
Scandal Modeling

"Let's forget about last night's events, and go back to our respective activities. Please don't let anyone know, especially the media, because that will complicate my career," said the woman The man looked at the woman with a cold expression because he wanted her too so nothing agitated would happen. But he still has to be careful with this woman because she could sell high prices even though there are other things hidden. *** "What you are carrying is my child," said the man with a sharp gaze The woman frowned and she realized that the man realized what she was hiding. The woman was silent and did not answer because she was confused about what to do and what to say to her. He was sure this man would not easily talk about it if he didn't find out first, and he was quite grateful for that. "I want us to get married, because I don't want my child to be born without a clear bond," continued the man. ----- United because of a scandal and end up loving each other, winning is weird but that's love, you don't know where to lean on or to whom you are sure that love sometimes seems selfish because you have to have it.

Fiia_1602 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


Happy Reading 😊

Today, the Queen has a womb check-up scheduled after she has traveled abroad with Lili and Alex, who are loyal to accompany her.

"Madame Azusena, please come in," a nurse said.

"Good afternoon, How are you today?" asked the doctor

"Fine, as I previously called the dock," replied the queen

"Okay, let's check the fetus through the monitor"

Queen was lying on a hospital bed, and a gel was applied to her stomach. The device was able to show her baby's development. The sound of the baby's heartbeat was very clear in the room. The doctor also explained about the fetus, which had been formed and developed very well.


"Queen, how did you get pregnant? How is this piling up work?" madam complained angrily

"Calm down madam, I have explained that we are not blaming but looking for a solution. After all, the media already knows that he is engaged and getting married, so we can still handle it," said Berta in defense

Madam Zie is the main director of her modeling agency, and Queen is currently in the office because she has to talk about her career with the manager.

"I will pay the fine by terminating the contract with several brands or designers whose work I cannot do," said the queen finally

"It's not a matter of fines that I'm thinking about, but about what your future career will be like," said Madam Zie.

"For now, I want to focus on my baby's development, After giving birth I will rethink what a career in modeling will be like" said the queen seriously

"Hm okay, I respect every decision you make queen" said Madam zie finally melting.

The decision for her career has been made: she will not enter the world of modeling during pregnancy. He also signed the documents that needed to be signed because he didn't have much time for his business.

In the afternoon he went straight to the boutique of a designer who knew him well, Archard followed him to the place because they were going to do a wedding dress fitting.

The white dress is very beautiful when worn by the queen, it looks different, and the aura that is emitted is so strong that everyone who sees it will say 'Beautiful'.

"Wow, queen is always beautiful and looks very beautiful," the designer, Elena, said.

"Hahaha yeah, right" said the queen while looking at herself in the mirror

Archard became even more fascinated and eager to bring Queen into his room when he noticed she didn't blink.Until the assistant's coughing made him realize what was going on and immediately try to look normal again.

"Yes, you are a beautiful queen" he said stiffly

"Come quickly, you are side by side with him, I will capture your moment," said Berta

Berta looked very enthusiastic when she immediately took a picture of the two of them wearing a wedding dress, not forgetting that she also gave style directions for the two of them.

They have done the fitting of the clothes, even though the clothes the queen is wearing are not fully finished, but the size fits her body quite well as well as Archard who doesn't bother too much with his clothes.

"Ah, this is apparently the woman who stole you from me, archard?" she asked

"Denise, what are you doing here?" asked Archard

"Of course I will try on the dress that I will use for the festival later" said denise sarcastically looking at the queen

"You're just an ordinary model, there is no match for me," whispered Denise to Queen

They met in the boutique lobby when they were about to leave and ran into Denise who was about to enter the boutique.

"Archard remember you are only mine, even though this match is cancelled. But I can't accept that you just dumped me" Denise said sarcastically again.

"Denise, I think of you as my friend, nothing more," Archard said

Denise didn't answer, she immediately walked away from the couple who had put her in a bad mood. Their car approached him, so Archard immediately got into it, followed by Queen and the others using a different car.

"What do you want to eat queen?" asked Archard

"I want to go back to the apartment alone" said the queen

"But you haven't had lunch yet, poor baby needs food" Archard replied

"I can cook in the apartment, please take me home" said the queen

Archard also gave in, he told the driver to turn around because he knew that Queen had lost her mood because of Denise. So far, Archard has been learning little by little how to respond to pregnant women and how to handle them, so he knows that pregnant women are very sensitive.

Château de Varennes is the place for them to get married later, this place has been rented by the archard for the event. While checking the location to see how far the preparations had been made, Archard received news that the news about the Queen going to the obstetric hospital had become horrendous news.

Archard went straight from that place to the queen's apartment, and when he got there, the apartment was already mobbed by journalists from various media. So he had to be quiet and hide so he could enter the apartment unnoticed, assisted by his bodyguards who had been contacted beforehand to keep watch.

"Queen" Archard said worriedly

After saying that, Archard immediately kissed Queen repeatedly because of his concern, while Queen felt surprised and strange by Archard's treatment.

"What's wrong?" said the queen finally

"Are you okay ?" he asked

"Yeah I'm fine, archard" said the queen while trying to let go of Archard's embrace

"Queen, we need to clarify it" said Berta

In the apartment, of course, there are already Berta, Lili, and of course Alex, who is on guard. After the news spread quickly, of course the management immediately tried to handle this by coordinating with several sources that had to be reconfirmed.

"Are you going to announce this pregnancy?" asked Archard

"We'll just run according to plan, just wait a little longer for us to confirm with the media," said the queen, finally making a decision

"Are you sure queen?" asked doubtfully

"Yes, I'm sure, We'll just have to wait and see how far this news goes. Besides, for some contacts that have been canceled there won't be a problem right?"

"Of course it's a problem, but I've overcome it," she asked proudly, smiling

Archard had just been trying to digest their conversation, of course by embracing the queen and occasionally stealing a kiss on the top of her head. Meanwhile, Queen, who was initially uncomfortable with this, became used to this archard behavior. Archard really likes to touch himself, whether through hugs, holding hands, sudden kisses, or passionate kisses.

"How is the location, Has it been prepared?" asked by Queen

"Okay, everything is ready. are you cooking something? I'm so hungry" Archard asked

"No, can I order something?" asked queen

"I want your cooking" he said spoiling

Queen was taken aback because it wasn't normal, but he tried to act normally. Meanwhile, Lili and Berta looked at each other with a smile, like they were talking to each other with the smiles and stares they gave.

"Lili, are the groceries still available?" asked queen

"Still queen, come here I've been shopping" said Lili.

"Yeah, can you stay away first?" the queen stated

Archard told him to cook but didn't let go of his embrace, finally his embrace broke free and he went straight to the kitchen. Erick, who was talking to Alex, stopped when his boss called him.

"Who's the mastermind?" Archer was asked directly to the point.

"Eren Calista sir, he's a model as well, and they're both with the same agency," Erick said.

"As I thought, he must be the one who spread this news," said Berta

"Finish this problem, don't spread the strange news even more," Archard said

"Okay sir, Oh yes sir are you going back to the office?" he asked

"No, you take care of office matters first. You can come back later" Archard said

After the conversation, Erick immediately left the Queen's apartment, while Archard was talking to Berta about any scandals he had experienced and how to deal with them and the impact they had.

"Queen, you are very lucky to get a husband who is very understanding of you," said Lili who was cutting ingredients

Queen was silent and didn't answer because he admitted that Archard was an understanding person behind him who was very busy but also understood his condition. For example, like this afternoon, he should have seen the location for his wedding, but because the queen felt that she wasn't feeling well earlier, she couldn't accompany her.

"I really hope that your relationship can go well and that you can face every problem together. Even though it started with an incident, I believe you can face this together," said Lili

"Why are you so sure about Archard?" asked the curious queen

"I don't know, but I saw the look on his face that adored you and could take good care of you. I'm sure he could do that," said Lili

"You know, that he's a man who can't be faithful to one woman. Then how can you have faith in her ability to care for me?" Queen replied

"Yes, I know about that, but seeing how he has treated you well so far, I can trust him in the future too, he can do that," said Lili.

"Hmm, well we'll see. Hopefully your words will be a good prayer. But, of course, I won't expect much from this relationship; sure, I can have a baby in my womb with a clear status," the queen replied.

"Yes queen, you are right. I will always be there for you and support you queen" said lili

The food that the queen made was finally finished, and they ate together at the dining table, except for the queen, who ate ice cream because she had eaten before, so she only accompanied them to eat.

"Don't blame me if the food isn't good, because you want to eat it yourself" Queen said after seeing Archard eat his food

"It's delicious, I like it. When we get married, you'll have to cook for me all the time," Archard replied.

"How much do you want to pay to order me to cook?" joked queen

"Whatever you want" Archard replied

"Hahahaha... ok sir, don't take back what he said because I will definitely collect it later," the queen replied.

"No madam, please ask for what you want as long as I can still give it" Archard replied with a smirk

Queen nodded in agreement. They finally continued their lunch by talking to each other about their wedding preparations.


News about the queen will always be present, so archard must be prepared because he is not just anyone, so he must be careful.

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