
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · Anime e quadrinhos
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277 Chs

Chapter 155: On the Verge of Eruption!


Itachi's harsh command echoed down the street, causing the faces of the police force to change.

Hyuga Hiashi was burning with anger.

After all, he was the respected head of the Hyuga clan and the captain of the police force. How dare a mere eleven-year-old Uchiha Itachi reprimand him in front of so many people?

Hiashi's brows furrowed, about to explode in anger, but then he saw Itachi's eyes.

Those eyes, unlike the usual Sharingan, had a shuriken pattern formed by three blades, emitting a mysterious and dangerous aura.

Was that... the Mangekyou Sharingan?

Hiashi was taken aback in shock.

Who in the ninja world didn't know the power of the Uchiha's Mangekyou?

Kagami, Izumi, Fugaku, Obito, each of these Mangekyou users were renowned, making people avoid them when they saw them.

Now, another pair of Mangekyou had emerged from the Uchiha, and it belonged to a boy who was only eleven years old.

What kind of monsters were in this clan? How many more geniuses were there?

With that thought.

Hyuga Hiashi felt as if he had been doused with cold water from head to toe, his inner anger was forcibly extinguished, and he had to calm himself down.

He knew very well.

If they really fought, he would likely not be a match for Uchiha Itachi, it would only bring him humiliation.

The police force was the same, every time they caused trouble for the Uchiha clan, they returned in defeat, they simply didn't have the power to contend with the Uchiha.

Just then Fugaku stepped forward, spoke in a deep voice, and gave Hiashi a way out:

"Captain Hiashi, the Uchiha clan is seeking justice for Shisui's death from the Third Hokage today. I advise you not to meddle in this matter, so as not to involve the Hyuga clan."

Hiashi's face changed, and then he led the police force to silently step aside.

So the Uchiha clan continued to advance.

Every Uchiha clansman was focused, their eyes only on the Hokage building at the end of the road, they didn't even glance at the police force.

During this time.

Not only the police force, but also the other clans of Konoha and a large number of civilian ninjas received the news and rushed over.

Thousands of people gathered around the road, watching with surprise as the Uchiha clan surged towards the Hokage building.

Many people looked worried, sensing that an unprecedented upheaval was about to erupt in Konoha.

Hokage's office.

"While you were out of the village, the Uchiha and people from Kumogakure were secretly colluding, intending to overthrow Konoha. Just an hour ago, Shisui even came to me, trying to use genjutsu to manipulate me, asking me to hand over the position of Hokage to Uchiha Dan..."

The Third Hokage explained the current situation to Jiraiya with lingering fear, finally firming up his idea to eliminate the Uchiha clan.

The key to eliminating the Uchiha was to kill Uchiha Fugaku.

"Dan is very strong, among the people I've seen so far, his strength may only be second to Nagato. This kind of demigod-level powerhouse can't be defeated by a swarm of people."

Jiraiya analyzed with a serious expression, having learned about Dan's information from the Third Hokage and having personally fought against him. He finally concluded that this man's strength was probably on par with Hanzo at his peak.

"Is there... no way to deal with him?"

Upon hearing this, the Third Hokage couldn't help but furrow his brows, deep in thought.

"Don't worry." Jiraiya reassured the Third Hokage, then his eyes flashed with determination, confidently saying, "I will ask the two Sages of Mount Myoboku—Shima and Fukasaku, to help me enter Sage Mode, and defeat Uchiha Dan with the power of Senjutsu."

Senjutsu, was Jiraiya's trump card. He had spent a full ten years learning Sage Mode, and as long as he unleashed this power in battle, he could be invincible.

In addition Jiraiya stated that he could also summon other great toads from Mount Myoboku to help Konoha suppress the Uchiha clan.

"That's really great. Jiraiya, we're lucky to have you." The Third Hokage's face lit up with joy, finally letting go of his worries.

Mount Myoboku was one of the three legendary places in the ninja world, its status was extraordinary, even the head of the Five Great Shinobi Villages, Konoha, couldn't compare to it.

Jiraiya had received the inheritance of Mount Myoboku, could mobilize the power of the toad clan, and join forces with Konoha to deal with the Uchiha.

In this way, the Uchiha clan would have absolutely no chance of winning.

Suddenly, a member of the Anbu appeared, reporting urgently:

"Hokage-sama, the Uchiha clan has collectively taken to the streets and is heading straight for the Hokage building. They're also carrying a stretcher with the body of Uchiha Shisui."

The joy on the Third Hokage's face disappeared instantly, his expression becoming serious again.

It seemed that the Uchiha clan had already learned the truth about Shisui's death.

Jiraiya frowned and said to the Third Hokage: "The Uchiha clan is probably trying to use Shisui's death to slander and accuse you, publicly forcing you to abdicate."

"I've already anticipated that." The Third Hokage sighed, ready to get up and go downstairs to face the Uchiha clan directly.

"They're coming with a strong momentum, it's better if you don't show up. Let me go down and see first."

Jiraiya stopped the Third Hokage, volunteering to replace him and negotiate with the Uchiha clan.

The Third Hokage hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded, saying solemnly: "Alright, I'm counting on you."


In the world of ninjas, the most valuable thing is not money or land, but the inheritance of ninjutsu.

An S-class or A-class secret technique could make a small, unknown family rise to become a powerful ninja clan in just one generation.

Like Might Guy, a low-level civilian ninja, who became famous in one battle with the forbidden technique of the Eight Gates, leaving a vibrant mark in the history of the ninja world.

In Konoha it's well known that the six-year curriculum of the Ninja Academy only teaches students the most basic three-body technique.

For those civilian ninjas without a family inheritance.

If they wanted to learn more ninjutsu, they could only do so by carrying out dangerous missions or fighting on the front lines, earning merit to exchange for ninjutsu.

There was such a place in Konoha village, storing a large number of advanced ninjutsu, forbidden techniques, and secrets, a place that countless Konoha ninjas dream of visiting.

It was the Forbidden Jutsu Library.

Every ninja who had been here was transformed.

For example, the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, obtained the Flying Thunder God Technique here, transforming from a mere civilian ninja to the renowned "Yellow Flash" of the ninja world.

However, without the personal permission of the Hokage, anyone who enters the Forbidden Jutsu Library will be considered a serious criminal.

Even Orochimaru, the Third Hokage's once most proud disciple, was no exception.

He sneaked into the Forbidden Jutsu Library, stole forbidden techniques like the Eight Branches Technique and Reanimation, and was discovered by the Third Hokage, leading to his immediate defection.

Today, when the war between the Uchiha and Konoha was on the verge of breaking out, Dan came to the Forbidden Jutsu Library.

Although this place was extremely hidden and heavily guarded, it was nothing more than a paper tiger in front of Dan.

Thump. Thump.

At the entrance of the library, two Anbu ninjas guarding the place were attacked before they could react and fell unconscious.


Dan pushed open the door of the Forbidden Jutsu Library and walked in.

What met his eyes were rows of bookshelves, filled with countless scrolls of ninjutsu, dazzling to the eye.

Dan picked up a candlestick, his gaze sweeping over the bookshelves, looking for what he wanted.

Before long.

He found it.

In an inconspicuous corner, Dan found a huge scroll with four characters written on it—Sealing Book.

That was it.

Most of Konoha's forbidden techniques were recorded in this scroll.


Dan opened the scroll, skimmed through it, and saw techniques like Multi-Shadow Clone, Reanimation, Mutual Explosion Tags, Eight Branches Technique, Dead Demon Consuming Seal, and others.

All were techniques that could cause great harm or even death to the user.

That's why it was called the Sealing Book.

To prevent covetous people, this scroll was personally guarded by the successive Hokages.

Finding the Sealing Book here saved Dan some trouble, otherwise, he would have to directly raid the Third Hokage's house.

With the Sealing Book strapped to his waist, Dan left the Forbidden Jutsu Library.

Next it was time to go to the Hokage building and enjoy a good show.

On the back mountain of Konoha, Danzo, leaning on his cane, walked into the depths of the forest, his right eye was bandaged again at some point.

Obito came out from behind a large tree.

"Where is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, didn't you promise to hand Naruto Uzumaki over to me?"

Seeing Danzo empty-handed, Obito couldn't help but look displeased.

In response, Danzo calmly replied: "I'm sorry, I've found a way to control the Nine-Tails, so there's no need for you to go to the trouble. However, you can still contribute your power and join me in dealing with the Uchiha clan."


Upon hearing this, Obito immediately snorted coldly, "I knew you would go back on your word. Well, since you have no sincerity, our cooperation ends here."

After saying that, his eyes turned cold, and he walked towards Danzo.

He planned to take down Danzo by force and then force him to hand over the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

Facing Obito, who was showing killing intent Danzo showed no fear, just stood in place without moving, and his right eye under the bandage quietly launched Kotoamatsukami at Obito...

Shisui's right eye must continuously release chakra to manipulate the consciousness of the target. And once the technique is stopped, the target will break free from the control of Kotoamatsukami.

It's a non-permanent Kotoamatsukami. But its advantage is that it can be used frequently, especially with the enhancement of Hashirama's cells, the time for each activation is greatly shortened.

Danzo had just used Kotoamatsukami on the Third Hokage to test the power of this technique, and now he couldn't wait to use it on Obito.

"Obito, with your power alone, you can't take revenge on the Uchiha clan. If you want to realize your ambition, there's only one way to go, and that's to join me..." Danzo's deep voice sounded, full of temptation, like the whisper of a devil.

Obito was stunned, the killing intent on his face disappeared, and his expression quickly became dull: "You're right..."


Danzo was delighted in his heart, continued to maintain Kotoamatsukami, and said to Obito: "Lend me your eyes. They can only exert their greatest effect on this arm of mine."

"No, no problem."

Although Obito hesitated for a moment, he eventually raised a hand as if possessed and reached towards his right eye.

Just as he was about to offer his eye to Danzo.

"Obito, be careful, you're under Danzo's genjutsu!" Zetsu suddenly emerged from the ground next to him, shouting anxiously at Obito.

Huh? Obito was immediately shocked, as if waking from a dream, and his action of gouging out his right eye also stopped.

Then, he quickly retreated, looking at Danzo with suspicion and fear.

Too bad. Danzo thought to himself, he was so close to success.

"Underneath Danzo's bandage is Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyou Sharingan. He used that eye to cast a genjutsu on you." Zetsu came to Obito's side and reminded him.

Everyone's chakra is different and can be clearly distinguished, especially sensory ninjas who are best at this.

Shisui's chakra is very special, presenting a rare green color. Anyone who has seen it will have a deep impression.

So Zetsu recognized at a glance that when Danzo launched Kotoamatsukami, the chakra flowing in his body was Shisui's.

"So that's the power of Shisui's Mangekyou... Guruguru was controlled in the same way, wasn't he..."

Obito came back to his senses and couldn't help feeling a chill.

He was almost tricked by Danzo.

Then anger rose, and killing intent surged again.

Danzo's face changed, he took a step back and tried to persuade:

"The war between the Uchiha and Konoha is about to break out. At this critical moment, we should not fight each other, but should join hands to deal with the Uchiha."

He seemed to have forgotten what he had just done to Obito in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Danzo's words fell, two guards, Tatsuma and Fruit Fly, quietly appeared behind him.

"Lord Danzo, the Uchiha clan has brought Shisui's body to the Hokage building, and a conflict is imminent."

Tatsuma reported in a deep voice.

It's finally here.

Danzo's eyes flashed, and then he looked at Obito across from him:

"You heard it too. We'd better not kill each other here, so we don't miss the show."

After saying that, he slowly retreated until he disappeared from Obito's sight.

"After the Uchiha clan is wiped out, the first one I'm going to kill is that old man Danzo."

Obito watched Danzo leave, his face expressionless as he spoke coldly.

"First, let's find a way to seize some Sharingan, especially the Mangekyou of Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Dan. We can't let them fall into Konoha's hands again." Zetsu reminded him.

The next second the two of them also left, heading towards the Hokage building.

In the midst of thunderous footsteps the Uchiha clan finally arrived at the Hokage building.

Just then, hundreds of masked, fully armed Anbu ninjas streamed out of the building, forming a standoff with the Uchiha clan.

These Anbu are the true elites of Konoha, far stronger than the ragtag bunch from the Police Force.

Facing the aggressive Uchiha clan, they remained silent.


Please enjoy.

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