
Say No, Villainess!!

Love your enemies taken to a whole other level. A book about a man who is desperately in love with a woman trying to kill him. Iris, the villainess is someone who tries to monetize off of everything, and Hero is a simple guy who finds this woman to be cute. Get ready for tons of wacky hijinks and a bit of love in this enemies to lover story. A young man called hero fell in love with the villainess, now he spends his time loving her, "I want to hold you!" (Book is very episodic in nature)

OurCandace · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

The Start


I remember the beginning of it all. The way the liquid twist and turned around my body as I went through the surgery. My body was altered to hold that which many desired. I unlike my comrades, my family and my friends were special. A being that will come around every century. This 'surgery' was truly a test in disguise my life could have ended if anything went wrong, but they didn't tell me this. They opened my body and placed me in a pod. Inside that pod was something called condensed energy a green liquid that help keep me conscious as I laid there with my body cut open without anything to stop the pain. The constant passing out as the liquid coursed through my open wound. I swear if I knew what was going to happen, I would have fought harder not to go. I didn't want this in the first place, but they coerced my parents, they told them lies 'Your son will bring protect humanity' 'He will be the first human to ever merge with the Aphiêmi,' 'Don't you want to be the parent of the protector.' With all those lies filled in their head they sold me without a price.