
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · Anime e quadrinhos
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278 Chs

Chapter 29, Dance

Gentle Fist.

It's a body technique used by the Hyuga clan in conjunction with their Byakugan's penetrating vision, precisely injecting chakra into the enemy's body, disrupting their chakra network and internal organs.

Once they strike, the enemy is often either dead or injured.

Dan's body is very strong, akin to being impervious to swords and spears, fire and water. But as everyone knows, a person's internal organs cannot be trained. If hit by the Gentle Fist, it's still death.

The Hyuga's Gentle Fist is the nemesis of body refining ninjas like Uchiha Dan.

Before making a move, the Hyuga Root member was convinced of this. But at this moment...

After he struck, he immediately felt something was wrong, his eyes widened.

Because under Dan's skin, there was a layer of fascia thicker than cowhide, filled with Yang Release chakra, forming the second line of defense for his body.

The Gentle Fist chakra of the Hyuga Root member penetrated Dan's skin defense, but could not penetrate the fascia under the skin.

In fact...

Even if the Gentle Fist chakra could enter Dan's internal organs, it could not cause fatal injuries to him, because he had already figured out a way to train his internal organs.

That's why Dan dared to ignore the Gentle Fist attack.

His research and development of the human body is beyond the imagination of these Root ninjas.

"So this is the Gentle Fist? The Hyuga ninjas hit people without strength, and they still dare to be on par with the Uchiha." Dan looked down at his enemy, his Sharingan becoming increasingly crimson, like a tiger locking onto its prey.

Not good.

The Hyuga Root member didn't dare to look into Dan's eyes and immediately jumped back, retreating seven or eight meters.

But Dan was like a shadow.


He extended one large hand, his fingers performing some irregular, subtle high-frequency vibrations, dreamlike, reaching for the Hyuga Root member's throat.

This move, Dan had used it when sparring with his nephew, Uchiha Itachi.

It was a secret technique he developed over ten years, named—

Yin Release: Phantom Body Technique.


The Hyuga Root member only glanced at Dan's palm and immediately felt dizzy. By the time he came back to his senses, Dan's hand had already grabbed his throat.

Like an eagle catching a chick.

What's going on, I clearly didn't look at his Sharingan, why did I still fall into a genjutsu...

He only had time for one last thought in his mind, then he heard a "crack", his neck was broken, and boundless darkness surged like a tide.

Dan casually threw the body of the Hyuga Root member on the ground.

Two left.

Just then...

A slender shadow quietly approached from behind Dan along the ground, until it merged with Dan's shadow, instantly applying an invisible binding force to his body.

The last person from Root made his move.

It was the Nara clan's Shadow Imitation Technique.


Dan looked down and saw the enemy's shadow spreading up his legs like a rope, tightly binding his body, making him unable to move.

At the same time...

The Akimichi Root member who had been pushed back by Dan earlier leaped into the air, his hands quickly forming seals.

His body quickly swelled and expanded under the effect of the Multi-Size Technique, then his head and limbs retracted into his body, his red hair hardened and grew long to cover his entire body.

The whole person turned into a large meatball covered in spikes.



This meatball fell from the sky, rolling forward like a wheel, with the momentum to crush everything, heading straight for Dan.

Ninjutsu: Spiky Human Boulder.

At this moment...

Dan's last two enemies were both desperately mobilizing the chakra within their bodies, one in charge of control and the other in charge of output, wanting to fight Dan to the death.

Dan remained calm, relying on his strong physical strength to break free from part of the Shadow Imitation Technique's binding.

He lifted his right foot and stomped on the ground.


With one stomp, like a giant elephant trampling, spiderweb-like cracks instantly appeared under Dan's foot, cutting the ground into chunks, all floating in the air due to the recoil.

The change in terrain broke the shadow of the Nara clan attacker.

Dan regained his freedom.

Facing the oncoming Spiky Human Boulder, he could have easily dodged it, but he chose not to.

Instead, he advanced instead of retreating.

Dan took a step forward, lowering his center of gravity, sinking his shoulder, binding his hands, bending his legs, all in one go.

In an instant...

His whole body's muscles tensed, his hands were no longer hands, his feet were no longer feet, joints and joints were integrated, his whole body was as hard as a diamond, like a piece of iron plate.

This move is called: Iron Mountain Lean.

Not using fists or feet, but using the whole body as a weapon, like a giant Kun attaching to the body, angrily crashing into a thousand-foot high mountain.

With one crash, a strong wind suddenly rose on the flat ground, howling between heaven and earth.


The Iron Mountain Lean and the Spiky Human Boulder collided hard.

Dan didn't move an inch, his legs seemed to take root, firmly planted in the ground.

In contrast, the high-speed rotating Spiky Human Boulder was like falling into a quagmire, no matter how hard it tried, the wheel could only spin in place, unable to advance an inch.

This stalemate between the two sides only lasted for a second.

With the full explosion of Dan's power, the power of Iron Mountain Lean was revealed, and the Spiky Human Boulder was suddenly knocked back, flying out like a cannonball.


In the end, the Akimichi Root member spread his limbs and crashed into the mountain wall in a spread-eagle position.

Blood flowed from his seven orifices, and he died on the spot.


Dan's figure flashed and disappeared from the spot, the next second, he was already in front of the Nara Root member.

His fingers were like a knife, slashing past.

The Nara Root member subconsciously wanted to dodge, The Nara Root member subconsciously wanted to dodge, but by the time he reacted, Dan's fingernails had already slashed across his neck, blood spurted out.

The last enemy was also dealt with.

At this point...

The elite Root squad sent by Danzo to attack Dan was completely wiped out.

Four enemies, including Konoha's ace combination "Ino-Shika-Cho", and a Hyuga Gentle Fist ninja specifically to "counter" Dan.

It has to be said, Root really is full of talents.

This old guy Danzo, relying on the indulgence of the Third Hokage, under the guise of the Anbu training department, has been asking for people from all the major ninja clans in Konoha.

Over the years, almost no one has been able to escape, every clan has had geniuses forcibly taken away by Danzo to be brainwashed in Root.

Speaking of which...

Dan was somewhat surprised when he found out that the attackers included a Hyuga ninja, after all, the Hyuga clan is highly closed off, and it's almost unheard of for them to send clan members to the Ninja Academy or join the Anbu.

But on second thought...

The Uchiha is the toughest bone to chew in Konoha.

Even the clan leader's son, Uchiha Itachi, is almost being coaxed under Danzo's command, so it's only natural that there are people from the Hyuga clan joining Root.

After ending this battle...

Dan prepared to clean up the battlefield and take the bodies of the four Root members to the gold exchange.

When he killed these people, he used relatively restrained methods and didn't use too ruthless moves, just to keep the bodies as intact as possible.

This way, he could sell them for a good price.

Suddenly, there were footsteps again from the forest in front.

Are there more enemies?

Dan looked in the direction of the sound, only to see Yūgao casually walking out from behind a large tree, hands in his pockets.

This person, whether it's because his ability to hide his presence is too strong, or his presence is too weak, Dan hadn't noticed him until now.
