
Saving Dad, the Dragon

Ahh...how annoying. Did this bunch of weirdos mistake me for a weak little child? Huh? They're on a quest to kill the dragon? A dragon guarding a princess? Isn't that my dad? Haha. How laughable. My dad's extremely strong. What can a few puny humans like you do? Wait...Did he just kill the troll in one punch? Did she say she was the greatest mage in all of history? Did that guy really single-handedly destroy a kingdom? Dad, I think you're in trouble.

CrypticFlamingo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Lesson #2: Don't judge a book by its cover.

"Contrary to what they look like, trolls really taste delicious," said Hugh.

"Yeah, it's a good thing we managed to encounter one. I was getting tired of fish," said Ivy.

"Indeed, you really can't judge a book by its cover," said Arthur.

I was still thinking about the fact that these weak-looking humans could actually kill a troll that big. In fact, even the weakest combatant on their team could knockout that troll with a punch. What can they do at their full strength?

Could it be that my dad may actually die at their hands? No way! My dad's the strongest dragon in the world! How can he be defeated by a bunch of humans?

Should I try escaping from these people to warn my dad?

No...that won't work. I don't have a horse, plus I can't fly like dad.

Should I sabotage them? Maybe I can injure their horses? Or push them off a cliff?

Nah. If their that strong, then I definitely can't do anything. After all, I have yet to awaken my dragon form.

Maybe I could make them lose interest in killing my dad?

Huh, that sounds like a pretty good plan. Dad always said I was a good talker. Who should I start with?

Hugh? Probably not. He just goes along with whatever Arthur and Ivy says.

Arthur? He seems like the really righteous type though..


Hmm...yeah. She really is the perfect candidate.

I waited until all of them were done eating. Hugh went to the forest to poop, saying something about diarrhea. Arthur went to gather more firewood.

As usual, Ivy was sitting down doing absolutely nothing.

"Hey, Ivy. Why'd you want to kill the dragon?" I asked.

"Huh? Isn't that obvious?"

"You want to save the princess?"

"What? No!" exclaimed Ivy. "Why would I want to save someone I've never met?"

"Then why do you need to kill the dragon?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Maybe because I'm asking?"

"That's not a valid reason."

"Please," I said. You better tell me. I've already used the magic word.

"Haha. The magic word won't work on me."


"Fine, don't tell me. I'm just gonna ask Arthur and Hugh, since their wayyy nicer than a certain someone."

"Hah? Do you know who're you talking to? I'm the prettiest and nicest mage there is!"

"Then prove it."

"Fine, fine. You win!" Ivy said, rolling her eyes. "I'm doing it because I was ordered to."


"That's it?"

"Yeah! What else did you expect? That I'm doing this out of revenge or something?"

Actually, I really was expecting her to say that. That would have made so much sense. But the fact that she's trying to kill dad just because someone told her to? That made me so mad.

"So you're just gonna do whatever someone told you? Even if it's killing someone's dad?"

"What? No! And what does killing the dragon have to do with killing dads?"

"I—It's just an example."

"Anyways, I'm only taking orders from the king. What else is there to say?"

"Then can't you just, I don't know, not kill the dragon?" I said. "What's the point of risking your life for some king's orders?"

Ivy snorted. "Well, he's the king, and I'm a mage whose part of his kingdom."

"But don't you hate long horse rides? Don't you always complain about being tired? Why are you even a mage?"



Ivy didn't respond. She seemed lost in thought. After a while, she replied, "No one's ever asked me that before."



"So, are you gonna answer me, or no?"

"Ah...I don't know either."

I was confused. "You don't know, but you still became a mage?"

Ivy looked at me. "I was a rare talent, so everyone told me to become a mage."

"Rare talent? Are you sure?"

"I really loathe that mouth of yours."

"So you just became a mage because your talented?"


"Well, isn't that kind of stupid?" I said.


"Do you really want to spend your entire life doing something you don't want to?"


"Then just quit being a mage! Do something you actually want to do."

Ivy sighed. "It isn't that easy, you brat."

"Can't you just tell the king that you quit being a mage?"

"Of course I can, but I don't mean that!" Ivy said, "Do you really think the world would allow a once-in-a-century genius to go and do something that any normal person could?"


"Exactly. I have to be a mage because I was born to be a mage. I'll disappoint everyone if I did something else."

"...but does everyone's expectations matter?"

"Of course they do."

"But what about what you want?"


"Isn't it your life we're talking about?"


"Just so you know, I want you to be whatever you want yourself to be."


"Yeah. So it's not that everyone expects you to be a great mage. It's that everyone, except me, expects you to be a great mage."

"Wow. Very comforting."

"I know."

"...I'll think about it, I guess."

"Then," I said, "what have you always wanted to be?"

"A chef."

"Pfttt..." I laughed. Ivy's cooking is horrible. I learned that the hard way after Ivy gave me her 'special adventure soup'.

"Shut up! It's just because I haven't had enough time to practice!"

"Yeah, right."



Huh? Oh, it's morning.

I got up from the makeshift bed. Wait, I don't remember getting into the tent last night. I don't even when I fell asleep!

I got out of the tent, only to be greeted by the sight of Ivy, Hugh and Arthur eating breakfast.

"Wow! You must have been really tired yesterday, Drake," Hugh said with a mouthful of troll meat.

"Indeed! You even fell asleep on Ivy's lap. Have you two been getting along?" asked Arthur.

"What?!" "NO!"

Hugh laughed. "Keep telling yourselves that."

"Anyways," Arthur said, "We should be around one-third of the way, but our speed is going to get slower from now on."

"Mm. Monsters right?" Hugh said.

Arthur nodded. "According to the map, we should be heading towards the Arcane Forest."

"Cool," Ivy commented.

"Kid," the knight looked at me seriously, "You need to stay close, alright? The Arcane Forest is an extremely dangerous place full of scary monsters."

Can any of the monsters be scarier than my dad's serious face?

"Okay." I nodded obediently.

"Good. We'll go after you finish your breakfast."