
Chapter 204: Ceremony of Dedication, The Twelfth Disciple _2

[XXX: If you lack spirituality, just borrow from me! What kind of donation is this!]


Lin Xun's eyes widened in shock.

He was taken aback by this playful maneuver of the New World.

[Fighter: Second donor - the Spirit Swordsman!]

[Apostle 'Spirit Swordsman' donates 553,000 points of spirituality.]

[Spirit Swordsman: My Lord Amos, my small donation is but a token of respect...]

[Amos: Not bad, I've acknowledged your devotion.]

Once the Spirit Swordsman completed the donation, his code name unsurprisingly soared to the top of the board. The phrase 'Donated spirituality, 553,000 points' was conspicuously visible.

The Freedom Channel instantly went wild.

[XXX: Look at that, that's what true devotion is.]

[XXX: Damn, I feel like the top spot is getting further and further away from me.]

[XXX: Doesn't matter, I will make my move!]


At this moment, Lin Xun's expression is just like that of an 'old man looking at a smartphone on the subway'.