
Scarred and Beautiful

Aduke's world is turned upside down when she loses her parents, and she is left to fend for herself in a cutthroat society where people take pleasure in using her for their own gain. With the weight of societal pressure bearing down on her to rely on a man for her every need, Aduke is forced to make a life-altering decision: succumb to societal expectations or forge her own path and risk losing everything she's ever wanted. With her future hanging in the balance, Aduke must navigate through this harsh world and discover her true identity.

Goudc · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 6

Yomade stopped the engine of his car, looking into nothing, obviously in deep thought. He knew following her that day and coming to pick her up without her knowledge wouldn't go down well with her. She doesn't seem to like surprises, not surprises from him. He didn't want them arguing each other heads off, he just wanted to have a good time and get to know her more. He sat in the car, nervous like a teenager, reciting the words he should say to her. A light knock was heard on his window, catching him off guard, he looked up and wound down his glass. A young lady smiled warmly at him, her heavy cologne hit his nostril, he winced.

"Are you alright sir, do you need directions? "

He watched her face covered by layers of makeup, he shook his head.

"I am okay, thanks for your concern" he replied ,clearly trying to dismiss her. She smiled, not bulging an inch.

"Haven't i seen you before, you just moved in? ".

" No, I am not a student of Uniben ". He answered curtly. Her smile seems to widen, and he sighed inwardly.

"Really? My name is Kiki. I will just say welcome to Edo street because I don't know if you stay in Benin or not." She said, stretching her hand for a handshake, he took it without hesitation.

"I am Yomade and you don't need to welcome me here, my girlfriend stays around. I remained in the car not because I lost my way or because am new but; I offended her, knowing fully well the woman I fell in love with. I just have to find the right words to pacify her". He explained calmly, her smile dropped. She withdrew her hands from his, he smiled at her but she didn't return the smile.

"She's not just angry but also very jealous and possessive, that lady, i don't understand why I love such a woman so much. " he murmured to himself but loud enough for her to hear. She walked away without another word. Yomade chuckled.

He got out of the car and locked the door. The hot sun hit his face, causing him to squint, using his left hands, he tried blocking the sun's harsh rays from his face.

St Peters hostel was extremely quiet, most of the doors were locked. What if she had gone out? He hadn't informed her he would show up, they hadn't even discussed what time they would be seeing.

He saw a pair of a guy's slides in front of room six, the door was slightly opened. He knocked gently. Few seconds later, a lanky dark skinned guy with blonde dreadlocks opened up, cigarette wedged between his lips. He gave Yomade a scrutinizing gaze.

"What ya want? " he asked curtly.

" I want to see Aduke ".

The guy gaze deepened. He removed the cigarette from his lips, release a puff of smoke and returned it to his lips.

"And who are you? Her boyfriend? " he questioned, taking a drag of his smoke. Yomade shook his head.

"If I was, don't you think I would know her room number?" He asked patiently. The guy snorted.

"I wouldn't know. Aduke is an important person in my life. I get wary of guys that visit her. All these well dressed and handsome Benin guys can't be trusted". he confessed. Yomade grinned.

"I understand your point, i get jealous too, and i am sure she knows what she wants and i am definitely no Benin boy." he added

"Check room 9 and i will be eavesdropping, so behave yourself ." He instructed.

" thank you" he thanked him gracefully. The guy nodded.

Aduke wondered who could be at the door. Maybe her neigbours had come to borrow something from her. She removed her reading glasses, and used her fingers to comb her naughty strands of hair backward and walked to the door. She opened it, barging into Yomade.

He towered over her. She was too stomped to speak, her heart slamming against her ribcage at the sight of him. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. He smiled at her but all she could feel was anger building up her chest.

"What are you doing here?" She finally found her voice, trying her hardest to make sure her voice didn't come out shaky. The last thing she wanted was Yomade knowing how much his sudden appearance affected her.

He walked in, closing the door behind him, she remained rooted to the spot.

"What the fuck are you doing here Yomade?" She asked again, her voice rising. He walked closer to her, and she moved backwards a bit. He held her hands tightly, turning her backwards towards him. Her heart beat increased rapidly, every part of her screamed in alarm. Fear crawl all over her heart. His well manicured hands traced the zipper of her peach coloured mini gown. He dragged down the zipper, revealing her bare back. She gasped, both hands instinctively wrapping around her breast.

Yomade raised his trembling fingers to her back, her skin was warm and silky to his touch. He studied her back slowly, running his hands over it. Some of the marks from the beatings had faded away but the harsher ones had left faint, ugly scars. His heart seems to break into a million pieces by the mere sight of it. He felt worse than he had felt all the years she disappeared. He could see the images of the bastard hitting her while she coiled up in a corner, receiving it all without a word of protest. All those images he never imagined she could be part of, now played carefree in his head. One nauseating pictures after the other. His hands dropped slowly to his sides, he felt drained of energy.

"Aduke, I am sorry." He said.

He wished he could open all of his heart to her so she could see just how sorry he was. If only he could take back the hands of time and make it perfect for her, he would gladly do so. He would receive all her beatings without hesitation.

Aduke turned to face him, she was so angry she felt like smashing something. He followed her the last time they met so he could know where she stays. He went ahead to show up, barging into her house and touching her. What guts! She was livid with anger, angry at him and herself. She couldn't understand why her body will react so much to just a touch.

Why she would ever want more of his fingers on her skin. This is insane! She is Aduke, the rational girl who never took a decision without thoroughly thinking things through.

She hated him; hated the past Yomade who had joined the other kids to make mockery of her, hated the present Yomade who thinks he could come into her life at any time and act like he has always been a part of it.

She raised her right hand to whack him across the face but he was quick to react. He caught her hands in mid air, held the other and pulled her towards him, her soft body fitted his muscled ones perfectly. He held her like she was the only one in the world who could be in his arms. He groaned inwardly, his head swirling with different emotions, this was going to be torture. He closed his eyes, her soft fingers in his well manicured ones in a death grip.

"Stop this Aduke, you're overreacting". He said, opening his eyes to stare into her deep, beautiful, and brown orbs.

"Overreacting! You have no right to be here, no right to touch me and you dare tell me that i am overreacting! " she said angrily.

"Shade told me about the beatings, I needed to see the scars. Now i regret everything. I feel like killing someone ". He said, his face scrunched up as if in serious pains.

"I don't need your sympathy. I don't want you coming here and talking about scars when you never cared. You shouldn't start caring right now." She retorted, he looked at her beautiful face, his heart hurting in ways he couldn't explain. He felt like his heart was repeatedly being stabbed.

"This isn't a sympathy game. I don't know what goes on in that stubborn head of yours but this is definitely not a sympathy game ". She continued

"Everything about you is fake! Your coming to Benin, insisting we see and then going about to ask questions about me, none of it were real! You are just a fucking liar and I would never fall for any of those. You might as well give up and go back to where you coming from. " she ranted, causing both of them to be dead silent.

He released her from his grip, dropping her hands to his side. She stepped away from him, hiding her shaky fingers behind her. Yomade wouldn't have cared if such words came out of the mouth of another person but it felt like a sledgehammer slamming wickedly at his heart because it was Aduke who said it.

He wished he was pretending too, he wished he could leave her in her own world, go back home and everything returned to normal. He could tell himself that he would be fine, after all he was a ladies man, girls adored and threw themselves at him but that would be him deceiving himself.

He needed her, she was his fulfillment. She had kept him awake on several nights, left him turning endlessly in bed, craving for a woman far away. He won't let her go again, no matter the tantrums she threw. She was a drug and he was addicted.

" I bought ointment for the scars, they are in the car".

" I don't need your ointment neither do I need your presence in my house." She said stubbornly .

" Aduke ,you will use those ointments ". He commanded.

"You think ointments can solve this! What about the deep scars all over this thing called my heart where the deepest, rotten wounds lies, what do you intend to do about it? What can heal those? Give me the antidote for that you idiot !" She yelled. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"You want the physical scars to fade but they don't hurt anymore Yomade. They are ugly but they don't hurt like the ones inside of my chest." She added. They both gazed intensely at each other.

" let me help you, give me a chance". He pleaded.

"A chance? " she mocked.

" I don't need help from a man who had chased me like a thief simply because I happen to walk in while he banged a whore." She added. He winced, and she ignored him.

"That was four years ago and I had enough time to pay for that. People change !"

" I refuse to believe you changed".

"That's the problem. You're so emotionally damaged that you have become blind. You see a liar, a monster, a Mr. Williams in every man. " he said angrily, and she glared at him.

"How dare you! You don't know shit about my emotions. Don't come here sounding like my psychologist ".

"If you think I will leave you, you better have a rethink because I won't be doing that like some coward, no matter how deep in your own world you are." He declared. His tone of finality and determination got her scared. His seriousness ever since he came still gave her the chills.

"You can't just barge into my life like a god and tell me who I should relate with and what I should feel. You are so proud, so arrogant".

"and you are bitter, so blind that you don't know who genuinely care or not!"

"Get out of my house !" She commanded harshly. Yomade glared at her.

"we agreed to meet ." he defended

"Did we agree that you would come to my house and tell me shit? Worrying about scars that has absolutely nothing to do with you. You didn't tell me tailing me was part of the agreement!"

Yomade couldn't take his eyes of her. She still look so beautiful even when angry. Her falling and rising chest was a great torture to him.

" we agreed to meet " he repeated.

" well you will have to excuse me ,you won't sit here and watch me undress right?" She hissed. Yomade looked around.

"you need a bigger place. Why don't you search for one. I will pay the bills." He offered. She scowled at him.

" get out Yomade. "

He sighed, tuck both hands in his pocket and walked out without another word. Aduke locked the door, her hands shaking. She undressed, her eyes staring into nothing. He didn't have the right to plead for a chance. He had so many chances while they were growing up and he threw it all away. She only existed when his friends mocked her, called her names, howl every abusive words at her without a solid reason. They made it look like they were ashamed of her existence, like as though the very sight of her nauseated them. She had wanted them to understand her so badly, especially him but he never did. He had always been blind to her intentions. He frowned when she smiled till she forgot how to smile in his presence. He hated it when she spoke till she stopped speaking.

She entered the bathroom and put on the shower, her heart as heavy as a thousand stones. The water rushed down her body. For a fleeting moment, she wished the cold water could erase every bad memories and leave behind the few good ones. She rested her head on the tiled wall, her tears dropping in torrents, mingling with the water like it never existed.

Yomade checked his wristwatch for the umpteenth time, his mind restless. She was taking too long. Seconds felt like years while he waited outside. What if she had changed her mind and locked him out without informing him. She was capable of doing such without remorse. He walked to her door ,praying the door was opened but maybe his prayers didn't get to the heavens in time because the door was locked. He sighed and knocked twice, no response. He listened attentively for any sound from within but silence greeted him. He tried again before she opened up.

He lost power of speech at the bewitching sight of her, she wore a sky blue boyfriend jeans with split on both sides of her legs, showing off a bit of her long, delicate legs. Her blue button down vintage shirt fitted the jean perfectly.

She carried a black Louis Vuitton bag and matching sneakers. Her natural hair was packed into a beautiful bun with a few strands falling on both sides of her oblong face. She wore no makeup, no earrings or any form of accessories but she gave a beautiful, matured vibe .she had a serene look on her face.

"Are you going to keep staring or are we gonna be wherever it is you have in mind? " she asked, knocking him of reverie. She smelt so heavenly, he felt like holding her in his arms.

"I am sorry. You just look so beautiful I got lost " he admitted. She stepped out and locked the door while he watched.

They both trekked down the narrow corridor in silence. When they got to his jet black Lexus. She turned to face him suddenly ,he stopped in his tracks. He prayed she doesn't reject a ride with him.

"Nice ride Yomade" she commented, breaking into a sunny smile. His heart beat seems to increase at the dazzling sight before him. She indeed have the most beautiful smile in the world. He wished she could always have this smile plastered on her face.

"Come open up or do you prefer a stroll? "

She questioned. He gritted his teeth. He would have opted for a stroll but she won't let him hold her hands and he wouldn't want guys ogling at her, Benin boys looked too much. He knew how many guys he glared at in the restaurant the last time they met. She was oblivious to it all but he was frustrated to no end.

"Your father still sells cars? " she asked him.

"Yeah, I sell cars too. It has become a proudly owned family business."

"Little wonder the exotic ride. That's beautiful business ". She praised, and he beamed. She entered and did her seat belt. He did same, his eyes glued on her.

The ride to gladheart was spent in silence. She was busy enjoying the scenery while he was busy stealing glances at her delicate face. The atmosphere was calm and peaceful. None of them wanted to argue their heads off.

Gladheart hotel and bar stood out proud on the quiet street. Aduke couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the place. She could imagine how many millions had gone into such a place.

"You like it? " he asked. She turned to face him, rolling her eyes dramatically.

"do I have a choice? It's breathtaking. " she affirmed ,looking around. He felt proud of himself ,he had spent nights searching for the perfect spot online. His happiness knew no bounds seeing the smile of contentment on her face. They both walked in. Some people drank outside the bar, conversing and watching those who swam in the pool. Aduke watched the girls ,wondering when she would be so confident to show off her skin in front of so many people.

" out here or upstairs? Upstairs is a total see through glass, you would still be able to watch everything that goes on downstairs and outside the walls. It's a beautiful view" he suggested.

" you want upstairs Yomade so let's go."

" how did you know? "

"you wouldn't go such lengths to describe upstairs " she replied. He laughed she was right after all. Yomade could feel the intense gaze on them .he knew most of their looks was directed at the beautiful woman beside him, hot jealousy coursed through his veins. He put his right hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him. She laughed but didn't protest. He tightened his hold.

It was more quiet upstairs with hushed conversations and soft music playing in the background. He chose a spot very close to the glass windows so she could enjoy her scenery. He went ahead to order for their drinks, once she was comfortably seated. He ordered creams and fruit juice for her and whiskey for himself. He pay immediately, he didn't want the drama queen flaunting her independence on him a second time.

She smiled warmely when he poured the cream in a glass cup for her.

" how did you know? "

" about the creams? Shade told me".

" she must have told you a lot about me."

"she told me what she knew. "he replied. She nodded, taking a long sip. She closed her eyes to relish the taste, and he watched her playfully.

" what exactly do you want?" She asked after a while.

" pardon? "

"You know exactly what i am talking about. I am still surprised you travel down here and i refuse to believe you're here to see just me.what is it you want?" She asked a second time. He remained mute, her question clearly caught him off guard

" I am no longer that desperate teenager who needed friends. I have real friends in my life, i have Xander…"

" Xander? " he interrupted coolly, sipping his whiskey.

" yeah, Alexander. Believe you me when I tell you I don't need more friends. Less people, less problems. I am confused as to what you want because I have absolutely nothing to offer you." She voiced.

" you have the whole world to offer me. If only you can see things the way they are, not the way you have trained yourself to see them."

" what do you want from me?"

" I want you in my life, so badly. I want to wake up every morning and see your face. I don't want to be just another friend, I want more than that."

Aduke chuckled in mockery.

" what a joke! Either you are too confident or you are just plain stupid. Of all men, it shouldn't have been you telling me this ." She said calmly. Yomade could feel his heart breaking into tiny pieces again.

" you asked me what I want"

" I did ask you, I didn't tell you to feed me lies, talking to me as if I was born yesterday or we are in a badly written, bloody romance movie!" She hissed.

" after seeing you with different girls; different shapes, distinct characters, treating them like they were tools for sexual pleasure, you really have the guts to tell me you want me in your life". She mocked.

" that was Yomade of four years ago, you have no idea how much I regret my actions. People change!" He said, clearly agitated. She scoffed, emptying her cup. He refilled her glass, she was starting to feel lightheaded due to the drink but she had no intention of stopping.

"Change my ass! People don't really change Yomade. There is always a past of everyone waiting for the right moment to find expression. It is just like the soldiers, there is a killer, a murderer, a lover of blood in everyone of them, the uniform gives them freedom ."she explained gently. He didn't know what to say again. She looked so sexy sitting there ,spewing words without a care with a wicked glint in her brown eyes.

" you told me men are polygamous in nature, I thought you believed in what you said." He reminded her. Her lips curved into a beautiful smile that didn't reach her eyes.

" I do believe in it Yomade. Men indeed aren't satisfied with just one .They want this, want that, sometimes ,they end up wanting what will kill them ." She said, shaking her head, swirling the drink in her cup.

" there has always been a great level of injustice between men and women in this world. I don't even want to think about those shit. Something was wrong with creation, they weren't created at the same time ,so why should women begin to think that they could stop men from doing whatever they wanted? "
