
Chapter 365: The Backlash of the Underworld Game, Fight or Retreat?_1

[After you nodded in agreement to the test, the 'Librarian' waved his hand, and a deep-blue, egg-shaped teleportation gate appeared at the entrance of the library...]

[Next to you, 'Flandre' appeared flabbergasted. From its perspective, it saw you mumbling to the air in front of the lounge chair for quite some time. Then, not far from its rear at the library entrance, a deep azure gate suddenly appeared.]

[It could distinctly perceive the magical power of transport and teleportation contained within.]

['Flandre' couldn't help but ask what was happening.]

[You claimed it was a trial given to you by the gods, not the Firefly's, but the gods from another world.]

[You needed the powers of 'Flandre' and 'Jinmu' to help you complete the test, the contents of which involved participating in the frontline war to help the Firefly defeat the Wet Nurse's soldiers.]