
Saving a life of lies

most of Sasuke Uchiha's life has been a lie he spent years training to kill his brother to avenge his clan only find out Konoha forced Itachi's hand he had killed Danzo and was going to fight on obito's side but after he and Itachi fought kabuto his goals changed he fought with the alliance and helped seal kaguya however he did it all just so he could change the world his way but he was beaten and talked to by his former teammate he had a kid with Sakura and left to investigate what Kaguya was afraid of and it all led to this Sasuke was dying a hole in his chest he reflected on his life realizing so many things in his final moments he failed to bring back his clan while he loved sarada he never made a effort to father enough children that would guarantee the survival of his people he wasted his life trying to fight his brother instead of investigating all aspects of the massacre he hadn't tried as hard as he used to as his eyes closed he hoped there was a reality where he could see through the lies The Sage of six paths heard his wishes and pulled a soul from a different afterlife that could make his dreams reality

hoifzf · Anime e quadrinhos
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16 Chs

the Chunnin exams: rock Lee and Orochimaru's kage level pawn?

Gaara stared at Sasuke and a slight smile came on his face.

"good to know I'll see you then exams then"

he turned to walk away but stop and looked directly into Naruto's eyes.

"your just like me but you still have that light in your eyes what's your name blonde"

Naruto put his fist to his chest and smiled.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be Hokage believe it!"

"hm is that so well then Uzumaki if we ever face each other I'll crush that light of yours let's go Temari kankuro"

Gaara and his siblings all flashed away Sasuke turned and smacked Naruto on the back.

"ouch! what was that for?"

"well you managed to keep your cool congrats from graduating from scaredy cat to loser dope"

"loser how am I am loser I can probably beat you"

"tsk don't talk nonsense"

"the only nonsense is you thinking that I can't beat you!"

"well then I can't wait to see what nonsense you'll pull from your bags of tricks"

Sasuke also flashed away leaving Naruto alone with Sakura once again.

"is it me or is he acting more cool than usual"

Sakura grabbed his arm and yanked him along.

"Sasuke just gave you a complement in his own way idiot so don't put too much thought into it and let's go get that ramen like you said you wanted"

Naruto immediately forgot what he was mad about and smiled.

'alright today is really going my way for once'


a anbu flashed into the third office bowing his head.

"it's been a long time Ox it seems you weren't killed in the war"

"yes I'm fine lord third but this is urgent"

the third blew from his pipe his face grown serious.


"the civil war has ended as you've known since they accepted the Chunnin exams invitation but the way the war ended is the problem"

"what happened?"

"Orochimaru assisted them in beating Yagura single handedly but the worse part is that he place a curse seal on the Mizukage and it's effects on her are unknown what should we do"

"while it would be risky to let them in the village now since he's probably planning a invasion we'll have to faint ignorance and let him think we don't know also we'll put the sound under suspicion as well this conflict will prove to be our greatest challenge but secrecy is key"

"yes Lord hokage"

the anbu disappeared Hiruzen got up gazing apon the village.

'I pray that the will of fire will be at it's strongest when the time comes...but I wonder how strong is your will Orochimaru'

a vision of his student showed from the young genius to the madman he saw last. He clenched his fist.

'this time I won't fail to bring you down'


team 7 entered the academy doors walking to an open area.

"I wonder what our first test will be probably something cool like a stealth event trap making or-"

"your thinking far above your skill level the way you stand out you'd be caught in a snap the only saving grace might be the transformation jutsu but who knows they might put a sensory ninja in charge and trap making? have you actually gone that far in any of your pranks?"

Naruto looked to the side grumbling.

"hm maybe I have maybe I haven't you don't know"

While they were talking someone jumped from the balcony right Infront of them.

"Hello! my name is Rock Lee!"

Sasuke looked at the boy dressed in green and felt like knocking this guy out immediately to avoid the humiliation but then another part of him wanted to test him so he just stared at him awkwardly.

"wow you got real bushy brows brushy brow"

"I have no idea what you mean"

Sasuke knowing this would waste more time if he didn't humor the boy decided to just say fuck it.

"so what do you want?"

Lee's eyes flashed with determination as he took a fighting stance.

"I want to fight you taijutsu to taijutsu I've heard of your extreme exploit in the land of waves and just had to see what you can do!"

Sasuke's eyes morphed into the sharingan he smirked with a whole different demeanor about him.

"I don't think you want that I could accidentally kill you and I really don't want to hurt a comrade"

"nonsense let's go"

Sasuke's smirk dropped as he got serious.

'I was hoping that would spook him a bit but he's a very odd person'

Lee rushed at Sasuke who waited for him Lee jumped for a cross kick to the face but Sasuke dodged easily before he flipped back on his hands kicking Lee hard in the chin eyes widened from the blow but he flipped back on his feet wiping a bit of blood from his chin.

'sorry Lee but I was not going to be folded by you'

Sasuke rushed at him cocked back his fist to punch him Lee caught it but it hurt his palm Sasuke tried to punch again Lee was going to block but was instead hit dead in his stomach which made him wince.

'dammit I might need to take off the weights to win'

' these eyes of mine see exactly what he's going to do and I got just enough speed and strength to push him'

Lee pulled back the hand holding Sasuke's fist and went to kick him in the head but Sasuke blocked with his arm sending him up a bit in the air as Lee tried to jump up Sasuke spun to kick Lee in the ground however Lee blocked landing back on the ground as did Sasuke who deactivated his eyes.

"why'd you turn off your eyes?"

"hn Simple because I'm the one who's been in control so I decided to hold back come at me splendid ninja"

"Y-you called me a splendid ninja!?"

"if course I did I'm not a fool to say that you aren't one considering what your wearing there's no doubt that your a splendid ninja and even better than that"

' if I get on Lee and Guys good side who knows I might have a slim chance to have Guy and Kakashi train me and match Naruto later considering his potential'

"you truly burn with the power of youth let us put this off for another time I'll see you in the exams!"

he ran off leaving team7 Sasuke put his hands in his pockets and started walking.

"w-wait Sasuke what the heck was with the praise I'm a splendid ninja to yah know!"

"ha yeah I'll need to see that in the exams dope"

"oh yeah you won't know what'll hit yah when I get to show my strength"

"hm I'm looking forward to it Naruto"

(boom next will be the test and preliminary rounds comment ideas vote and peace)