
Saving the Universe for Mom

All Adam wants to do, after being gifted by inter-dimensional super-beings a great power, is start a romantic relationship with his mother, Maria. Unfortunately for Adam, the power he has been gifted puts a target on his back, finding himself constantly harassed by those who seek to strip him of his power for themselves, distracting him from his ambitions to live happily with his mom.

Jocasta_Complex · Fantasia
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14 Chs

Mom Has to Think About It

Maria exits her shower, beginning to ready herself for work. Hearing Adam just get out the shower as well, she concludes that he's returned from his new morning routine. Maria gets dressed into a black pant suit, a white button up shirt, her usual red-bottom stiletto heels, and walks to Adam's bedroom door, knocking twice.

"Door's open." Says Adam from inside.

Maria peers through and looks at Adam hesitantly.

"Hey, baby. Um- I think I had a weird dream." She begins.

"Did it involve me being given some type of power?" He says, making the living room television appear out of nowhere.

"Stop that!" She demands.

Hurt in his eyes, he puts the television back into his system's inventory. Maria becomes aware of the tone she used.

"I'm sorry, baby. This is just really weird. The talk we had yesterday kept me up all night, and seeing you do weird things just puts everything over the top."

Her words hit him hard. Adam begins to doubt if revealing so much to his mother at once was a good idea.

Maria leaves her son to deal with the aftermath of her words by himself. She readies herself for work, getting out of the house as fast as possible.

In the idleness of traffic, Maria goes through the previous afternoon's events over and over. She remembers how Adam had started doing these strange things, freaking her out until she fainted. She woke soon after in denial, not wanting to believe what she saw, Adam didn't push the subject further.

She spent the rest of the afternoon locked up in her room, only going out to fill a water bottle, then back into her room.

That morning she had woken up particularly early. She got up and went to Adam's room, finding it empty. She checks under his pillow to find the wine red lace thong she used earlier this week. Putting her underwear back where she found it, she inspects Adam's bed sheets for cum stains, finding them using her nose. The pungent, musky smell making her eyes roll to the back of her head.

She masturbated on her son's bed that morning, rubbing the thong she found under his pillow with fresh juices. She came to the thought of her son filling her up with his warm baby batter. Again, placing the undergarment back where she found it, she gets up, walking back to her bedroom, where she leaves both the door to where she sleeps, but the bathroom door ajar as well. Disappointed to have not heard anything, or thinking that Adam may be sneaky enough to have not been noticed spying on her. She had made sure to moan his name out loudly, expecting him to burst through the door, ready and willing.

The car behind her lets loose on the horn. Maria realizes she had drifted off and didn't notice the light turn green.

Maria arrives at work, checks in and heads to the third floor where the social work department can be found at Saint Michael Hospital. Exiting the elevator, she walks towards the reception desk to speak to her friend Sheryl.

"Hi, Sher."

"Hey, mamma." She replies.

Maria puts her things on the desk, getting the weight off her.

"You have a fun evening yesterday?" Ask Sheryl.

"Yeah, I did, actually." Replies Maria.

"Me too, my husband says to me that he wants to go for-" Sheryl goes on about movie night with her husband, going into detail about the movie they saw. As Sheryl goes on, Maria's mind takes her back to that morning in her son's room, the orgasme she had. Her thoughts then turn to the interaction they had this morning, how Adam looked so disappointed as he showed her his little magic trick. Maria sighs.

Sheryl's story and Maria's daydream are interrupted by a man asking for directions. "Hi, I'm looking for Laurie Ramsey's room."

Sheryl, displeased to have been interrupted, begrudgingly looks in the database. "What's your relation?" She asks.

"Husband. Nick Stevens."

"Oh, yeah, I see you listed as here, room 317, but her mom's in there, and we have a one visitor policy on the third floor, but-"

The man interrupts Sheryl again. "317. It's alright, I can come back. Let her mom stay."

Sheryl grinds her teeth as the rude man walks back to the elevator, stepping out of the way of Dr. Olivia, a psychologist. Maria grabs her stuff from the desk, tells Sheryl they'll catch up later and follows Dr. Olivia.


"Good morning, Maria. How are you?" Replies Olivia over her shoulder.

Maria keeps up with the pace of Olivia's long legs as she strides her way to her office.

"There's a lot on my mind. You got any free time today, think we could talk?"

Dr. Olivia stops, as does Maria.

"I actually have my first two hours free. I was going to eat breakfast and catch up on some paperwork. We could talk right now, if you have the time, and you don't mind my chewing."

Maria laughs. "Thanks, Olivia."

Maria takes a seat on the swivel recliner in front of Dr. Olivia's desk. Dr. Olivia takes out a Tupperware with the day's breakfast.

"First off, what do you think about Freud?" Asks Maria.

"Nothing that hasn't been said already. He had some far off ideas, but the ideas he got right are never credited to him as often as the ones he got wrong."

"What's the whole deal about the Oedipus complex that he's so famous for? I know about it superficially, but I think you could put it into perspective better than I could."

Dr. Olivia keeps her mouth closed as she chews her breakfast, finally answering, "Well it's not to be taken literally, for starters, and you have to take into account that most of this stuff supposedly happens in the subconscious, it sort of makes reference to a psychological shift most if not all men go through early in their lives."

"Is it normal for young men to have sexual feelings for their mothers?" Ask Maria.

"Like I said, most of the process happens in the subconscious, it outwardly manifests itself in different ways."

Maria thinks about how to phrase her next question. "What about young men having conscious sexual desires for their mothers?"

"Well, that's just the Oedipus complex taken to the extreme." Replies Dr. Olivia. Now, Dr. Olivia takes her time to think of how to phrase her next question. "Do you think your son desires you sexually?"

"He keeps a pair of my dirty underwear under his pillow. I'm sure he uses it to masturbate."

Olivia puts her empty tupperware to the side, taking a drink from a thermos she had next to her. "You're sure he uses it to masturbate?" She asks.

"What else would they be doing there? Besides," Maria clears her throat. "He confessed to having sexual desires towards me, I'm sure he got it from somewhere." She rolls her eyes.

Olivia licks her lips. "What do you mean he confessed?"

"He said to me that he wanted to get it off his chest, my response was to let him feel comfortable to share these types of things with me."

"You told him this during your talk about finding your underwear in his room?"

"He doesn't know I know about the underwear. I just found that out today, myself." Maria lets out a sigh, sinking into the chair. "These past couple of days have been hectic."

"Why don't you start from the beginning." Suggests Olivia.

Maria recounts the past couple of days, adding the detail about how she felt an intense atmosphere whenever she was near, touched, or looked into the eyes of her son. She tells Olivia of her masturbation habits, her son's confessions, and this thing he goes on about having super powers.

"Super powers?" Asks Olivia.

"He said like a video game, I think. I don't know, I didn't take well to all of it and panicked. I think I hurt his feelings."

Olivia smiles, crossing her legs. "Just because you're okay with being open about things doesn't mean you will always like what you hear." She confirms. "Have you tried talking to him about it, how it makes you feel?"

"No." Maria bites her bottom lip. "I pushed him away and locked myself in my room."

"Do you think Adam would appreciate having a talk with you?"

She thinks a lot about her son's words, the confession he made to her, the way it made her feel. Maria's eyes begin to well up with tears. "I'm sure he would like that very much."

Olivia smiles, remaining silent. Maria clears her throat, getting up from her seat, she points her body towards the door.

"Thanks for this, Olivia. I owe you one."

"Just know, Maria." She stops her from opening the door. "You sound like you have a lot to talk about, I'm always here if you need someone to listen."

Maria nods, gives her a warm smile, then turns around and leaves the office.