
Saving the Universe for Mom

All Adam wants to do, after being gifted by inter-dimensional super-beings a great power, is start a romantic relationship with his mother, Maria. Unfortunately for Adam, the power he has been gifted puts a target on his back, finding himself constantly harassed by those who seek to strip him of his power for themselves, distracting him from his ambitions to live happily with his mom.

Jocasta_Complex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Therapy with Mom

Maria held on to Adam for what seemed like hours. After a deep kiss, she tells her son goodnight and then she starts going through her nightdresses, and pulling out clean panties.

She lies awake on her bed thinking about everything that has transpired lately. Eventually sleep begins its agonizing invasion of her consciousness and numbs her body like a cold liquid.

She is about to drift away from conscious when an arm wraps around her, pressing against her lower back and rubbing along the small of her back gently. On her other side lays another, a tingling sensation settling at her midsection. The tender caress makes her feel entirely taken care of. Maria groans in delight.

"I see why he likes you." Coos a soft voice.

Maria jolts up, unsure of who's arms are entwined around her.

Her hand finds nothing but smooth skin. That thought alone sends butterflies to flutter in her stomach, encouraging her heart to beat faster. Still drowsy and somewhat delirious, she turns on the lamp next to her bed, finding a woman underneath her sheets.

It takes less than a second for her to recognize the woman next to her, surprised to see she is the spitting image of her.

"Don't be afraid, Maria. I am the Eternal Mother." Says the unknown woman from beside her.

"I'm dreaming." Whispers Maria in disbelief.

The Eternal Mother smiles knowingly at Maria. "Not completely." She assures, resting her head on the pillow next to Maria.

The warmth surrounding her makes Maria roll over to lie next to the mysterious woman. Slowly she becomes familiar with her scent, so different yet just as comforting as Adam's.

"You're the one that gave Adam his powers." They both lie on their sides, staring into each other's eyes.

"Yes. I have a lot of hopes for Adam. A potential I see he can achieve. Though not quite as we intended." Answers the Eternal Mother.

"What do you intend for him?" Asked Maria.

"About as much as I intend for you." Replies the Eternal Mother, bringing a hand to Maria's cheek.

Maria opens her lips to protest, but stops short. Unsure of where this conversation is leading, she decides to remain quiet.

Instead the Eternal Mother pulls herself closer to Maria, reaching down to find Maria's hips. Sliding her hands down along her legs, she begins to stroke them under the sheets. For Maria, the comforting presence keeps sending signals straight to her most intimate parts, waking up her entire body with shockwaves.

Maria remains quiet and attempts to concentrate on nothing except the heavenly touch on her bare skin. Only the smooth silkiness of her thighs, sent pleasant sensations directly to her core.

"You are holding Adam back. The secret you keep from him stunts his growth." The Eternal Mother explains, firmly squeezing Maria's meaty thigh.

"But..." Begins Maria in a murmur.

With nimble fingers the Eternal Mother urges Maria to roll on top of her. Maria complies quietly and pushes the hair out of her face as she realizes both of their clothes have completely disappeared.

"Your skin is so smooth, I love touching you." Coos the Eternal Mother. She begins spreading luscious kisses across the expanse of Maria's chest, sensually stimulating her ample breasts.

Through hungry kisses, it isn't long before her seductive touch wakens an unspeakable desire within Maria. From this position, lying on her belly with her back arched upwards, the female's vagina rubs softly against the bottom of her sensitive mound. Still bearing the Eternal Mother's burning hot tongue on her throbbing breasts, this close-contact leads Maria to insanity. Without warning, her lower half becomes a frenzy of animalistic responses, climaxing almost instantly, writhing from head to toe as she lets loose copious amounts of musky feminine fluid.

A shivering moan escapes from the boundless happiness enveloping her. Maria rolls to face the Eternal Mother, satisfied despite the fog currently affecting her thoughts.

"Adam needs you more than you know. Everything is happening for a reason." Whispered the Eternal Mother, opening her hand as though sensing she can finally share her message.

Unable to come up with an answer, Maria only utters a whisper of agreement. Then opens her eyes to find herself in bed alone.

"Morning, mom." Greets Adam. "Ready to go work out?"

Maria awoke with little recollection of the dream she had the night before. Finding a wet stain in her sheets she got up and dressed in preparation to go exercise with Adam.

"Yup." She answers. Wrapping a warm jacket around her shoulders.

They leaves their home, jogging all the way to the park a few blocks from their apartment complex. By the time they get there, Maria is gasping for air. Adam effortlessly powers through his exertion without showing any signs of fatigue. Together, they finish off the ten kilometer route, pleasantly exhausted.

"You did a whole lot better than I expected." Praises Adam.

Maria can barely respond, nodding in return.

Together they jog back home, drying their sweaty bodies at the entrance. Neither one speaks. Maria pauses at the door leading to her house. Dizzy, she holds the door open.

"Hey, Adam. Olivia, the therapist from work, and I are talking through our relationship. I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining us." Maria asks awkwardly.

"Sure, sounds fun." Responds Adam cheerfully.

By the time Maria had showered and readied herself, Adam had cleaned the house up and showered himself.

Maria dressed casually, wearing a simple dress and sweater, paired with flat black shoes. Adam simply put on some jeans and a t-shirt.

They hopped on Marias car and headed to Olivia's private practice.

Olivia sees them enter the room, rising to greet them with a smile. Olivia's light blonde hair, contained within a buns on the top of her head, glows in the low lighting. Tall and slim frame perfectly accentuates her figure, putting Maria's curvaceous body into sharp contrast.

Upon greeting each other with firm handshakes, Olivia invites them to take a seat.

"Glad to finally meet you, Adam. Maria has told me so much about you."

"Likewise." Answers Adam.

Maria nods enthusiastically as soon as she is able, pleased by how hospitable and professional her friend appears.

Olivia begins: "First of all, how are things going with Maria?" Immediately Maria blushes, a guilty heat creeping onto her cheeks.

"We've become really close, just working stuff out." Fumbles Adam, guilt weighing his emotions down. "And yeah, things are great." He nods.

"Have there been issues lately? Any complications along the line?" Questions Olivia sincerely.

"No, everything has gone fine." He steals a glance at his mom who seems rather uncomfortable from his answer.

"Everything aside from the fact that my client is also your mother." Underplays Olivia. "Hence I wonder if perhaps you two could clear up the details regarding your relationship."

Adam looks at Maria as if hoping for help, silently asking her what he should say to avoid explaining their complicated relationship further.

After seeing the exchange of glances between them, Olivia realizes the answer is obvious. Turning her head toward Adam, she speaks frankly: "Listen, if it's too difficult for you to disclose these things, it shouldn't pose any problems for me. My objective is just gathering facts and getting information, since sometimes that can help settle the mind down so that you can think clearly."

"Well, I'll try to tell you whatever I can." Adam decides, sitting upright to look at his mom with honesty. "We've grown extremely close over the past few days. Not physically, but emotionally."

A pause. Finally Olivia breaks the silence, her gaze making contact with Maria. "If I may be so blunt, Adam, this is a bit strange. What I want to know is how far you're willing to take this relationship?"

"Um...I guess that would depend on her." Comes the honest response.

Olivia fidgets in her chair. "Please elaborate. How far does your relationship with your mom extend? What actions might you consider partaking in together?"

Adam takes a moment to think. Feeling uncomfortable, he shakes his head. "There hasn't been anything physical."

"I get that. I'm asking if you would like to have sex with your own mother?"

Adam stares back silently, not sure how to reply.

"Do you wish to have sex with your mother?" presses Olivia.

A heavy silence greets the question. Maria feels the anxiety filling the air, speaking slowly, almost in fear, "Maybe it's not what you think." Admits Maria, now gripping the edge of the table beneath her fingertips.

The memory of the dream she had that night comes flooding back into her brain. The warning she was given by the Eternal Mother.

"So what if he does want to have swx with me?" Blurts Maria. "We're both adults, and yes he wants to play the dating game. Is it wrong for him to enjoy the possibility of maybe having sex with someone who is important to him?" States Maria firmly.