
Scarred and Beautiful

Aduke's world is turned upside down when she loses her parents, and she is left to fend for herself in a cutthroat society where people take pleasure in using her for their own gain. With the weight of societal pressure bearing down on her to rely on a man for her every need, Aduke is forced to make a life-altering decision: succumb to societal expectations or forge her own path and risk losing everything she's ever wanted. With her future hanging in the balance, Aduke must navigate through this harsh world and discover her true identity.

Goudc · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 2

"Get the fuck out my house Aduke" Yomade screamed wildly, his bloodshot eyes staring dangerously at her, giving the impression that he could stab her at any moment. Aduke staggered backwards, cleary frightened by his outburst. She had never seen him so angry before and the fact that his anger was directed right at her scared her to no end.she should have knocked before walking right in,she didn't have any right to walk into people's homes without waiting for permission. This isn't her father's house. she should have waited outside, what she didn't expect though ,is that she would walk into yomade and shery having sex on the couch. Sheryl is shade, yomade younger sister bestfriend,their act was disgusting.

"And what the hell is the dumb ass standing there for,i said you should get out,should i discharge some slaps on your ugly face to reset your fish brain?" He growled at her getting into his boxers in haste.sheryl ran to the bathroom, her face as red as a tomato from embarrassment. Aduke stared at him as if rooted to the spot.the yomade standing before her right now was a total stranger ,she has never seen this side him for as long as she could remember and she knew he reacted so violently just because it happen to be her,aduke,the strange girl nobody wants to associate with and hell,it hurts so much .she has tried so much to make peace,even going as far as apologising for doing no wrong just so everyone could treat her as a normal girl but no,they still hated her.

She looked down, fumbling with her gown.

"Am sorry " she apologized turning to walk out.

"Stand right there and face me!" He commanded,she stiffened,turned and waited with her head bowed.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned.

" i want to see shade" she replied

" shade? You want to see my own sister shade. I don't know what charm or concoction you must have fed her with to make her want to associate with a dirty thing like you but i swear, it all ends today.i will make sure she has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with you anymore, you this parasite" he insulted her. She kept mute forcing a smile ,her sudden smile irritated him to no end.sheryl returned to the living room fully claded.she walked to aduke slapping her across the face.aduke staggered backward, shocked to the core. Who gave sheryl the gut to hit her.

" are you sure you are here to see shade or me,want to get laid?" Yomade mocked.aduke blood boiled.yomade could say anything and she would remain mute but she won't be treated like a useless girl begging for casual sex.

" how dare you ?" she asked in anger.

"Shut up" yomade yelled.

"Don't you dare pretend here.we all know how you have slept with every guy in the neighbourhood and just how readily available you have made yourself to all the small boys.i wonder how they manage to sleep with a whore,a dirty thing like you.Are they not scared of sexually transmitted diseases? You are a disgrace to every lady existing on the face of the earth , you shouldn't have been born ,you are a stain " he insulted her. Sheryl smiled in mockery. Aduke felt her chest squeeeze in pain at each word that comes out of his mouth.she was in so much pain that she couldn't talk ,her throat felt dry,words of defence stuck in it.

" from today onwards, i don't want to see you here or anywhere around me.we have been neigbours for years but i don't even know you exist,so valueless.you belong to the world of your books and you should remain there,stop looking for trouble, trying to force yourself where you don't belong. Nobody wants you.now Get out .just disappear into thin air. any day i come across you, i will so disgrace you that you do wish you never knew me" he warned.aduke squeezed her palms until she bled,her knuckle paling,she looked like blood has been drained off her.without another word ,she ran out the house,sheryl and yomade laughed at her.

She ran like someone was after her life,falling down and scrapping her knee she ignored the pain.she payed no heed to the gateman who called after her to ask what happened. She barged into her room ,locked the door and slumped on the bed.she stared at the ceiling for several minutes ,life drained out of her.she has faced so many humiliations in her life, hearing those words come out of his mouth opened healing wounds and made them fresh again. She never imagined that yomade would talk to her like that .this is the longest conversation they have had since they met each other and every words was double _ edged swords,tearing at her heart repeatedly,ruthlessly. Hot tears clouded her eyes and rushed down her cheeks

"It shouldn't have been you,yomade, it shouldn't have been you" she murmured covering her mouth with handkerchief to reduce sound of her sobbing.she stayed there for hours,crying endlessly.

Aduke opened her eyes slowly ,she turned to look around,feeling some wetness on her pillow ,she wiped her face,anger building up in her chest.

" should you cry, It's been four years.aren't you grateful? Look at where you used to be and how far God has taken you,get yourself together and enjoy your day " she scolded herself. She stared at the ceiling, burrowing deeper into the duvet.the weather was very cold due to the harmattan and Benin weather was known for being just too much,the sun shines too much,rain fell too much and harmattan came with a vengeance. Everybody wanted the cold that comes with harmattan, now they were all complaining,nature cannever satisfy human beings.

The room was quiet,clock ticking slowly on the wall.she seriously missed her roommate.kosi would have started playing judikay songs on the MP by now after which she would switch to postmalon as if inviting both the devils and angels for a feast.

She heard a quiet knock and listened carefully to confirm if it was her door.the knock came again,harsher this time.

"Chill" she shouted standing up.she climbed out of bed and went to her wardrop to put on a short,green coloured sleevless gown.she switch on the light and opened the door.

Alexander smiled warmely at her. He is a 300l student studying pharmacy and they became friends since her 100l after they met in a cinema.Aduke deeply respects and care for Alexander. He's been a wonderful friend and have helped her alot. He listens to all her problems and try to create solutions. She couldn't imagine what she should have done at times without Xander by her side.

"Moi babe" he said,planting a light kiss on her forehead.

" morning sunshine. " he added,winking at her.she smiled, motoning for him to come inside.

" dirty lady. Don't tell me you have been in bed all day ." He complained. Aduke rolled her eyes ,she ignored him and pulled a plastic chair for him to sit down.he obeyed

"It's 8 in the morning xander." She finally replied.he pulled her close,making her sit on his lap

"What time did you sleep yesterday. You have terrible bags under your eyes too.bad dreams? " he asked touching her cheeks,concern etched on his handsome face.she slapped his hands away,blushing shamelessly.

" talk to daddy baby girl." He cooed,his well manicured fingers on her face again.

" stop being a tease you pervert. Am fine.i just slept late."she explained standing up.

" where are your keys.you should lock up,i prepared something nice for you." He announced. Aduke smiled lovingly at him.she looked away before he could read her facial expressions. She frowned instead.

" i haven't even brushed. "

"Does it matter? You left your brush the last time, i kept it for you.lets bounce." He said, rummaging the table for her keys. She ignored him and rushed to the bathroom. Locking the door.xander laughed heartily.

"Idiot !" she shouted at him. He laughed again. She was out five minutes later.she made for her wardrop and wore a long jean jacket to shut out the cold. Alexander watched her quietly, drinking in her flawless features. Aduke is such a beautiful girl even if she doesn't want to believe she is and has refused to accept that she was perfectly made.she complained of not being fleshy enough but he totally love her curves, each and everyone of them.he marvel at her long smooth legs, her hips and round ass.she had full lips that could turn a man on at a spot, large seductive eyes with long rows of lashes and ever neat brows.her pointy nose was littered with a few birth marks,each so beautiful that it seems to be tattooed into her skin.her long slender hands has always been well manicured ever since he knew her.her skin is soft and well taken care of.women were indeed ungrateful, he still didn't understand why a woman like aduke would still complain of not being beautiful enough.

" stop looking at me like that " she glared at him.he smiled unapologetically. She grumbled, eyeing him badly,like she could kill him if given the chance.

" since you have decided to remain blind to just how beautiful you are,let me appreciate that which is before me."

" oh really, how about i gauge your pervert eyes out its sockets "

She threatened. Alexander could only laugh at her hilarious ,empty threats. He stood up to collect her keys from the table ,bent down to help her wear her palms and led her out of the small self con. His house was just three minutes from hers,he held her hand tightly as they walked in the cold,shooting daggers at any guy whose gaze lingered too much, some stared right at him while some quickly looked away.aduke was oblivious to their activities. He withdraw his hands from his and draped it on her shoulder instead,pulling her close to him. Aduke didn't bother protesting .she knew just how clingy xander could be.

Alexander didn't just take care of himself alone but spent alot in his home.the spacious selfcon was tastefully furnished ,reeking of money and power Every furniture was either black or white giving off a cool masculine vibe.from the two large seater facing each other ,to the black and white center table ,a Samsung TV hung on the wall,the wall paper were of excellent and rare design. Everywhere in his home was tiled. Who would visit Xander home and not drool. Even after being in his house several time,she still marvel at just how much his must have spent on this

"When you are done observing, maybe you should come and eat ? " xander suggested in a hoarse voice,knocking her off reverie.she turned to face him,clearing her throat.

" you can't blame me xander,your home is irresistible, i can't help it." She replied.he smiled warmely at her,leading her to the small but very neat kitchen.she took a seat at the mini dinning, wondering what he had prepared for her this time .he walked to the fridge, brought out a fruit bowl ,a fork and a glass of water,he placed it at her front and opened the fruit bowl. She pouted at him, clearly letting him know that he doesn't have to do every single thing for her through her sharp gaze,he ignored her.she shrugged,took the fork and dived in.

"When was the last time you took fruit early in the morning like this? " he asked suddenly. Aduke hesitated ,avoiding his penetrating gaze.

"You don't eat ! Do you? " he questioned, his voice a pitch higher. Aduke focused solely on her fruit.

" the last time your gastric issues acted up so badly, babe i knew just how much i spent on drugs,stop doing this to me !" He pleaded, his handsome facial features tense,he looked like a mother hen,worried over an errant chick.aduke heart warmed at his actions,Xander has always been like this,caring about everything that concerns her ,including little details. She sometimes wondered at just how large his heart is to accommodate so much care for her alone, what about his family and friends? Just how much could Xander love a person. She wanted to ask him but seeing how serious and concerned he looked right now,she swallowed back her words, mentally noting it down to ask him later .

" i eat Xander and i take fruit when i can " she spoke up at last in a non -challant manner, not that she didn't know the right words to pacify him,but she just wanted to see him worried about her,it made her happy

" you eat late ! How would someone who suffers gastralgia eat so late! And then take sweet things repeatedly,ignoring drugs and vegetables, won't you rather kill me with fear! " he exlaimed.

Aduke lowered her head, hiding her smile.after discovering she had gastric problem three years ago,she had also been trying to eat early but old habit die hard.when she was attending secondary school, she doesn't eat breakfast and her school went on lunch break by 12 noon,for six years,it went on like that and had become a part of her.Early morning food was like a punishement for her,she hated it.

Chikosi ,Xander and some of her friends made sure she eats on time but without their presence, aduke doesn't eat till 12

Xander mistook her lowering of head for feeling bad and began to feel guilty for lashing at her so harshly. He sighed, grabbing her pettit hand on the table,he stared at her long and well manicured finger nails for minutes, aduke hid her smile,she knew Xander would end up apologising! As if he could read her mind,he opened his mouth to speak.

" am sorry babe,am just worried for you,i don't want to ever see you in pain like the last time"

He said seriously, she nodded, wearing a sad countenance,knowing fully the effect of it on him.his brows furrowed,he blamed himself badly for talking so much.

"My baby " he cooed.

" stop it! Am sorry too but am trying to adapt ,i promise again! " she said in a gentle voice,acting all coquettish.xander heart melted, the anger he felt minutes ago dissipated into thin air.aduke returned to her fruit bowl,xander gazed at her for several minutes,his gaze intense,he stood up abruptly and walked to the microwave.

" how did your meeting go? " he questioned setting the microwave to preferred heat and turning it on,the whirling sound soon filled the silent kitchen.

Aduke grip tightened on her fork, she knew Xander would be interested in it,he had also pleaded she went to see yomade,insisting that yomade won't stop until he sets eyes on her.

" he wants us to see again, next week Wednesday "

" how was he able to convince you again? Was he much more charming than you expected? Taking away your breath with his good looks? " he questioned, aduke gritted her teeth, throwing a glare at his muscular back, she kept mute, silence reigned again. Xander turned off the microwave,took a flat plate from the plate rack and scooped spaghetti, fried plaintain and beef into it, he walked up to her and placed it gently, his movement natural.

" eat it all up " he commanded ,aduke picked up her fork with glee,her full lips curving into a beautiful smile, the light shone on her skin, highlighting her features and making her appear extra delicate.xander marveled at the sight.

" i have had a share of handsome guys ,look at you,you are a walking god" she said seriously, trying to divert xander attention away from how yomade was able to convince her to see again,she was too embarrassed to give him details,thinking about it alone made her toes curled.yomade churkled.

" its true good looking guys approach you alot, which i honestly don't think you deserve ,for a girl who never for once believed in her own beauty " he mocked. She glared at him, he smiled.

" let's both admit though, yomade is a god of good looks,commanding attention wherever he goes,it's impossible for him not to have charmed you into making you see him again ." He added

" yes,i accept he's handsome but you think i care? Do you honestly think i give a shite about his looks? He's a disaster and i never look forward to a day i do see him in a different light.yomade will always be yomade! " she declared,her blood boiling,just the thought of him alone and she badly wanted to smash something, her fingers itched to the point where they shook.

" i don't know what yomade is up to,i just happen to know all these aren't child's play.chatting with you for five months and then leaving his abode to come see you,simply to apologise? " he queried, his gaze deep and unfathomable .

" he's not here solely to see me ,he has some issues to attend to " she said,using the fork to deliver beef to her mouth, she chewed slowly, relishing the taste,xander watched her .

" weather he is here for you or not,am not comfortable with it,just be mine and forget this whole shite" he proposed.

Aduke sighed, her brows furrowing,this is not the first time xander will bring up this issue of them both going into a relationship, he's an ideal ladies guy but it wasn't about his kind of person alone. His parents hated her for no apparent reason, despite the fact that they haven't met her, they hated her to the core,insisting that over their dead body would they allow him to settle for just any girl .they wanted their beloved son to date a rich girl whose parents are well to do just like them, they didn't want a girl from a background without fame.

Because xander was so caring towards people, girls flocked around him, aduke had long lost count of girls who had harrassed and howled abusive words at her simply because Xander payed her nore attention ,if not that she had learned to be thick skinned, she would have ended their friendship long ago ,she couldn't imagine going into a relationship with him, those girls would gladly murder her in cold blood! And then there was mr bode,her sponsor who would never agree on such.

She sighed again,several thoughts running through her mind.the silence in the kitchen became deafening.cars horned on the quiet street,children who were late for school shouted at each other .

" forget about mr bode,i can sponsor you,after all it's just the school fees and some other expenses, i know you're capable of handling the rest.you don't have to be vulnerable to anybody." He added cooly,studying her.aduke hands shook, she hide them on her lap,glaring at him to conceal her emotions .having not been exposed to such care and love while growing up and even telling herself repeatedly that such feelings are conditional, Xander care for her mess up her rationality and disturb her sometimes that her head and heart ache in intense pains, she was addicted to him, doing anything to make this friendship last forever, she didn't want whatever feelings they both shared to either change or grow stronger that they have to fall apart. She knew Xander values her alot, would things turn sour between them if she keeps insisting they can't go into a romantic relationship? Would things be better between them if she said yes to it? What about the inevitable test of time, would they be able to withstand it? He's a charming man, epitome of goodlooks ,a man so perfect that ladies weep to have him ,what if he meets someone better than her in future,someone his parents approve of?

" i have not become so vulnerable that you have to consider relationship, i don't want a relationship " she declared, forcing herself to continue eating,she had lost her appetite but xander would scold her should she stop.

Silence reigned again, she couldn't bring herself to look at xander in the eye,afraid of the emotions she would find there.

" no relationship, that's what you keep saying! Opening doors for men like nasty yomade and old mr bode,and then there is your fucked up family, a family who have absolutely no idea what is going on with you! They are so sick in the head that i feel like shooting their fucking brains out! What if you're are now a drug addict,what if you had joined prostitution to survive ! " he said calmy but aduke could detect the extreme anger in his voice,he was trying so hard to remain calm that his fingers shook terribly.

" have i made myself look so weak before you that you now think i can't make decisions?" She questioned

" have i become so dependent on you that you think i do agree to a relationship? Simply because it's you proposing it,i should willingly accept !" She added,her voice rising.
