. When she disappeared to hiding for so long after a month when the war broke out and Zay was presumed dead, her reputation as a hero fell thanks to Blackheart. That's when they erased her information from almost every database, including DCP's.

It was an inferior thing to worry about because it means the citizens she saved no longer believe that she was a hero, and her accomplishments never existed. The only thing that did come to memory, however, was that she led a great army of anthropomorphic animal soldiers of all kinds, but mainly hedgehogs. The Morningstar stood there while witnessing a frightful flashback about her childhood.

She was only too young to remember the sorrow she went through as a youngster, but with no parents or parole from the trauma she experienced, growing up as an orphan was too much to handle that it would've bit its victim again after nearly a decade after forgetting such a thought. Aloy endured a long-term hardship in which her parents were careless and never wished she was around.

That's when one night, she took matters into her own hands and ran away without them knowing. She lasted the remainder of the night when around 2 AM, a police guard took her inside to the local orphanage after describing her case. Yet, it wasn't a good place to stay after they considered turning her in when she forced every bully there into unconsciousness in the night while the counselors were partying outside and not looking over the children...in the dark. Aloy apparently escaped the home shortly after. And that was the end of her childhood.

Hours turned into days, and weeks turned into months. Years passed on and she found herself being promoted as General of the Army, the highest rank that could be bestowed at the time and was mostly reserved for wartime. But after fighting off Pirates during a terrorist attack and helping out the most among the Lieutenants and Brigadier Generals who wanted the top spot, it was a no-brainer that this Morningstar hero deserved it.

After four years working in the military, she finally retired and went her own way as an independent battle angel. That was long ago and here she was, isolated from humanity. But suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a rumbling that emerged from the peaceful city of Summit. Dark red clouds formed over the skyline, blocking the sunlight and a storm unlike anything. That's when Blackheart warped right behind Aloy. "More ants to crush. Why not just give me a real challenge for once?" He viciously whispered behind the voice synthesizer of his mask. Aloy turned around to him and asked, "You think you're getting away with killing our savior?" She clenched her fists as her words spoke through the gas mask muzzles.

Nobody knew why the Morningstar wore this, but it could've been because of her reputation of being a vigilant battle angel; no words spoken, just the job done and that's it. "But if the world was to answer, they send a ruthless soldier with no heart or soul. Only the mournfulness that she still holds onto," Blackheart continued. "Now, are you going to fight me like a soldier and die, or turn tail in fear like our last encounter?" Aloy shook in discomposure from Blackheart's word but took no hesitation and accepted the offer of a fight.

"Well then. I'll have to teach you pain and suffering and show you your fear will end all again. This will be fun." Blackheart cackled. He grabbed the Morningstar warrior by her arm and suddenly formed a cryptic aura that swirled around them. That's when the sky pitched black and an ear-piercing ring went out from her ears, perking down in pain when they teleported to Radkon's hometown: Metropolis.

It was a white large city of revolutionary technology and was magnificent and pristine. The recurring architectural theme made way for the multiple skyscrapers that rose in various forms and shapes, large-scale holographic video screens and see through hallways connecting through the metropoliptic city.

Orb-shaped sentries protected the city along with the citizens driving in hover cars that zoomed around these unfamiliar roads. There was also no trace of organic nature, but metallic mimics of trees and bushes. Aloy looked around to see what she was surrounded by and stood on the metallic white road with traces of neon blue, marking down as it stretched. "So, Radkon's homebase in Thermal, huh?" She smirked, preparing for a fight with the monster she encountered.

"Catch me if you can." Blackheart said back as he suddenly began forming shots of red cryptic cubes at our hero. She managed to dodge the attacks as Blackheart shot them multiple times before charging directly at her as he levitated. That's when Aloy got her first hit in by jumping and doing a 360 degree kick while airborne, knocking the monster's head.

"You may be getting a warm up but I'll keep trying no matter what it takes!" Blackheart said in peril as he rose up more in the air and started shooting more energy shots. But he gave up and started controlling the turrets all around. They whirred directly to Aloy and launched shots that went all around as she dodged them. The bullets were heat seeking so they followed her until the metallic spheres hit Blackheart instead and confirmed it a hit on their target.

He growled and got up from his knees and growled, "I'm not about to lose to my creation." That's when the Phantom Ruby on his chest released a huge aura that blinded Aloy, the perfect advantage to attack. But the Morningstar member cleared out of the mist before Blackheart got to strike, and brought him a critical hit behind his back, forcing him to slide across the white metallic road.

That's when a horde of heavy traffic was close to zooming by the fighters as Aloy grappled upwards to the express lane on a bridge that progressed on throughout the Metropolis, Blackheart teleporting over to her. As Aloy swung up from the grapple, Blackheart warped in front of her, hoping to successfully attack. Instead, he was drop kicked back away as our warrior landed with no sweat.

"Your illusions are nothing to those who don't believe." Aloy said as she walked over to Blackheart, collapsed on his knees and one hand on his mask. "You're absolutely wrong about that." Blackheart replied with a soft chuckle in his voice synthesizer. "Seeing is believing!" He growled when Radkon called his communicator and said, "Initiate the Phantom Ruby! Make her wish she'd never been born!" Suddenly, Aloy's sight was corrupted by the evil monster she just beat.

Her vision was replaced with the same cryptic and magenta view that our heroes in the Resistance witnessed. Giant sentry turrets pointed directly at Aloy, laser sights marking their target. They fired metallic cannonballs made of fire directly at the Morningstar, but somehow she was not hit.

No damage or fear was shown. Aloy wasn't believing the illusions! "What!? It can't be." Blackheart dislikely said in frustration of his failed attack. That's when Aloy got distracted to where Blackheart managed to finally strike, knocking back his opponent. "I knew you were weak like usually.

Just enjoy the next two days while you can, as the sun of doom will fall upon this bothersome resistance." Blackheart said before flying away. Although he wasn't there, a cryptic aura formed around Aloy. Confused by this, she looked around aimlessly in confusion until the sky was back at the dark red color like how it was before she was teleported. That's when Aloy found herself back at the oak tree where she stood on the cliffside.

"Just what was that about?" The scout asked herself. "If he says the sun of doom will fall upon them, I gotta find the Resistance and warn them about this plan. And like it or not, the Death Iceball must be their power source for that gem!" She thought out as she grappled away into the city. Nobody knew sure if the clouds in the sky were just a severe storm or maybe...Blackheart.

Now that we got that out of the way, let's take a look at the Rookie. So far, Goddess Marie called out that there were two undetected life forms at Luminous Forest around Redemption Casino. There he was, dashing through the rainforest that was now set out of its flames. "If those two life forms aren't robots, what are they?" Skylark Nate asked his communicator. "If we're detecting enemies here, taking these two on is going to be a big one for the Rookie," Gingersnap replied.

The rookie grappled upward and onto a waterslide made completely of wood. The waterfall vistas and remainder of the spring waters here supported the slides as there were multiple pathways to take. That's when the Rookie realized he's not the only thing on there. Apparently, Radkon's ideas were modified over time so he had no other place to put his outdated inventions while avoiding using an excessive amount of space in his laboratory.

One slide's end would curve up, sending the Rookie to another and more pathways to take. This part of the jungle was known as Aqua Road, because you know, waterslides? Ah, you get it.  "Having fun in the water, Rookie?" 32op joked to the Rookie as Aggie interrupted and said, "Why? Sad you can't have fun in the water?" The communicator fed back. The waterslide sent the Rookie sliding all around in the large, open space during the night as he finally found himself on land, fending off Redemption Force soldiers.

He grappled with them and swung them either into the sky and back down or into walls, roundhouse kicked and punched his way through. That's when the Rookie saw a magenta colored, polygonal shaped gem with black stripes, about small enough to fit into the palm of one's hand. He picked it up when it released another aura like how the Phantom Ruby usually does, yet too small in size for the Rookie to notice.

Suddenly, a black hedgehog came zooming by alongside somebody sprinting onward to the vault door that the mysterious gem, also known as the Phantom Ruby but was yet to be discovered by the Resistance, saw the Rookie. The penguin finally stopped to catch his breath, examining the Rookie and questioned, "Have we met before?"