
Scandal Modeling

"Let's forget about last night's events, and go back to our respective activities. Please don't let anyone know, especially the media, because that will complicate my career," said the woman The man looked at the woman with a cold expression because he wanted her too so nothing agitated would happen. But he still has to be careful with this woman because she could sell high prices even though there are other things hidden. *** "What you are carrying is my child," said the man with a sharp gaze The woman frowned and she realized that the man realized what she was hiding. The woman was silent and did not answer because she was confused about what to do and what to say to her. He was sure this man would not easily talk about it if he didn't find out first, and he was quite grateful for that. "I want us to get married, because I don't want my child to be born without a clear bond," continued the man. ----- United because of a scandal and end up loving each other, winning is weird but that's love, you don't know where to lean on or to whom you are sure that love sometimes seems selfish because you have to have it.

Fiia_1602 · Urbano
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17 Chs


Happy Reading 😊

"The news comes from a sexy and famous model, of course who else if not 'The Queen', he said, this queen is reportedly close to a film actor who is on the rise too. It can be seen when they are having dinner together, viewers" while carrying gossip shows

Leonard Wyatt, who has been seen with Queen lately, has become a hot topic of discussion among their fans. So it's no surprise that their fans want their relationship to become more serious."

"Here we present updated news for you," said the presenter with a smile.

This news was blown by members of the media who really need the latest news, and of course when this news is about a sexy model with a famous actor, this news can be said to be hot again.

The television remote he was holding was quickly pressed to the off button; news about him spread quickly.Even though the dinner was ordered in a closed room, the media is smarter than ever to capture the moment through a window.

"Fortunately, the news this time is not a destroyer of people's relationships anymore," said a manager.

The Queen nodded in agreement; the gossip about her was not far from the third person of someone with influence.But of course not all bad news is good news sometimes; it's just that the news that is broadcast does not match the facts.

"Come on, queen, we're almost late," said the manager.

Today, Queen's activity is to create video advertisements for products she has worked with in order to promote the most recent products. They finally departed from the queen's apartment, followed by managers, assistants, bodyguards, and of course the driver, to the shooting location.

Before recording each scene, directions will be given for each scene that will be carried out by the players. This is being done by the production team for the queen while she is doing her makeup. The explanation is in outline according to the script that was given before, so the queen can understand it faster.

"Cut, okay its good" said the director.

"We rest for an hour, then we will proceed to the next item on the agenda. Don't forget for the technicians to finish the next place right away and then have a good rest," the director added.

The team is in charge of disbanding themselves to be able to rest and have lunch shortly before having to drain their energy again in the next scene. The video clip this time has the theme of shopping at the mall, but you can also use the application to get goods at the mall, so it requires quite a few players in several scenes.

The chosen location is, of course, outside and inside the room, from the room to the shop where the product is located. Now, on the first day, the collection was carried out in a room that was set to be a bedroom and living room. This scene doesn't really need an additional role because it's enough for the queen to play a role.

"Hello queen," said a man.

"Uh, Hi Ethan" replied the queen.

"How was the shooting?" he asked.

"That's right, everything went according to plan" he replied while drinking a fresh drink.

"Would you like to have lunch with me?" he asked.

The Queen persuaded her assistant and manager to ask for help in refusing. The manager, who at the time was sensitive, immediately tried to help her refuse with a subtle and sweet smile.

"I'm sorry sir presumptuous but the queen can't leave the shooting location because she has to eat on location due to the short rest schedule," he explained.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you want me to make you rest a little longer" Ethan replied to the queen.

The manager was at a loss, he had forgotten who had the production shoot from Ethan's company this time, so he could only request the break he desired and the shoot could be postponed.But the intention is that this shooting goes according to plan and the schedule that has been set for Queen doesn't change.

"Sorry, sir, I'm too tired to go out; anyway, the meal has been ordered and will arrive soon, so I'll just eat here," the queen finally replied.

"Incidentally, the order has arrived, miss. I'll get it first at the front," said the assistant.

"Hmm... Okay, how about we eat together tomorrow after we finish shooting to celebrate the end of the shoot?"Ask Ethan if he's still trying.

"Okay sir"

Ethan grinned and immediately said goodbye to retreat because the queen's food had arrived and he didn't want to disturb the woman's mealtime. Queen agreed because she knew that Ethan would continue to insist on accepting the invitation. Understanding the character of some people made it easy for Queen to communicate.

"Berta, please prepare for things that might happen later, we have to be careful again this time. An Ethan Occa Adelio is not someone who is careless.I don't want my reputation to be ruined again next week I have a fashion show so my name has to be clean for now" explained the queen to her manager.

"Yes definitely queen, I understand" the questioner replied.

Queen ate quietly while opening her social media, which had received numerous notifications about her dinner with Leonard. He smiled wryly when he heard the news, because neither the public nor the actor's fans knew what kind of relationship they had.

Filming continued, everything went smoothly and according to plan, the repetition of each scene was not too much because professional queens were working according to the rules of the game. Working with an artist like this is very enjoyable for a director because he wants to follow the directions given and is carried out well by the actor.


Two days after shooting was done for the production of an advertisement for a product from this fashion company, it's time to carry out the next activity, namely dinner according to what was agreed upon beforehand.

"Thank you, queen you already want to take the time" said Ethan.

Queen nodded and smiled, if it is said that he is economical with his words, it is true. He's the type of person who won't talk too much to new people and doesn't like small talk to get straight to the point.

The waiter came to bring the food that Ethan had previously ordered. They eat at a French restaurant that serves French specialties such as foie gras, which is made from goose liver roasted with special spices and sauces and is known for its very tasty taste.

Not only that various other dishes are also served, such as soupe à l'oignon, bouillabaisse, and clafoutis for dessert, along with fresh wine.

"I invite you to dinner to thank you for wanting to be the brand ambassador for our newest product. Of course, in the future we will often meet to promote this product, so I invite you to eat so that later, when our promotions are not too rigid " Ethan

There really was no other intention; Ethan really asked because he wanted to have a good partnership. It is very difficult to find a model that fits this product, coupled with the background of Queen, who can support the product therefore, this relationship must be built properly.

"You're welcome, sir, and I hope our cooperation can be well established in the future." honest queen

"Okay, if anyone is dissatisfied with this collaboration, please talk to me directly" Ethan replied.

Queen's taste in collaboration is no joke, as she wants to be able to promote really good products.So it's no wonder he is often targeted by several brands to be able to work with him.

"All right sir, for the time being everything is fine. Thank you"

"Be grateful if you are satisfied."

After eating, they immediately discussed a press conference at which the newest product would be announced and promoted by Queen. Just discuss the outline, of course, because if there are details, someone will arrange them.

Then they said goodbye by hugging and kissing as a sign of parting and establishing good cooperation for the next event.


Being a public figure carries the risk of being gossiped about, and people sometimes forget the contributions they've made.

Thank you

Nice Too Meet You


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