
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · Anime e quadrinhos
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278 Chs

Chapter 211: Senjutsu and Microwave Theory

The Uchiha clan is in full swing, preparing for battle.

A hundred clan members, who have successfully transplanted Hashirama's cells, have become the backbone of the Uchiha force.

The combination of the Sharingan and Wood Release in a single Uchiha has undoubtedly made the already formidable Uchiha even more powerful.

These days, the Uchiha have been practicing Wood Release techniques while also producing a large number of explosive tags.

It's well-known that the Uchiha excel in Fire Release.

Back in the Hidden Leaf Village, the ninja tool shop run by the Uchiha clan had explosive tags as its best-selling product.

The explosive tags made by the Uchiha clan using their Fire Release chakra are top-notch.

Now, with the enhanced regenerative abilities from Hashirama's cells, the Uchiha no longer have to worry about running out of chakra. Their efficiency in producing explosive tags has greatly increased.

To date, hundreds of thousands of explosive tags have been stored in the island's warehouse.

If the Allied Shinobi Forces were to attack, these explosive tags alone would give them a run for their money.

On the training ground, Fugaku and Itachi, father and son, are engaged in a sparring match.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two started with a round of taijutsu. Their Sharingan eyes spun rapidly, their movements so swift that afterimages appeared, making it hard to follow.

For a moment, neither had the upper hand.

Finally, after exchanging a punch and being pushed back by the recoil, they simultaneously formed the Tiger hand seal and released their jutsu.

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!


Two massive fireballs, burning intensely, collided head-on. Flames scattered like a shower of sparks, covering every corner of the training ground.


Before Fugaku could catch his breath, Itachi emerged from the flames, not giving his father a moment's respite, and launched another fierce attack.

During this, their eyes met for a split second. Itachi's gaze sharpened, releasing a powerful genjutsu.

Genjutsu: Tsukuyomi.

This is a visual genjutsu activated instantly with the Sharingan, plunging the opponent into an illusion and making them feel as if they're being burned alive.

But Fugaku was prepared, being a master of genjutsu himself.

Genjutsu: Mirror Reflection.

Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan spun, not only precisely seeing through Itachi's genjutsu but also reflecting its effects back at him.

Itachi froze, his face contorted in pain, as if he was trapped in a sea of flames.

The outcome was clear.

Fugaku sighed in relief. Thankfully, Itachi's genjutsu wasn't perfect. Otherwise, Fugaku wouldn't have been able to counter it with his Sharingan.

Thinking this, he smiled and patted Itachi's shoulder, intending to offer some words of encouragement.

But at that moment, Fugaku's pupils contracted, sensing imminent danger.

The next second...


Itachi, standing before him, exploded without warning, releasing a massive burst of flames and hot gases, engulfing Fugaku.

Shadow Clone Explosion.

This is a technique developed by Itachi Uchiha.

Using his Fire Release chakra, he creates a shadow clone that can be remotely detonated without hand seals, releasing a massive amount of energy. It's incredibly powerful.

The flames gradually dissipated.

A massive blue skeletal structure, Susanoo, enveloped Fugaku, shielding him from the explosion's impact, leaving him unscathed.

However, the fact that Fugaku had to resort to Susanoo meant he had lost this sparring match.

"Father," Itachi appeared not far behind Fugaku and approached him.

Fugaku deactivated his Susanoo, reflecting, "It's no surprise coming from you. I, as your father, am no longer a match for you."

Earlier, Itachi had used the Great Fireball Technique to obscure Fugaku's vision, then employed the Shadow Clone Technique. He intentionally released an imperfect genjutsu, and when Fugaku successfully countered it, thinking he had won, he let his guard down.

Itachi had set a trap, step by step, and Fugaku had fallen right into it.

Fortunately, Itachi was his son, so Fugaku wasn't too upset. Instead, he felt a mix of joy and pride.

In response to Fugaku's praise, Itachi humbly replied, "There's still much I need to learn."

With that, father and son shared a warm smile.

Outside the training grounds, a young boy was sneakily peeking from behind a wall corner, watching Fugaku and Itachi.

It was Sasuke.

"Hmph." Seeing the two laughing and chatting, Sasuke snorted with a hint of jealousy.

Father always favored big brother, always praising Itachi as a genius since childhood. In contrast, he was always indifferent to Sasuke, treating him as if he was an outsider.

Especially after Itachi awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan, Father's attention shifted even more towards him, neglecting Sasuke further.

Sasuke didn't envy Itachi. He too wanted to contribute to the clan like his brother, but he was too young to be of any help.

Moreover, he realized that he wasn't as talented as Itachi. After all, it took him a long time to master the Great Fireball Technique, while Itachi learned it instantly after watching their father demonstrate it once.

Although their mother always comforted him gently, Sasuke couldn't help but feel downhearted.

Just then...

"Sasuke, what are you doing here?"

A melodious voice came from behind, startling Sasuke.

He turned around, feeling caught red-handed, to see Uchiha Izumi calling out to him.

She had an appointment with Itachi today to discuss ninjutsu training.


Sasuke snorted again and left without a word, leaving Izumi puzzled.

"Did I say something to upset him?"

Izumi muttered to herself, feeling helpless.

She never understood why Sasuke had been so distant from her since childhood.

"Don't take it to heart. Sasuke just needs someone to care for him. I'll talk to him later."

Itachi's voice echoed in Izumi's ears. He had approached the corner unnoticed.

In truth, Itachi had noticed Sasuke's behavior for a while.

However, with the Uchiha clan facing a significant crisis, Itachi couldn't spare much time or energy to address Sasuke's emotional well-being.

The priority was to help the clan navigate through this unprecedented crisis.


Compared to the busy Uchiha family, Tsunade had a lot more free time, being an outsider.

She was willing to assist the Uchiha with Hashirama's cell transplantation surgery.

But to fight to the death against the Five Great Shinobi Countries for the Uchiha? That was out of the question.

Another reason Tsunade chose to stay was the scenic beauty of Paradise Island.

The island, with its picturesque landscapes and eternal spring, might not be suitable for permanent residence but was undoubtedly a perfect vacation spot.

On the beach, a row of sun loungers made of Wood Release awaited.

Tsunade, along with her disciples Shizune and Karin, had invited Samui for sunbathing.

Speaking of which...

Ever since Samui voluntarily took Tsunade to the infirmary for a massage, their relationship had grown significantly closer.

The bond between women can be quite mysterious at times.

"Hey, Shizune."

Karin suddenly nudged Shizune and whispered, "Who do you think has a bigger... you know, between Lady Tsunade and Samui?"

Shizune, looking innocent, replied, "What are you referring to?"

"Ugh, obviously this!"

Karin gestured, cupping her hands in front of her chest.

Realizing what Karin meant, Shizune curiously joined her in discreetly observing Tsunade and Samui.

"It seems... about the same."

"I think Samui's might be slightly bigger."

"No matter who's bigger, they're both enviable. Lady Tsunade once said it's a gift from the heavens."

The two girls chatted excitedly, unaware that Tsunade, who was pretending to rest, had overheard them.

"Cough, cough."

She cleared her throat and shot the two a stern look.

How dare they suggest she was inferior to Samui?

Shizune and Karin immediately went silent, not daring to utter another word.

"By the way..."

Tsunade, ignoring the two, nudged Samui beside her, "What's 'that guy' up to lately?"

The "guy" she referred to was Dan.

"Dan...," Samui hesitated but eventually shared, "He said he sensed the presence of natural energy and is exploring something called Senjutsu."


Tsunade sat upright, her chest heaving with surprise.

Seeing her surprised expression, Samui curiously asked, "Lady Tsunade, I've heard that you signed a contract with Shikkotsu Forest, one of the Three Great Sanctuaries, allowing you to learn their Senjutsu. Is that true?"

She shared Dan's endeavors with Tsunade, hoping to gather some useful intel. After all, on the surface, Dan and Tsunade seemed to be at odds, like archenemies. If Dan were to ask Tsunade directly about Senjutsu, she'd likely not entertain him.

Tsunade, seeing through Samui's intentions, candidly replied, "Indeed, not just Shikkotsu Forest, but all Three Great Sanctuaries have their unique Senjutsu traditions. As you might know, the Legendary Sannin of Konoha—Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and I—each signed contracts with these sanctuaries. Yet, only Jiraiya, who spent over a decade, managed to master Mount Myōboku's Sage Mode."

Is that so?

Samui was taken aback. The difficulty of mastering Senjutsu seemed insurmountable, with only one of the Legendary Sannin succeeding after over a decade.

She couldn't help but worry for Dan. Could he succeed?

"Absolutely not."

Tsunade shook her head, asserting, "Uchiha Dan might've sensed natural energy, but without proper guidance, trying to grasp Senjutsu on his own is pure folly."

After her jest at Dan's expense, seeing Samui's concern, Tsunade softened and advised, "You should persuade him to not waste his efforts. Absorbing natural energy recklessly can be fatal. You wouldn't want to become a widow."

"Thank you for your advice, Lady Tsunade. I'll relay your words to Dan," Samui nodded gravely.

Unbeknownst to Dan, Tsunade was mocking him behind his back.

Lately, he had been wandering the island, not focusing on his usual training.

It wasn't that he had become complacent or forsaken his devotion to the God of Muscles. He was exploring a new training method.

As Dan strolled through the woods, he'd occasionally gaze at the sky, then the ground, or stand still, lost in thought.

Ever since sensing natural energy, his understanding of life, the universe, and the essence of the world deepened.

He theorized that the world was like a vast microwave. Microwaves emit electromagnetic waves that cause water molecules in food to vibrate, producing heat. Similarly, the world emits natural energy, affecting all beings within it.

The challenge in using a microwave is controlling the timing and intensity. Similarly, in mastering Senjutsu, one must control the absorption of natural energy.

Dan believed that the key was harmonizing one's internal magnetic field with the world's, achieving unity.

Exiting the woods and climbing a hill, a thunderous roar echoed from the sky. Dark clouds gathered rapidly above Paradise Island, releasing a torrential downpour.

Weather on the sea was unpredictable.

Dan didn't seek shelter. Instead, he felt a strange connection with the storm.

Another roar, but this time from within him, resonated with the thunder, symbolizing unity with nature.

The time had come.

Amidst the rain, Dan sat cross-legged, eyes closed, ready to embrace the world's energy.