

Confused and dazed, Saya wakes up in a post apocalyptic world with her grandfather's sword in hand. With Giant robots, Murder happy mages and mythical creatures who would be more than happy to erase her existence, Saya must embrace her darkness in order to challenge her destiny. The moon calls.

Chibueze_eze · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

BLOOD AND SNOW (part one)

"You got this!!"

"Kick her ass"

"Hahahaha look at her , she's so stupid"

I crash down hard on the mat, the cheers and laughter of my peers ringing in the background.

Damn, how did i talk myself into this? Fighting Natasha of all people during training is just what I need right now to ruin my already fucked up social life even more


I barely have time to move when Natasha drives her heel on my lower back.

"Damn it that hurt bitch" ..... I yell in my mind.

I mean if I ever said that out loud, I'd regret it for weeks.

I turn into a back hand jab and Natasha is surprisingly caught unawares.


'Oh crap she's pissed' my thoughts barely formed as I dodge a swift heel kick directed at my face,... Or so I thought as I watch the world spin and I lose my footing.

'Oof' I slam into the mat again and Natasha's fist zooms into view at breakneck speed.

"ENOUGH !!!"

A voice booms in the room and Natasha's fist is frozen inches from my face.

"Why'd you stop me Sensei?" Natasha asks,her fist still inches from my face.

"I believe you were demonstrating self defense. Your opponent is incapacitated...you're victorious "

"Tch" Natasha uncurls her fist and helps me up (I'm pretty shaken up. SHE WANTED TO MURDER ME!!!!!!)

"We'll pick this up next week " Our Sensei is already off, door closing in his wake.


Almost immediately I hit the mat yet again.

"You make me sick" contempt smeared on her face as she looks down on me Natasha leaves the room.

I'm left on my own with my thoughts..

One minute, thirty minutes , an hour later I'm on my way home.

(Well that was a good day Saya, keep this up and it'll eventually go away) it snows as I take a turn through the usual shortcut at the block lost in my thoughts.


It'll probably never go away. Apparently life can suck this much.....yay.

My grandfather owned a very popular dojo, he was amazing and he built everything himself. A legend in his own right , he won just about every martial arts tournament there was in his early twenties.

People idolized him, so when he retired he built a dojo and it skyrocketed to the top in a short period of time .

Alas it didn't last long, my grandfather passed away six years ago a day before my tenth birthday.

My dad inherited the dojo but went missing a year later.

And now I've somehow inherited it but I lack the talent to show for it.

The Chiffon family name dragged along the mud, what a great story.


Zzzzzzz. Zzzzzzz

My phone vibrates and I pick up.

*SAYA WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!!* I almost drop my phone as I come to a halt.

"What the hell Joey , tune it down. What's the problem?" I groan tiredly . So tired, feeling sleepy.




" What did you do Joey, what did you do??" I scream at my best friend who sounds just as scared as I do right now .

*I was just so pissed at how she's been treating you,so I confronted her*

Dear God she did what!!

*I met her at a public place and made a scene and then I got carried away*

I don't like where this is going.

*And then I started saying things*

Oh no.

*Things only you would know*

Fuck me. I'm so fucked.

I don't even wait for Joey to finish as I take off, it wouldn't really be hard for Natasha to find me, that im sure of but I really don't want to end up in a hospital so I run anyway.

Nope there she is , her squad right behind her. Typical rich types am I right , always with a posse of ass-kissers.

What was I doing again?? ... Oh right , running, certain death .

What follows is a series of close calls with either Natasha or her posse almost catching me several times.

I'm spent as I make it to the city park and the snow has increased it's intensity and is now falling just enough to impair vision, which is exactly what I'm waiting for as I know Natasha won't stay outside for long.

And I'm right as I hide behind the fountain watching Natasha leave. I slump down in relief.

I must be tired than I thought . So tired , need sleep.


Slumping down Saya is so focused on staying awake she doesn't notice the sudden fog surrounding her and doesn't notice the moon glowing green. Slowly she sinks into the fog never to be seen again


Is it that time already??
