
Chapter 1

London 1854...

    Lord Richard Arnold climbed the servants stairs to his mothers home at Westonhigh, she seemed to be more insistent for the past weeks about him getting married, not that she is not always insistent, its just that it was way worse, if that is even still possible.

Lady Amber Arnold was one of those society mamas who wanted every child of theirs married and providing them with more grand children, her methods at matchmaking was quite frustrating sometimes, she could make a thirty two year old man to go crazy (that was him), there were times when Richard secretly wondered how many grand children was required to stop her constant chatter.

  Richard loved his mother, he loved his family more than any other thing in the world not excluding himself sometimes, and this love made him quite protective of them.

When he was 20, His father had died of a lungs infection that had been rampant, therefore it was his sole duty to provide for his family, althought they lacked nothing.

His twin sister Daphne, now Lady Daphne Mayfair married to Lord Fabian Mayfair, earl of hartfield and Richard's best friend, now lived in the country and adored her husband, and of cause he returned the feeling.

Daphne had birth two children already and is quite ready to produce ten if given an opportunity.

Therefore she was free of her mother's constant mischief.

His two younger sisters Arabelle and Anabelle just turned eighteen and were entering their first season, and since they are bearly out of leading strings, they are hardly a prey to their mother, as they still have time to make respectable matches.

As for Richard, he had plans to marry, every man had plans to marry eventually, therefore he could say he was waiting for 'the one', Lord knows after what he had seen between his best friend and sister Richard could not help but hope for something more than just a title.

He didn't even expect to find someone he adored so much, he just needed to find someone he cared deeply for, and who is not as bird brained as the ladies of the ton that swarm around him.

Richard usually used the servant stairs to escape his mother, he believed he deserved at least ten minutes to clear his brain and sneak in a bunch of hot biscuit from Mrs cook.

As he walked into the empty kitchen , he bumped into a maid he quickly made to catch her, but he could barely hold him self up as she took the impact she landed with a loud "oumph..." on her rear

     "Ow..." She wince as he offered his hand to help her up.

    "I apologise for my tardiness" he apologized realizing she wasn't dress as a maid, she looked more like a governess or a companion, she should be his mothers new companion.

* * *

Ann had not expected to find anyone in the kitchen, as she had been there when cook added the last batch of biscuits in the oven and She had come to collect them for her charges. She had been hired a week earlier as companion to Lady Arnold, but she sometimes chaperoned the twins and even help them with their hair, as they had not yet hired a lady maid and so far she actually liked the family as unusual as they could be sometimes.

She was allowed to take tea with them, in the private drawing room of cause, since it was informal.

They were a quite peculiar family and their conversation, mostly arguments on the twins part, made her so warm she sometimes wished she had sisters too.

She had worked for the dowager duchess of Cynedon park the previous year, and had been at her service until she died due to old age, then her grandson came back, as he was almost done studying at Oxford at that time, he assumed his responsibilities properly.

Since she didn't have a charge any more, she resigned and was given proper recommendations, she had secured a job here with the help of her uncle's friend, whose wife who was aquainted with Lady Arnold .

     "Pardon me miss...?" She heard the gentleman say.

   "Miss Ann Liverbert at your service sir" she said taking a brief bow.

Looking up, he had piercing grey eyes and a light brown hair that looked rumpled yet stylish. With his clothes, Ann could tell easily that he was an aristocrat. Aristocrat usually had too much good look for some of the younger crowd, pride, and lot of attention to go with them. So, she reminded herself mentally, not to have too much to do with them. Not that he would even find her so irresistible, and even if he did she would end up as his concubine, and believe me, Ann had been called lots of names but she still had too much of pride in her not to insult herself too by giving birth to an illegitimate child, which could cause pain to the child as well, and so, these were enough reasons for Ann to not mix up with the gentry if that is a word. Ann knew she might never get married with so much requirements, she did not wish to spend the rest of her life with a servant, and she knew she was asking for too much, but she just did not think she could live forever with a man who could hardly speak correctly, not meaning to be insulting, and when she had considered a clergyman, she remembered how many times she had wiggled her way out of attending service and how sleepy she had felt during most church services, she realized she was not up to the task.

      "Ahem...." Richard cleared his throat loudly, bringing her out of her thoughts again. "Pls pardon my woolgathering sir, what would you like for me to do?" she asked looking at his eyes again, it was then she realized he must be related to the Arnold household, he could be Lord Richard, take that back, he is Lord Richard.

    "Oh..." She muttered she hadn't expected him to be so handsome and young looking, though she knew he was thirty and two, she had imagined something more.....maybe serious?,with no smile...but his lips looked liked they could spread up too easily, adding more light to his face, if that could still happen, as he was already glowing.

     "Did you say something?" He asked carefully scrutinizing her face.

   "Lord Richard" she said blushing with embarrassment at the way he was staring at her.

    "I just needed some biscuits, it quite delicious when it all warm up" he said giving her one of those lopside boyish grin.

    "Its right here" she said thinking his smile did light up his face.

She quickly packed some for him and another for her self.

    "Thank you" he said grinning as he took a bite.

     "Do you care for some" he asked smearing some biscuit particles on his face.

     "Um....you have a bit on your face" she said pointing at his cheek, he touched his cheeks causing more to smear.

" you are adding more " she said almost grinning at the look on his face.

    "Here?" He asked dusting his hands on a dish rag and touching his face again.

     "Yes! You're almost done, on the left, no on the left" She snap when he touched his eyes. He looked at her raising one of his brows.

     "sorry sir" she added akwardly.

    "Why don't you help me out?" He asked dropping his hands.

" it will be alot more easier" he added when she did not reply.

    "ohk" She murmured she touched the spot. 

"There you go" she added as if speaking to a child.


        *    *     *