
Scarecrow of 1889

There once was a boy who was an orphan and suffered abuse from his village residents. The only friend he had was the dummy scarecrow on the field, whom he talked to. One day, a wealthy man brutally beat the boy. The next morning, the wealthy man was found dead, and the scarecrow was covered in blood.  Terrified, the villagers were convinced that the scarecrow had come to life to avenge its tormented friend. And it was the last scarecrow ever placed again in the fields, considering it a sign of death.  —   After scarecrow dolls begin appearing in the streets of Riddleford next to murder victims, the town is thrown into chaos. When the hunt for the mystery scarecrow murderer begins, it is only a matter of time before the famous Frontier Hall Opera House employees are subjected to suspicion, each protecting a secret of their own. But is that all that is going on? Or is there something unseen?

ash_knight17 · História
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Therapy sessions

A few days had passed since Sylvester had arrived at the asylum, and he mostly kept to himself, except during sessions with his assigned doctor when he needed to talk. Sometimes, he couldn't shake the feeling that if he stepped out of this place, no one would even remember him.

He couldn't help but think back to a time when times were simpler. He wished to return to his childhood, when he was happier. But something told him it had never been and everything had been, hidden until now. 

The following week, Dr. Hall returned for another session with Sylvester, putting him under hypnosis before addressing him. "Are you there, Ricardo? I'd like to speak with you. Ricardo?"

"Que quieres? What do you want?" Ricardo responded in a bored tone, slouching against the couch before stretching out flat on the surface, his legs dangling over the armrest.

"I'd like to get to know you better," Dr. Hall replied.

"What for?"