

Confused and dazed, Saya wakes up in a post apocalyptic world with her grandfather's sword in hand. With Giant robots, Murder happy mages and mythical creatures who would be more than happy to erase her existence, Saya must embrace her darkness in order to challenge her destiny. The moon calls.

Chibueze_eze · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


It had been four hours since Nero left.

During that time,Saya had tried everything she could think of to get out of the tent.

She was about to give up when the curtain appeared again .

Almost immediately,Saya charged towards the curtain (and freedom) hoping to tear through it.

The curtain suddenly opened and Saya flew out of the tent, lying flat on her face.

"Well that was unexpected." A lady's voice brought Saya back to reality.

"Huh?." Saya turned around to see a middle aged woman with dark blue hair,dressed in a hakama but with a lot of top armour. She had a large sword hanging down on a belt across her back.

"Well i figured you needed some fresh air after being in there for so long,i didn't expect you to come flying out." She giggled.

"Uhm....who are you?" Saya asked now sitting on the floor.

"Oh right,i am Sumyrr." She said.

"I'm Saya." Saya stood up and brought her hand forward for a handshake with Sumyrr.

"Wow is that yours? It's beautiful." Sumyrr yelled pointing at Saya's katana in her left hand.

' She ignored my gesture.' Saya thought to herself.

" Yeah it's mine" she replied.'didn't I drop this in the tent though.?'

"It belonged to my grandpa ." She continued.

"Can i see it?" Sumyrr asked drawing closer to Saya.

"Yeah sure." Saya drew the sword out of it's sheath.

It truly was a beautiful sword, looking nearly translucent with a slight green sheen. Covered in tiny intricate markings reminiscent of ancient runes she usually saw online back on earth.

She still couldn't read the markings on the sword but no rush, it would come to her when she was ready or so her grandfather had said.

She looked at her reflection on the sword and felt like crying. She was in this bizarre world where ladies had on armor and fire balls acted like heat seekers.

She was still sobbing when she noticed her eyes on the reflection of the sword. It was gleamming green.

It was like a bucket of warm water was poured on her head.

Her mind had never felt so clear. Almost as if mind had been underwater for most of her life, she could hear clearly ,see clearly , think clearly.

She looked ahead and saw some men arguing with their swords in hand. She could hear water rushing down a stream in the distance behind the tent.

She could hear the sudden humming of an object flying towards them at incredible speed.

" What the!!!" Saya yelled as she jumped back into the tent.


A huge explosion occurred outside the tent as flames engulfed the entire area.

The tent however was okay although the curtain was burnt.

"Wow , quality tent" Saya said recalling how she had tried everything to rip the tent apart and failed.

Saya got out of the tent and was terrified of what she saw.

"Sa...ya" Sumyrr called out from underneath some pile of rubble.

"Hang on , I'll get you out." Saya said as she attempted to pull sumyrr out.


A loud sound rang through the area.

Saya swiftly moved her head to the left and a rock in front of her shattered as a bullet went through it.

Saya was shocked and scared but mostly shocked.

"A bullet?" Saya thought.

'Why is there a bullet in a world era of swords?' Saya thought to herself.


Another shot rang through the area snapping Saya back to reality as she slid behind a wooden crate.

As she slid to the crate she glanced at the shooter. It was a lady, she was dressed like a shinobi, in her hands was what looked like a cross between a shotgun and a crossbow.

"Damn it!" Saya said.

"I've got to get sumyrr out of there" .


A third shot chipped a hole through the crate barely missing Saya's right shoulder.

"Shit" she rolled on the ground a few times and bounced back up behind a large supply container.( Don't ask why a supply container is there you'll understand later).

"Okay think , that lady is good with a gun or crossbow or whatever that is , how do I get to her."

"Damn if only Nero was here "

A spear sliced through the air as it went for Saya's head.

Instinctively she pulled her sword halfway out of the sheath as she blocked it.

" What.....the?" Saya struggled as a man also dressed like a shinobi held the spear pushing it down on her.

" Dammit,dammit I'm not gonna die today." Saya yelled as she pushed the man off her sending him back a few feet.

"Come on" Saya said drawing her sword completely.

The man got up and took his stance (his feet wide apart with his left hand bent forward and his right hand behind his back holding the spear)

Saya stood up straight, then slightly bent her knees, her feet a few inches apart ,her sword in her right hand pointed downwards.

'Not much of a stance but it's pretty cool' she's smiled.

"Well.....this is happening "

Saya said,her smile turning feral as her eyes gleamed green.