
Scandal Modeling

"Let's forget about last night's events, and go back to our respective activities. Please don't let anyone know, especially the media, because that will complicate my career," said the woman The man looked at the woman with a cold expression because he wanted her too so nothing agitated would happen. But he still has to be careful with this woman because she could sell high prices even though there are other things hidden. *** "What you are carrying is my child," said the man with a sharp gaze The woman frowned and she realized that the man realized what she was hiding. The woman was silent and did not answer because she was confused about what to do and what to say to her. He was sure this man would not easily talk about it if he didn't find out first, and he was quite grateful for that. "I want us to get married, because I don't want my child to be born without a clear bond," continued the man. ----- United because of a scandal and end up loving each other, winning is weird but that's love, you don't know where to lean on or to whom you are sure that love sometimes seems selfish because you have to have it.

Fiia_1602 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


Happy Reading 😊

"Queen, where are you?" Archard asked over the phone

"Just got to the apartment, why?" replied queen

"We're leaving tomorrow morning, okay? I still have a meeting until tonight," Archard said

"Oh yeah, it's okay, I'll just leave later" replied the queen

"All right, we'll just use a private jet to make it easier. Please tell your parents, okay?" Archard said

"Yeah, I'll tell you later," replied the queen

"Hmm, alright. I'll hang up the phone first, the meeting is about to start."

"Okay, spirit" he ended


"Erick, have all the necessities been prepared?" asked Archard

"I'm ready sir" Eric replied

"Good, let's go to the queen's apartment" Archard said

"Okay sir" Eric replied

Archard had just arrived at Queen's apartment at two o'clock in the evening when he noticed Queen was fast asleep and didn't dare to wake him up.They were leaving early in the morning, so he immediately picked Queen up from the office to leave now.

'What is it about you that makes me so interested in having you, queen?' Archard reflected as he gazed at the queen's peaceful sleeping face.

"Of all the women who frequently seduce me, none of them can catch my attention. Is it because you left me after our first night? Or is there something in you that is attractive?" Archard asked in his heart

When he was talking to himself while staring at the sleeping queen, suddenly his phone rang.

"Yeah, Erick I'll be down soon" he said

It turned out that he had spent half an hour looking at the queen's face while talking to himself. He didn't have the heart to wake the queen, but he also didn't want anything to happen if she didn't wake up before they took off.

"Queen, hey wake up" Archard said in a soft voice


"Hey, sorry I woke you up. We will leave this morning."

"Hmmm okay, I'll change clothes first" replied the queen

He rushed to the wardrobe to get his clothes and went straight to the bathroom to change and wash his face. Meanwhile, Archard called Erick to get ready because they would be down soon.

The plane took off and this trip took a long time so queen could continue sleeping as well as archard. This aircraft has comfortable facilities and a very elegant design, containing eight passengers and two pilots.

"Welcome sir, introduce me to Bianca as a flight attendant who will serve the needs of ladies and gentlemen. Do you want something?" asked the flight attendant

"Please get me water" said the queen

"Pour me some wine," Archard said

The flight attendant nodded and took the order requested as well as the other flight attendant who asked other passengers for their orders.

"Queen, if you are not feeling well. Tell me, okay" Archard said

"Yes" he asked

The long journey made the queen feel tired, but the baby seemed to understand she didn't feel nauseous at all. In fact, he felt that he enjoyed the trip this time, even about eating, he didn't bother with everything he was given to eat.

During this trip, Queen and Archard got to know each other better, they continued to talk about the characters of their respective families. They have been open to each other about this, and Archard has also accepted the baby Queen is carrying. He said he would pay more attention to the baby, but asked the queen to be able to guide him and they would learn from each other to take care of the baby.


Arriving at Walmond's residence, they were greeted casually by the two husband and wife pairs. Now they are in the living room to talk about the intentions of the child who called them the other day.

"Good evening sir, madam. Introducing me, Archard Bhadrika Mackinley, I will be your child's future husband," said Archard.

"Oh yes, I know you a little, I know your actions in the business world," said Mr. Walmond

"I support your marriage, but there are some conditions I'd like to make. In the first place, what are the advantages of this marriage for Azusena?" asked the father

"Daddy.." said the queen embarrassed

"I will give Queen 10% of the shares of the company. I will give the rest to our children later, "Archard said

"Okay great. Second, are you guys going to have kids soon?" He asked again

"Of course, we'll give you grandchildren soon," Archard assures.

"Okay, last question. Are you going to ban Azusena's career?" ask

"I will not forbid it, sir," Archard said.

After answering all these questions, Archard felt relieved, unlike Queen, he felt embarrassed because his father openly wanted his son to take advantage of Archard's wealth. Meanwhile, his mother was silently listening to their conversation, trying to observe Archard's attitude and movements.

Queen is not close to her parents because her father is busy in his business, and her mother loves her father so much that she always follows her husband away. So it's no surprise that Queen can live far away from her parents because, despite living in the same house, they rarely meet, making it pointless.

You could say the queen lacks attention and affection from their parents because they are busy with their business. Queen was only taken care of by nannies and maids, so when she graduated from college and got several job offers she didn't hesitate to take them.

"When are you planning to get married?" asked the mother

"I'll take care of it right away," Archard said.

"Won't there be an engagement beforehand?" asked the father

"No need dad, we just got married" replied the queen

"Why no engagement?" asked the father suspiciously

"Okay, let's just have an engagement next week, how about that?" the mother's suggestion interceded

"Okay, I'll prepare it" Archard replied

After talking with Queen's parents, Archard immediately returned to the hotel after they had dinner together. Then Archard contacted his relative to prepare for the engagement to be held in Sydney next week.


"Queen, how are you?" asked Archard

"Fine archard, how about you?" asked queen

The decision to get engaged was practically sudden, so Archard has been busy taking care of his office for nearly four days so he can focus on taking care of his wedding as well. So he and Queen haven't seen each other in a few days, and their engagement ceremony will take place tonight.

"What about the baby? is he okay ?" Archard asked over the phone

"Yes, he is very good, he doesn't feel nauseous anymore," said the queen

"Good son, you have to be able to understand your mother okay?" Archer spoke as if to his son.

"Yes, I will always be good, dad," said the queen spontaneously imitating a child's voice

"Okay, you get ready for tonight. Bye" Archard said

Time flies and the queen has been transformed into the most beautiful woman for tonight. She was wearing a dress that covered her pot belly but her body still looks slender, adding to her beauty.

The engagement ceremony went smoothly and was, of course covered by several media outlets, which surprised and amazed the media crew. The agency was shocked by this news, they were contacted by many parties who asked about it in detail.

"Hello everyone, thank you for coming to our event. I want to tell you a little about our meeting up to this point. First, I've seen Queen several times at an event, but we never exchanged greetings, until one day we met again at the same event. From there, we were close and eventually formed a relationship, "said Archard

While listening to the short story "Archer and Queen Meet," the entire audience and media members smiled. A well-matched couple, has a good career and comes from the same background as respected people.


News about Archard and Queen's engagement spread quickly and became a trending topic on several social media sites. This had an impact on both of them, and many wanted to hear more about their love story. Because there had previously been no mention of them being in a relationship, news of their engagement came as a surprise.

The queen's scandal with several men immediately surfaced again, and every man who was infatuated with the queen could be immediately pushed over with their engagement ceremony. The news also reached Denise, the woman who had previously been betrothed to Archard, felt hurt because her idol was suddenly engaged to another woman.


The media finally knows about their relationship, isn't this story exciting?

Thank you

Nice Too Meet You


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