
2008 / 2018

Nostalgia (noun)

A feeling of pleasure and sometimes slight sadness at the same time as you think about things that happened in the past (Cambridge Dictionary)


INT. Manila State University (MSU), DAY

Alex T.

I pulled an all-nighter to finish my deck for today's talk, but I still arrived early in MSU. Perhaps, there's a side interest in me to reminisce as I walked through the corners of my alma mater.

There's a lot of changes. They turned the old open ground where we usually do our field demo into a parking lot to accommodate more students who own cars. Geez. I only owned a car when I turned 28. Stepping in from one spot to another made me feel extra nostalgic.


I peeked into my old classroom. I sat at the same spot where I was seated for our 7:30 AM English Class with Mrs. Delmundo. A throwback vision filled the room starting with me remembering Alex Esteban who's in the habit of seating in my chair before the period started. Why? I was seated next to his first love, Hana Tamayo. You know -- Tamayo - Tapang. That old-school seating arrangement. They went to the classroom ahead of anyone for a quick moment.

I was like their human timer that whenever I arrived it's Esteban's cue to leave. But as the heir of my parents' sin against Esteban's family, I got nothing but angry sighs and hate stares from Alex. There was a time when I saw his butt seated on my face. Yes, my face. It's flipped on the column section where my face was printed in our school newspaper. So, obviously, it's intentional.

Though being an editor for a school newspaper was a solid social stature, it's nothing but a boo-boo for Alex. It pissed him to see all the students read our work. Hana was a big fan of our literary section, by the way.

There's a silent war between us. I didn't want him to bully me hence my 'fighter' reaction. The next day, to make it even, I arrived early in school so he lost his chance for a one-morning bonding with Hana. Basag.

This classroom painted a lot of memories in my head. Of all those memories, I wouldn't forget how much I cried upon knowing that my 'dad' personally contacted Hana to offer her to join CAA. He never answered my calls. And this ladybug right there was bragging Eric Chen's numerous phone calls. Ouch.


There's a circular stone bench surrounding a Nara tree in the middle of this park during my time. But I would like to say that even though it's gone, I liked how MSU has improved the place and turned this into a green space. It makes the view more windy and serene.

"Ready for today? Is your first love there? Tell me the deets!"

If there's one person who's been a fan of my unrequited love story, that would be Marky. Who loves one-side stories? Teenagers. It's too corny and pathetic. It's just so unfortunate that it happened to me. Yes, I was love-struck. But that was how many years ago. I've moved on.

But why Alex? He despised me. Too often I asked that question myself. We both knew we have our history. It's like a red string of fate -- but for us, it's a red string of hate that connected our past. It was a bad thing. But I fell in love with him.

Maybe that interest planted when my mom told me to fix my eyes on Alex. Fix, meaning, look after him. I was aware early on of what happened between our families. I pitied him. She told me to stay nice and do everything I could to make up for her. Well, I took it seriously.

I didn't know that it was possible to fall in love with a person even though he didn't do anything to make you love him. It was effortless. At first, I thought it was my conscience speaking but little did I know, it was my heart talking. And how could I ever forget him? We have the same name.

Donated by USG Batch 2008. USG President. Alex Esteban.

Engraved on the wall of our school auditorium. Another memorable encounter with Alex.



Alex T.

In just a few hours, Alex's vision to put up the very first fundraising concert in MSU will finally come into life. My team calls Alex's move as one heck of an ambitious project for a young student body. Who would have the guts to book Parokya Ni Edgar for a school concert? Only Alex. So much publicity for a USG President, says my junior writer Jessica.

Publicity? I guess not. A percentage of tonight's ticket earning is allocated to the renovation fund of MSU's school auditorium. Since this is a big deal for the school where most professors dive in the hype and suspend night classes, I am tasked by our EIC to cover the behind the scenes of the show.


With me covering the event is our photographer Bien who's enjoying himself at the front row, roaming around the booths, and high-fiving some front-acts who performed ahead of Parokya. Speaking of Parokya, where are they?

"What? 11 PM? Ma'am, our show ends at 11 PM!" Alex's voice is so loud that it alerts everyone backstage. Including me.

Halfway through the program, Parokya Ni Edgar's handler messaged Alex; they're advising them that they'd be late. Past 11 PM, to be sure. But if you read between the lines, or in showbiz language, that text means that they can't make it.

"What went wrong?" Tom, USG VP for External Affairs, asked.

"Change of management," said Carla, production assistant, "... CAA now handles the schedule of Parokya. It's an immediate buyout."

CAA? I choked. I glance at Alex. A while ago he's smiling from ear to ear. Now it's the exact opposite. I sighed heavily. This project is his career's highlight. I flipped my phone open, browse my contacts until it reaches Joy's contact details.

Do I really have to pull the string?

"Gosh! Alex!! This is what I've been telling you! I told you Parokya's not gonna come!!! What are we going to do???? How are we going to handle these people??? What about the money???!! AHHH!"

"Kate! Stop being hysterical. It doesn't help!" Tom shouted. Their USG Secretary Kate has always been skeptical about their plans.

"I am not being hysterical! I am just realistic!!!!"

"Hey! Stop. You two!! Look. This is on me. Okay?! I'll handle this. I'll handle them!" He pointed at the crowd.

Ugh. I hate seeing him this way. Defeated. He sure worked hard for this one. But, I guess this is my shot to make it up for him. Like what my mom would always say.

"Hello, ate Joy?"

Joy answered the phone whispering. I can sense her hands covering her mouth.

"Where is he? I just need to talk to him. Urgent."

"Sorry, Lexy, we're in a meeting now."

"Meeting with who? Parokya? Is Parokya there?"

"How did you know?"

Well, that confirms it. I told ate Joy that I am ready to use my sacred straw tonight. Eric Chen told me that he owes me after I rejected an interview with a journalist who's obsessed with his life. Since he's a man of his words, I believe that he would find a way to payback. Just one straw, he said. I asked him to honor Parokya ni Edgar's calendar to perform in our school event tonight.

"I thought you're saving it for your graduation. I already told Joy to confirm my speaking engagement at MSU. Are you sure about that?"

I pause. I look at Alex who is quietly suffering and preparing for public crucifixion.

"Yes. I am sure. I have never been this sure." (End of a phone call)

Marky pulled me behind the curtain. "So you used it? Your last straw?"

I nod. I have been planning my graduation speech for a year. I imagine that day when I walk on the stage in front of my biological father, dangling my Cum Laude medal. It must have been great to win in front of your father. But I am willing to trade that for Alex. I mean. For the greater good. Right?


Alex is about to step on the stage when Carla screams behind the curtain.

"Guys! Joy just texted me! Parokya ni Edgar is here!!!! PARTYYYYY!!!"

And everyone jumps for joy. Spirits up. Thrilled. Relieved. And then I look at Alex who's upstage and already holding the mic. Ready for shame. But someone saves his day.

"You're okay?" Marky poked his umbrella at me. I faked a smile. And sighed heavily. The screams are too loud and my emotions are too petty to even have a moment.

"Bien, take photos okay!" I shouted. I kind of evading a quibble from Marky.

And there goes Parokya Ni Edgar with their first song.

It took one look

Then forever laid out in front of me

One smile then I died

Only to be revived by you….

I take one step away

Then I find myself coming back to you

My one and only, one and only you

"You don't have plans to tell him that it's you?"

I removed my student press ID. No need, I said. I take no credit. I would feel bad to see him carry that shame.


Alex E.

Everyone who walked past Alex would give him tap at the back for doing an exemplary job tonight. What he did as USG President was a feat. As he roamed around the school and looked for Tom to start their after-party celebration, Alex saw Alexa Tapang talking to Parokya Ni Edgar and the band's handler. Probably Joy. He thought.

He slid behind the big tree and started to mouth-read the conversation between Alex Tapang and Parokya Ni Edgar.

"Why is the handler rubbing her back? Why does Tapang look upset?!" He whispered and furrowed his brow in deep thoughts. Was she behind this mess? Was she the reason why the band almost boycotted us?

"AH. CAA. Chen Artist Agency! AHHH I KNEW IT! THAT WITCH!!" He curled his lip in anger. He bit his index finger to pacify himself upon forming a thought that Alex Tapang -- his lifetime enemy - was behind this concert sabotage.

The sound of the car engine alerted Alex who awkwardly showed up in front of Alexa and Marky.

"Hey!" An awkward greeting from Marky. "Congrats!" He mumbled.

"Thanks," Alex replied. "Good thing luck is still on my side, huh!" He scorned.

A lustful giggle behind the shrubs caught their attention.

"TOM!" Alex screamed. "What are you doing there? Been looking for you!"

Tom popped out from the bush with a random girl that she's making out with.

"What do you think I'm doing? We're hanging out!" He playfully answered and hang his arms on his 'girl'l who's hiding behind her hair.

"Let's go!" Alex demanded.

"Wait! Aren't you going to invite them?" Tom pointed his mouth on Alexa and Marky. "Come!"

"We can't invite a journalist inside." Alex coldly replied. Of course, Alex responded with her chin up. As if the party was no big deal.

"Pfft. No biggie. We're heading home anyway. Marky. Let's go."

"Tapang!" Alex shouted.

That surname-call startled Alexa. She stopped. Her heart drummed fast. It's alarmingly fast that she had to punch her chest to calm all the active cell activities in her body.

"You're not gonna write about what happened on the backstage, right? Is it gonna land on your headlines?"

"No." A feeble answer. But she repeated it. More stern than the first one. "NO."




Alex T.

I guessed I have to get used to doing more speaking engagements. The kids in MSU have way better questions than most reporters I met during Hana Tamayo's press conference. Truth be told. Plus, I couldn't believe my picture-only slides worked. Gosh. My all-nighter was worth it.

Questions from the crowd normally were about how I handle social media trolls or my fight against fake news, the biggest challenges in my career as a journalist, even my small beginnings, why I pursued higher education, and the guts I gulped to get to where I am now. To be perfectly candid, yes, I was enjoying myself. Until a strange guy from the farthest corner at the back raised his hand.

"I have a question!"

I could barely see his face. I could only see his shadow until the spotlight had found him. The guy looked a bit mature compared to the sea of fresh faces in the crowd. He's wearing a white shirt, semi-formal tux, black pants. His hair was a bit messy and puffy. Uhm. Wait. He has the same hair as --- uh. No -- is it him??
