
Saving The Abandoned Empress S2

Cathain De Valerian Valentino, the emperor of the Valentino Empire was reborn in the modern world along with his empress who had no memories of their tragic past life. But what happens when a plane crash makes them travel back to the past, in the time honoring Valentino Empire again and everything starts to change drastically from his memories? Can Cathain save his empress, who knew nothing about this magical world; while finding out the truth about their tragic life? Or everything will come to an end after she recovers her memories? After all, the sweet and gentle person she thought him to be was actually her executioner in her past life… who killed her with his own hands. … “No matter where you are, or who you become; you are always destined to be mine; My empress." … Season 01: Saving The Abandoned Empress (Completed- 220 Chapters)

Mihanaa · Fantasy
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224 Chs

CH 02 ~ Break Up

As dawn's light chased away the night, Cathain's eyes fluttered open, the sunlight warming his face. His body was heavy, yet a smile graced his lips as he looked down at Milenka sleeping in his arms.

In the depth of the night, Milenka had grown irritated upon seeing his serene face across the other bed.

He seemed oblivious to the art of charming a girl!!

And yet, she couldn't understand her own attraction to him; beyond his handsome face and physique, she found little else to admire.

He struggles with communication, often remaining quiet, which makes her feel overly talkative by comparison. 

However, whenever she's feeling down, he's there for her like a knight in shining armor. 

Whether she messes up project files or a presentation, he never shows anger towards her. 

It's this behavior that she finds peculiar.

Why does his expression turn painful from time to time?

Just like yesterday, they were fine and then he suddenly turned gloomy after staring at her face. 

He indulges her as if it's an obligation as if guilt gnaws at him from within. Milenka can't shake the feeling that his actions aren't for her benefit but rather to atone for sins owed to another through her.

The very insecurity she harbors paradoxically pulls her closer to him, fueled by a longing to reveal the secrets he hides from everyone.

Eventually, she rises from her bed, slips beneath his blanket, and nestles her face into his chest. His body initially tenses, but slowly eases as she tenderly strokes his hair.


As he whispered that name again, Milenka's hand froze in place. Her heart squeezed with pain; although it was her nickname, one many used for her, she detested hearing it from him.

It made her feel as if he were calling out to someone else, not her.

"Stop fooling around, sleep,"

Cathain murmured as he planted a kiss on her head in his half-awaken state and drew her small frame into his strong embrace, pulling her close.

She was so close to him that she could hear his heartbeat, yet she felt miles apart from him.

'I really envy the girl you can't forget…'

'She's not here, but she still occupies your memories.'

A bitter smile crossed her face as Milenka breathed in his scent and closed her eyes to sleep more.

At the Airport~

"Are you still angry?"

Cathain inquired as Milenka attempted to outpace him with her short strides.

The bodyguards trailed behind them, carrying their luggage and keeping close, while Cathain followed the irate Milenka.

Their brief holiday had come to an end, and they were now at the airport for their flight.

"I'm sorry... From now on, I'll hang on your every word!"

"Please forgive me this time, okay?"

"Please... Elle?"

Milenka halts mid-step as Cathain calls her 'Elle,' glaring at him furiously.



Milenka stomps on his foot, channeling her rage, and puffs out her cheeks to show her intense anger.


'Why is she angry with me again?'

Cathain wonders as Milenka continues to shoot him deadly glares, yet to him, she appears somewhat adorable.

Adorned in a knee-length, sleeveless floral dress, her dark brown hair is partially swept up into a high bun.

Her anger intensified upon seeing the confusion on his face, as he seemed oblivious to the reason behind her temper.

"You are really a dickhead!"

Cathain was rendered speechless as the entire airport crowd turned to stare at them, prompted by her words, while the bodyguards behind them struggled to stifle their laughter.

"Okay, okay… I am a dickhead. Is our papa's princess happy now?"

"I am not papa's princess!"

Milenka felt the need to protest and Cathain chuckled.

"Then how about being my empress from now on, huh?"

Cathain whispered, drawing her closer, and a blush crept over her face. 

Her ocean-blue eyes remained fixed on the ground, unable to meet his gaze. 

Inwardly, she cursed him as they walked on towards their terminal. 

Though he was often silent, his flirtations made her melt like a marshmallow in hot coffee.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our flight. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We will take off in a short moment."

The flight attendant made an announcement, and Cathain assisted Milenka with her seatbelt before securing his own.

Milenka, gazing out the window, was taken aback to find him intertwining their fingers while looking away.

This was the first instance of him initiating hand-holding.

It had always been her clinging to him persistently.

However, his gesture, coming only after she voiced her thoughts about whom he constantly ponders, left her feeling deceived. She attempted to withdraw her hand from his grasp.

It seemed as though he was trying to contradict her accusations with his actions today.

The more she struggled to free her hand, the firmer his hold became.

Simultaneously, their flight ascended, and they were airborne within moments.

"Why are you behaving like this, Millie?"

Cathain asked as she was still angry which was unusual for her.

"I am acting like what?"

Milenka responded with a hint of annoyance and Cathain turned serious. 

"You're not your usual self... what's bothering you?"

"Tell me, Millie... I will try to solve it,"

Cathain persisted, intertwining their fingers while his other hand gently captured her chin, compelling her to meet his gaze.

A prolonged silence fell upon them as they continued to stare into each other's eyes.

Milenka released a deep sigh, her gaze shifting from their clasped hands to once again lock with his intense dark eyes.

Her ocean-blue eyes widened with a spark of hesitation before she finally spoke.

"Do you love me, Cain?"

Cathain was taken aback by Milenka's words as she gazed at him expectantly.

He loved his empress, his Eleanora.

He is with Milenka because he can feel that she is the reincarnation of his empress.

But he couldn't utter those words and confess his love to the girl in front of him.

He opened his mouth to speak those words, but no sound emerged, and he watched the sparkle in her eyes slowly dim.

"I see… I will give you one last chance then—"

Milenka murmured softly as she suddenly threw herself at him, her face drawing closer to his.

Cathain's eyes widened in surprise at her action, and his body tensed once more.

But before her lips could meet his, she was abruptly pushed away, and a bitter smile formed on her face.

Cathain was taken aback by his own reaction as he gazed at Milenka, whom he had just pushed aside.

He couldn't control his body's reactions or his mind. 

At the moment Milenka attempted to kiss him, the only image that came to his mind was hers.

Her eyes, jewel-like and blue, had looked so lonely when he saw her in that abandoned palace for the first and last time.

In an unconscious reaction, he pushed Milenka away, and now he regretted it.


Cathain reached out, calling her name, trying to touch her, but she moved back.

"Cathain Donovan..."




"Let's break up..."