
Saving a life of lies

most of Sasuke Uchiha's life has been a lie he spent years training to kill his brother to avenge his clan only find out Konoha forced Itachi's hand he had killed Danzo and was going to fight on obito's side but after he and Itachi fought kabuto his goals changed he fought with the alliance and helped seal kaguya however he did it all just so he could change the world his way but he was beaten and talked to by his former teammate he had a kid with Sakura and left to investigate what Kaguya was afraid of and it all led to this Sasuke was dying a hole in his chest he reflected on his life realizing so many things in his final moments he failed to bring back his clan while he loved sarada he never made a effort to father enough children that would guarantee the survival of his people he wasted his life trying to fight his brother instead of investigating all aspects of the massacre he hadn't tried as hard as he used to as his eyes closed he hoped there was a reality where he could see through the lies The Sage of six paths heard his wishes and pulled a soul from a different afterlife that could make his dreams reality

hoifzf · Anime e quadrinhos
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16 Chs

first point: the land of waves Part .5

(this is an au so there are some differences in the flashbacks of the deceased Sasuke Uchiha)

Sasuke was out on a lake In the middle of the night trying to do the water walking exercise since he wanted to be prepared for the land of waves he made 2 Shadow clones that rushed at him he gripped and broke a kunai swung by one of them and quickly jumped in the air last second dodging 10 kunai as he flipped to land he caught one out the air and landed back still staying on the surface despite the ripples.

'looking through these memories did he really need to atone to the whole world?'


Sasuke and his team were in the kage summit surrounded by a dozen Samurai his blade Cackled with lightning.

"get out of my way or I will kill all of you!"

Sasuke yelled but despite his cold chakra and killing intent radiating the men stood in his way. Sasuke seeing that they wouldn't move just rushed forward cutting down any samurai that tried to fight back until the Raikage showed up.

"Sasuke Uchiha for taking my brother away I'll be taking your life!"

Sasuke's eye twitched before he just glared at the kage as his eyes morphed into the mangekyo

"you're all in my way!"

~end of flashback~

Sasuke threw a lightning-enhanced kunai on one of the clone's shoulders making it poof away.

'maybe he owed the cloud and land of iron but not the world Obito would've declared war sooner or later Sasuke was just trying to make the people that ruined his life pay and almost lost his mind'


Sakura had shown up before Sasuke could cut Karin down and tried to fool him by saying she was on his side but whether it was true or not assume didn't care just to humor her obvious lie he told her to kill Karin and when her back was charging his chidori about to go through her back but Kakashi came just in time.

~end of flashback~

'I'll make sure to change things but some people will still have to die'

Sasuke rushed at the final clone which went through handsign as its hand lit up with lightning chakra slamming it onto the surface of the water Sasuke saw the fast approaching electricity so he rushed back onto land he decided to call it a night and dispelled his clone.

~the next day~

Sasuke got up and checked his notes that he wrote down in English about the timeline and saw today was the day of getting assigned to the land of waves mission. Sasuke went into his dad's office and grabbed the case changed into the outfit and used a fairly ok genjutsu to hide the fact he was wearing it. he ran and jumped from tree to tree reaching the training ground and saw Naruto and Sakura waiting for Kakashi who conveniently appeared when he landed on the ground.

"Yo I just came from the Hokage's office and I got a batch of D-ranks for us"

kakashi said with a closed eye smile.

'I suddenly want to go back to sleep'

sasuke thought with an annoyed look.


team 7 came back to the Hokage's office with an unconscious Tora courtesy of Sasuke who out of annoyance blitzed and smacked the cat unconscious. The Daimyo happily took away the cat leaving the office and seconds after Hiruzen was about to assign another D-rank mission but Naruto put a stop to that with an outburst and to humor him they were assigned a"C-rank" mission and given 20 minutes to get ready.

Sasuke went back home and took out the sword putting it at his side as he felt something off about it but put the feeling aside sheathing it and putting it on his back.

POV change

I walked out into the main street of the village I was determined not to become a pincushion I ran at top speed and in a matter of seconds and made it to the gate. I smirked feeling an air of confidence but then a thought came to my mind on if I should out haku early or not but I scrapped it as I knew if this Kakashi was anything like the original he'll be too tired to assist and I doubt I could protect all three of them as well as defeat him. I should sew a phew seeds in Naruto's mind as I don't think his eyes opened enough after wave, especially Sakura. The rest of the team came as we set out on the mission that started it all.

(boom I know it's a bit odd with pacing anyways comment ideas vote and peace)