

They said that he's a robot - cold and emotionless. Some women find it cool and some find it annoying. In Hana's case... "Isn't it your day off today? Why are you here?" Jacob was glaring at her but she ignored him and just looked for a seat where she can see him from afar. "Are you here to sketch me again?" "Of course. Isn't it obvious? Are you becoming dumb now?" she retorted back while arranging her art materials on the table. Among all the cafe staff, she's the only one who's got the courage and guts to talk to their boss. Jacob crossed his arms on his chest while watching her helplessly. "I don't care about you sketching, drawing or painting me. But don't you fall in love with me." "Heh! Are you serious? Did you think this is some kind of novel plot where a CEO makes a contract with his girl? Seriously?" Hana rolled her eyes and started flipping through the pages of her sketchpad. "Don't worry, I can assure you that it won't happen." "I'm holding you accountable with your words." Jacob said before he left her alone and continued to do his work. "As if I'd tell you that I've fallen in love already." Hana smirked at the thought. MEANWHILE... "Your Majesty, aren't you sorry for your own daughter? What if the Queen, her highness, comes back and finds out that you've banished your daughter?" the small wind diety Airiaj, asked with concern while looking at the huge water mirror in front of them. "Hmp! It would be better if she really comes back." The Cerulean King sneered without any care that his daughter was going through difficult times. If her mother didn't ran off somewhere, Hana wouldn't have a hard time in the mortal world. She would've gotten married already! **** cover isn't mine ORIGNAL PHOTO WAS TAKEN FROM: "Holy Chef, Crazy Empress" -a comic owned by LINKSURE it's edited by a friend https://discord.gg/XkurxZGR

_frieyaVida · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
246 Chs


Hana thought it was just his normal attitude so she just went along. "Oh, go ahead and choose whatever you want. Just put it in my tab."

Jacob just faintly shook his head at her response. She's really gullible, simple and naive. That's what he likes about his new employee. She wasn't like some other people who wanted to compete with one another.

She just do whatever she can as long as she wasn't harming anyone. He was even worried that she couldn't tell if some has a bad intention or not towards her.

Hana started sketching what she had stored in mind and put in her sketch pad. She was so absorbed with her current task that she didn't even notice Jacob who sat in front of her.

He watched her draw the entrance with Lily walking towards the cafe, looking lively and cheerful. She didn't use any other color aside from black and whole lot more of black.

Jacob was really amazed that she can put black altogether and yet it still look lovely and full of life. He can even see the happiness in Lily's eyes.

"Can I have this sketch?" Jacob asked since he wanted to put it in a frame and display it in his cafe.

"If you allow me to sketch you, I'll give this to you." Hana grabbed the opportunity as soon as she can and gave her own condition, too.

Jacob raised his eyebrow and looked at her. For the first time, he's making a deal with his employee outside work. And this deal was making him lose big time.

"Fine. Go ahead and sketch me but you must give this to me." Jacob agreed reluctantly.

"Yay! Thanks boss! Don't worry, I'll make you look handsome in my sketches." Hana exclaimed excitedly.

She ate her food and continued her sketch with so much joy. She could finally draw him! She could finally fulfill this wish.

Amidst her excitement and happiness, her cellphone rang and Adam's name was flashing on the screen. Jacob saw who was calling, too.

Hana didn't stop sketching and just answered the phone with one hand while the other was busy drawing.

"Didn't you tell me it's your day off?" Adam's unhappy voice came through from the other line. He was so unhappy. Really unhappy that Hana felt guilty for coming out of the house.

"I did. And I am taking my day off, relaxing myself somewhere and eating delicious desserts." Hana responded to her brother.

"Then why are you in the cafe sketching again?"

Hana straightened her back and looked around the place. She couldn't see her parents or anyone observing her. "How did you know?"

"How I know doesn't matter. Go back home now and rest. You can finish your sketches at home."

"Tsk! You are so annoying this time. I just want to sketch." Hana grumbled frustratingly as she put her things inside her bag. "I'm going back now."

"That's good sweetheart. I'll call you back in half an hour." Adam teased his sister whom he knew would be fuming from annoyance now.

"Don't you sweetheart me! You're so annoying."

"Don't you love me anymore?"

"No, I don't love you. I hate you! Tsk! I'm ending the call now! Bye!"

Jacob didn't hear what Adam said but as he observed Hana, he could tell that it was someone important to her and close to her.

"So you're leaving now?" Jacob asked her.

"Hn. I have to go. I'll just give you the sketch tomorrow." Hana packed up everything and carried her bag on her back. "Where's my bill?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll just deduct it from your salary."

"Okay. Thanks boss."

Hana left the cafe with a heavy heart. She just got a little bit closer to her crush and her brother just crashed it.

"Adam! You idiot brother!" she clenched her teeth as she hailed a taxi to come home. And just as she thought her parents were not home. They came back just few minutes after her.

"Hana! You're home." Her mother greeted her happily, oblivious to the fact that their daughter knew about them following her.

"Ma, you didn't really have to follow me around. I was just inside the cafe sketching. What could happen to me inside the store?"

"We can't help but worry. These past days, even if you hide it very well, I still found the tissue that you used." Alice spoke worriedly to her daughter.

Rudolf was still talking to Adam confirming that she's home. 'I couldn't really blame them.' Hana thought to herself. "But ma, didn't you always tell me to do things that I love while I can? How can I do the things I like at home?"

Alice couldn't find her words to refute her daughter. Rudolf could really understand her but they couldn't help but worry for her.

How can they bare to let their one and only daughter experience the harshness of life? She already had enough on her plates. They couldn't add more.

"Ma, Pa..I..I know you are worried about me but I am being careful. I didn't even go out of the cafe. If something happens, I'll call you right away."

Alice caressed her daughter's hair and nodded her head reluctantly. "Okay. We'll let you do whatever you want. But make sure that you always have your phone with you."

"Hn. I'll talk to my boss about that."

"Your boss..." Rudolf hesitated but still asked in the end. "...does he know anything about you?"

"Nope. How could I let that happen? Hehe your daughter is very careful now. I've learned my lesson already."

"That's good to know. Your brother was worried that you'd get hurt again."

"He worries a lot." Hana murmured and sighed. "Anyway, I'll get back to my room now. I still want to finish my sketches."

Rudolf and Alice watched their daughter walk upstairs. "If only I can help her carry the burden she's got." Rudolf whispered hopelessly.

"I understand your sentiment. I wish I'm in her position. She's still young but she had to experience the most horrible things this world can offer. I felt so bad for her."