
Chapter 374: The Real Endpoint Event, The Choice to Rewrite the Outcome_1

['Evil Origin Nucleus' (Special Tool) can be used in four ways...]

[1. Sacrifice, requires the Shell's quality to reach 'Mythical Level', and the Shell's level to reach 'Level 100'. Effect is unknown.]

[2. Consume, requires the Shell's quality to reach 'Mythical+ Level', and the Shell's level to reach 'Level 130'. Effect is unknown.]

[3. Merge, requires the Shell's quality to reach 'Immortal Level', and the Shell's level to reach 'Level 180'. Effect is unknown.]

[4. Destroy, requires Shell's quality to reach 'Immortal+ Level', and the Shell's level to reach 'Level 250'. Effect is unknown.]

[No matter how you choose to use this tool, the Shell will irreversibly enter the 'decline' state until it is removed from the Shell column.]

"Hmm? Above the class of Mythical Level, is it termed as 'Immortal Level'?"

Upon seeing the last line of the item description, Lin Xun's pupils contracted suddenly.