
Scandalous Midnight.

What are the possibilities between a virtuous detective wells and a scandalous Bridget midnight? *** Agent Wells is the best agent in the agency and compounded with virtues. He is trusted with the case of the assassin, Midnight and the agency has agreed on a shoot-on-sight. The unexpected outturn of the assassin being female allows Detective Wells to make a mistake of a lifetime and let her slip through his fingers. Trouble is the smallest thing that is knocking on his door. Refusing to gun down an assassin is just as much a crime as falling in love with her. Or could there be a scenario where it isn't?

Lilyr4se · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 1


She could hear the siren of the police cars; circulating outside the area from the top floor down to where she was. Her eyes peered outside through the windows; bouncing over the sight of flashing blue-red lights, casting an eerie glow downstairs. She cursed; pulling her pair of guns out of her back trousers; and refilling the bullets.

"Shoot on sight"

Among the muffled voices, she strained to catch the orders given to the detectives that began to rush up the building, causing a grit to escape from her lips, her lips pursed in thoughts before cursing underneath her breathe for the second time already.

I had only one option, the secret passage.

She hurried on her boots; walking a distance to the other side of the walls; searching quickly for the frickin keys. She pulled the iron slides open one after the other; before emerging at the last one; she spotted the keys; hung on something inside it.

She unhooked it, sprinting towards the left; and placing her hands on the door knobs, jerking it open. She was enveloped by dim lit corridors as she hurried; sprinting through the routes, breathing heavily before finally arriving at another door. She fixed the keys into it, once it was unlocked. An even dimmer passage greeted her and she squinted her eyes at the uncanny thickness.

It appeared somewhat different from the map that she's seen before, vague and unclear routes that hasn't been there earlier but there weren't much options so she walked down the steps; breathless and gasping as she ruled out the darker parts of it, taking turns toward the sides with better illuminations.

She was sprinting; looking at the main door resting at the other side; and resisting the smile of relief that wanted to creep over her lips at the satisfaction of doing another insane smooth and perfect job until; her boots hooked on a stone; throwing her off her balance and she nudged unto the floor, feeling her laps beneath the cold unforgiving ground.The rough texture bit into her palms, sending a jolt of pain up her arms.

She cursed; about to raise up to her feet when she felt a familiar metal fix on her forehead. A gun. Her eyes widened as they moved from the ground to see the body of a well-built man, totally with all the agency work-out pro's.

"Hands in the air"

His deep husk voice ordered into the silence between them, it resounded beneath her belly enough to jerk her back to what her reality was right now, her heart skipped a beat as she gazed at the man in front of her. His brown eyes were glaring at her very icily but within them, she most certainly wasn't mistaken the glint of something else that was laying inside them.

He must have thought that the evil person who has been killing all these people must look evil also, but instead, he was staring eye-to-eye with, a clear blue eyes; an innocent smile with huge dimples on the both sides; glossy pink lips, and a perfect body.

She slowly rose to her feet; the gun following her motions but she noticed that he wasn't adhering to the earlier order of shoot-on-sight. Instead; he was looking at her with a somewhat frown resting in between his brows.

"You're midnight?"

His deep husk voice uttered, as he tried to mask his disbelief. She grinned; batting her lashes at the man who settled just a little bit above her and who could also end her life the next second. "Hey"

She waved. "Nice to meet you"

The gun tightened on her forehead from her statement causing her to jolt behind due to the impact. She could sense that he didn't relish her sense of humor and wasn't one to joke around. Her eyes traced his perfect collarbone down to the agency tag resting on his shirt and obviously not stealing a glimpse to the muscular arms.

"Detective Wells"

She whispered into the atmosphere between them and nearly that exact moment everything she knew about that name based on her research began to rush into her memory.

He was the best-trained detective in the agency compounded with loads of virtue; plus; he was the infamous detective that hasn't ever failed a mission before.

Crap. Double crap

"I did nothing bad today."

She confessed with a glint of fear dancing in between her blue ocean eyes. He was still very much firm on his gun so she added "Mr.Collins, he is alive and kicking. Though, tied up in his office"

She hoped her confession would set her off the hook and wouldn't have to go gun-to-gun with someone so challenging. Detective Wells was quiet; eyes fixed firmly on her and watching her motions in a very calculating manner so she chose her words wisely.

He wasn't gunning me down which was at least a good thing, for now. "The keys" He uttered, his tone still very strict and she threw it toward him. He caught the key; eyeing the bundle of it as though wondering what else the key was used for.

She watched him bring out a handcuff and threaten to hook it around her wrists, she didn't fight it and for some reason, she sensed that he thought she would. His eyes slowly walked up to meet hers, as though wondering what was going through her head. He didn't have the luxury of time to keep pondering before the footstep of his fellow detectives began to erupt the area around them.

She could hear it coming closer and closer, worse more, it didn't belong to just one person, it seemed to be lot of them approaching; with guns fixed on point and ready to shoot down the supposing criminal. She jerked behind; sensing that her time on this earth was slowly ticking away. She gazed at his expression; he looked somewhat bothered and she could already guess the problem. How on earth does he explain that he was standing next to the criminal and doing nothing? In fact, she couldn't explain that herself.

She moved her boots behind one more time; before suddenly turning around and sprinting down the main door. She dared him...

She dared him to shoot her down but till her hands reached for the knobs; pulled it open and behind herself, the bullet never came. She couldn't understand why someone as virtuous as detective wells Jackson would let her escape.

It was something she couldn't help but ponder upon.