
Scarlet's Revenge: The Vendetta's Seduction

Revenge comes at a cost, and we're all familiar with its allure. But what if it evolves into a relentless vendetta? I'm Scarlet Russells. A few years ago, I was the cherished princess of the Alpha, but in the blink of an eye, my entire family was massacred before my very eyes. As a young child, I hid behind the cupboards. Years passed, and I grew up, though not in the manner of your typical Disney princess but trust me more attractive than your Disney princesses. My transformation was unique; I was molded into a pawn in my stepbrother's quest for vengeance against those who had wronged us. He trained me to be an agent of seduction, manipulating the Alphas and bosses of rival packs or families he sought to overthrow. I became professional in my field, but one night, everything changed when he instructed me to infiltrate the Whisper Howling pack and gain entry to the Fedele mafia family—the very same group responsible for the loss of my entire family. Yes, I was hesitant. After all, who doesn't know about the Fedeles? They are notoriously deadly, but I had no choice but to comply. As I carried out my assignment, I found myself mated to the three men who led the Fedele mafia family, How do I take on my mates? What would happen to my revenge plot when I discovered that it wasn't mere rumors, but they indeed possessed dark forces guarding them?

DaoistCwLvu4 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs


~ Scarlet~

The packhouse was filled with some of the pack members. Everywhere was decorated with red rose flowers. That's my favorite of all the flowers.I'm Scarlet Russells, the Alpha's most cherished daughter of the Wintermoon pack.

Today is my birthday. 

I was to be 14, the most important age of any werewolf. The very first time you would meet and see your wolf, then by twenty you would find your fated mate.

Being the daughter of one of the strongest Alphas in the werewolf kingdom, my birthday was really special. A lot of guests invited both the high-ranking werewolves from other neighboring packs. I was excited. I couldn't wait to see and meet my wolf. I wanted to see what she would look like.

As I descended the stairs, the aroma of different scents of flowers flooded my nose, and my mother smiled at me. She is my father's cherished Luna, but it's only fair to say I have stolen the attention all to myself after I was born. 

 Soon, my dad sent me looking for my brother before the ceremony officially started, and I quickly strolled out to find the play-pup.

Running errands for my dad was a joy, we were the best of friends, and his love for me was boundless. Today, as I jogged merrily, like a happy pup, to complete a task he had given me, the sky's transformation quickened my steps. I didn't want to get caught in the rain. I hated being wet. Why was it even raining on my birthday?

A few minutes later, I reached my father's mansion. I ran inside, exhaling softly. Seeing his gaze at me, I smiled.

He responded with a broad one.

Little did I know that it would be the last time I'd see that smile.

The door to my dad's palace slammed open forcefully, causing us all to turn in the direction of the noise, and it was my dad's butler who ran hastily towards him, then his knee gave way and landed on the ground. His face was a mix of emotions that a little pup like myself can't tell.

"My lord, the whisper Howling pack just crossed the border!"

My dad's brows furrowed, his hands clenched onto the handle of his chair, and I could hear his gnashes. He was filled with anger.

"A sneak attack? Gather our men!" He commanded and hastily left for his room, and I followed him. Are they starting a war on my birthday?

My dad and mom quickly strolled down the stairs, and I followed, wondering what exactly was going on—where were the guests?

My mom tuned in, and with a forced smile, she asked, "Did you see those men trailing you or did anyone at all follow you?"

I disapproved hastily. I had seen no one follow me to the pack house. If I heard clearly, the butler said the border, and I never reached the border. I stopped at Beta's house to call my brother.

Soon chaos erupted, with noises and growls everywhere, and I stood quietly, my confidence eluding, while I clutched onto my mom's garment.

My dad, the Alpha, drew back the curtains, revealing a horrifying scene outside. Pack members were fleeing for safety, and warriors were locked in battle—a fierce one.

The sound of a gunshot startled every one of us in that room.Did they come with guns? Or did they come with the wolf hunters?

I turned, and it was our beta taken down with just one shot. My hands became very sweaty while my feet became wobbly as I held onto that garment for my dear life. That was my first time seeing someone shot dead. I couldn't contain my scream as he writhed in agony, and my mother quickly covered my mouth to stifle a sound.

Fear and confusion overwhelmed my fourteen-year-old self. Different thoughts raced through my mind, but at just fourteen years old, I was utterly powerless. I hadn't even gotten to see my wolf yet.

"It's the Fedele of Whisper Howling!" I heard my dad seethe before he opened the door. I watched him shift into his Alpha wolf, a full and fierce one. He growled as he slammed the door, forcing my mom to quickly lock it from inside.

I stood watching her closely, and I could see her fears creeping out of her eyes even if she stayed a heroine in front of me.

A sudden bang at the door signaled that the attackers had entered, and my heart began to race uncontrollably. My mother turned to me with hesitation.

"Scarlet!" she called out, her voice trembling, and I looked at her. My whole hair stood to its end, curious at what her writhing voice had to say, but she rushed to me, pushing me into a new cupboard that had just been brought in yesterday.

"Stay in there and don't come out until it's over." She whispered and nodded her head.

"Mum, what of Mike?" I cried out. "He is fine, sweetheart!" she said to me, further pushing me into the cupboard. Mike was my junior brother, whom I loved so much, but where is he in the midst of this whole chaos?

I stayed hidden, sobbing silently, but the sound of the broken door piqued my curiosity. Through the cupboard's small holes, I saw two men—one shifted into a bigger and stronger wolf than an Alpha wolf. He looked more like a Lycan wolf, the other still in human form, holding a gun, while some other men followed closely like they were their bodyguards. They looked terrifying, bloodied from the lives they had taken.

Before I could fully process the situation, two gunshots rang out, and the two men fell. I covered my mouth to stifle my gasp, heeding my mother's warning not to make a sound. The gunshots sent the attackers running for cover, and then I saw the shooter, my mother, Luna, with a gun. My heart raced. Where had she found the gun? She descended the grand stairs with a newfound confidence, knowing she had two men down at a go, but she was just too reckless.

Another gunshot and a cry pierced the air. My heart ached as I watched my mother collapse to the ground as she whimpered. She refused to give up, shifting into her phoenix wolf form. Her speed was astonishing, it was triple that of a normal werewolf speed. She took down two men again and injured the one who had shot her. She had taken one of his eyes, and I'm sure he would have just one going forward. But even her strength had limits. She fell to the ground, writhing in pain, and another wolf rushed to protect her.

I recognised it as my dad, though he was barely recognisable, wounded, and covered in blood. He held my mother's hand, whispering her words, which I couldn't hear from my hiding place.

The sounds of gunshots grew louder, and I couldn't bear to watch any longer. I sat in the cupboard, hugging my legs for comfort, my jaw clenched in anger. I watched the killers leave, leaving my parents' lifeless bodies behind.

A few minutes later, a tall, muscular man entered. I recognised him as my stepbrother, Harry, and as my father's confidant. I had kept Harry's existence a secret from my mom, wanting peace in our family because my dad had explained that Harry's birth was a mistake.

Harry rushed to our dad's lifeless body, tears streaming down his face as he screamed like a child. Some werewolves tried to console him, but his sobs persisted. At this point, I decided it was time to come out. I pushed the door open. As I emerged from the cupboard, all eyes turned to me. I no longer had tears to shed, so I didn't shed any. I walked closer to Harry, and he pulled me into his embrace while I sobbed quietly. The deed was done, and there was no turning back.

My birthday turned out to be my parent's funeral.

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