
Scandalous Midnight.

What are the possibilities between a virtuous detective wells and a scandalous Bridget midnight? *** Agent Wells is the best agent in the agency and compounded with virtues. He is trusted with the case of the assassin, Midnight and the agency has agreed on a shoot-on-sight. The unexpected outturn of the assassin being female allows Detective Wells to make a mistake of a lifetime and let her slip through his fingers. Trouble is the smallest thing that is knocking on his door. Refusing to gun down an assassin is just as much a crime as falling in love with her. Or could there be a scenario where it isn't?

Lilyr4se · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

chapter 3

Agent wells

He walked into the office; jerking the door open with nothing exactly on his face. It was eight in the morning and yet; he was about the last person to arrive at work.

Austin; the tech guy who was typing away on his keyboard was the first one to spot him. He smirked. "Detective Wells"


There was a bit of disdain in the way he said those words which was because he was very accustomed to what came after he greeted him. He was either asking about vera or vera. He would appreciate it if he left his sister alone.

Nevertheless; Austin grinned; giving him an information of a lifetime. "I got invited"

Wells instantly halted on his feet; turning to pay him the attention he wasn't given him before. His face was anything but intrigued. He could still remember the first time Austin met his family.

It was one afternoon when he came over to drop some files off to him; his mother seemed to hit it up nicely with him owing to his babbling mouth and then; he met Vera. Austin was a twenty-five-year-old man and a very decent man but he just didn't feel right about him keeping anything other than friendship with his sister.

"To the pre-wedding party. You didn't tell me that your mum was remarrying"

He blinked; resisting a grit. He wasn't even aware of that himself. He was away from the home for how many days and Austin was already taking his place.

Good God.

He wanted to say something when his workmate; Carl appeared on sight. There was something hanging on his face as he muttered. "Check the screen, Austin"

He turned to meet Wells' expressionless glare with a pair of loathsome eyes. 

"Jennie says that she has got something"

"On Midnight?"

Wells uttered; a flash of the blue-ocean eyes popping somewhere inside his head. It was weird. He could still recall every detail of her even to the insane black outfit she wore the other day.

Carl nodded; tossing a file towards him and Austin made a disgruntled sigh. "Where on earth did she get that?"

He was eying the file that was now laying in between wells' palms. Jennie; the shy tech girl and the more knowledgeable one. Wells hunched his shoulders; giving him that face.

"Of cause; you wouldn't know"

Austin's jaw was threatening to fall to the floor from the insult to his intelligence. "What do you mean?"

He wanted to say something when Carl; made an eye-roll; looking in between the both of them. "Can you two continue the in-laws brawl later?"

"In-laws brawl"

Austin smirked. "I like that"

Wells groaned; making a distance away from those two headaches. He settled himself on a chair next to the brown hair; glasses; tiny body and a peculiarity that screamed nerd.

Jennie Chapman.

He began to go throw the files; flipping the pages one after the other—still–there was nothing about midnight being a woman even to the quick flashes and blurred-out images that they have been able to obtain over the recent weeks all entailed strong masculine features. It was almost as if the lady he met the other day was a complete different person to the one that they were investigating in the office.

It didn't make sense.

He flipped through the pages of the file in his hands going through every detail written inside it.

Born in the year 2000

He frowned; halting on that. 2000? So they were saying that the criminal was           

twenty-seven years old?

That also didn't fit.

The lady he met the other day, seemed younger than that. At most, twenty-five years old.

An orphan.

He arched his brows at that, noticing that everything about this case seemed to lead to a dead end.

His eyes made a fix on the orphan part.

Midnight as a case profile did make sense to be an orphan in different ways and that could absolutely tie back to why they haven't been able to track the criminal down with the means of relatives.

But the question was if the lady of the other day was midnight or not? If she was then.....did that mean that she was an orphan?

It was crazy to imagine that; and he might not be able to relate since he always had a good family oh—well aside from the terrible situation of their father leaving them behind years back. He sighed looking back at the paper, reading the last thing on it.

The mystery murder is yet to be recorded. Also, no offender is recorded.

A frown was inevitable. What was this murder case about? and why wasn't it stated or recorded anywhere in the database? who was behind the murder? and was that why the criminal was killing so many people? Was this solely for revenge? Or was there anyother purpose?

He groaned. There were so many unanswered questions surrounding Midnight.

All of this was insane.

He looked up only to see Jennie watching him thoughtfully. "You don't believe it?"

He rose his both eyebrows mostly because everyone always assumed that the midnight was a maniac maybe Midnight was in a way, but it seems they haven't done the homework well enough. Turns out there was more story behind Midnight, what was it? He didn't know, but he just thought that they shouldn't be too quick to shoot anyone yet. But would his boss think the same thing?

"Do you?"

He muttered out the blue; throwing her words back at her. She was about to say something when the boss pulled open the door to his office; making eye contact with him and signaling for him to come over.