
Chapter 461: The Filth Beneath the Observatory, The Eternity Rank of Ancient Dragon

[The observation tower, the only entrance into the heart of the mountain, stood with its gate wide open, unguarded, prompting your curiosity...]

[Rona led you into the observation tower, her expression complex, she sighed softly and said...]

[There are guards at the observation tower, and the Abyss of Despair, this prison, also has its sole manager, 'Ancestor of the Law'. It was he who enslaved the Dragon Clan and imprisoned the Dragon Clan Ancestor.]

[Ironic, isn't it? He was once loyal to the Almighty True Knowledge, a Lawbringer Ancestor who fought alongside other Ancestors on the battlefield of the gods, felling countless enemies.]

[The kinship among the Dragon Clan Ancestors was so strong that they could completely entrust their backs to each other on the battlefield, to the extent of entrusting their lives to one another.]