
Saving a life of lies

most of Sasuke Uchiha's life has been a lie he spent years training to kill his brother to avenge his clan only find out Konoha forced Itachi's hand he had killed Danzo and was going to fight on obito's side but after he and Itachi fought kabuto his goals changed he fought with the alliance and helped seal kaguya however he did it all just so he could change the world his way but he was beaten and talked to by his former teammate he had a kid with Sakura and left to investigate what Kaguya was afraid of and it all led to this Sasuke was dying a hole in his chest he reflected on his life realizing so many things in his final moments he failed to bring back his clan while he loved sarada he never made a effort to father enough children that would guarantee the survival of his people he wasted his life trying to fight his brother instead of investigating all aspects of the massacre he hadn't tried as hard as he used to as his eyes closed he hoped there was a reality where he could see through the lies The Sage of six paths heard his wishes and pulled a soul from a different afterlife that could make his dreams reality

hoifzf · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

first point:land of waves part 4:final confrontation and the blade Akuma

Sasuke open his eyes as he was bound by shackles he flared his chakra as the genjutsu broke. He was currently gauging sakura's genjutsu prowess under Kakashi's supervision on the bridge.

"that was ok Sakura maybe it could keep someone on your level struggling but a chunnin could shrug it off just like that"

he snapped his fingers as Sakura gained a look of defeat Kakashi decided to clear the smoke of Sasuke's bluntness.

"in a professional look sakura your just fine as a beginner so don't beat yourself up"

Sakura's mood shot up from those words

"thank you sensei"

"ma don't mention it"

"hn you're too laid back"

"and your too blunt my onyx emo"

Sasuke visibly shuttered at that.

"Please don't call me that"

Kakashi just gave one of his winning eye smiles but all the light chatter atmosphere was cut as mist rolled in. Kakashi dashed to Tazuna's side and blocked Zabuza's blade. Haku tried to go for Tazuna blitzing behind him but Sasuke appeared and kicked him away.

"This time I'm ready Kakashi your students won't be interfering this time with Haku there to deal with them"

Kakashi made a series of one-handed handsigns Zabuza listening to his instinct jumped to the side as part of his arm was hit with a fireball jutsu burning his side as Zabuza gritted his teeth under the mask. Haku and Sasuke were going blow for blow Sasuke caught Haku's arm but he head-butted him with his mask staggering Sasuke before aiming a senbon to his neck to knock him out but the Uchiha recovered fast enough to dodge and punch haku in the gut twice sending him back.

'he's pretty strong I can't wait to see his reaction to his master's death but I should not outwardly foreshadow anything don't want him to figure It out and break free'

Sasuke smiled just as haku activated his crystal ice mirrors Sasuke activated his sharingan as reflections of Haku appeared everywhere.

"These are very pretty you know your clan would be proud Haku"

"How did you know?"

"I analyze everything about someone when I meet people of course I choose to forget the unimportant people but I had a feeling you were special it's a shame we have to be enemies"

Haku readied her senbon

"That's a scary talent and it is a shame I have to take you down to protect Zabuza".

Haku moved fast going all in on Sasuke who reacted to her moves dodging and countering any of his offenses this was a battle of attrition with Sasuke getting a real workout from this.

"you're very fast you could probably be a jounin with this performance"

Sasuke complimented.

"very odd for you to say in a high intense fight"

"in the word of my ancestor, this is a dance"

But the flow of the fight was disrupted as soon as Naruto entered.

"I swear I'm going to teach you common sense dope"

"Hey, I came in to save you!"

"And now we both need saving way to go"

Haku then began to land hits as Sasuke was running out of steam. Naruto was trying to form an incomplete Rasengan but Haku impaled his hands and was about to make a pincushion out of him.

'got dammit Naruto this is the one time I'm doing this!'

Sasuke took the seldom barrage as he collapsed as Naruto caught him.

"dammit..you idiot I thought you were supposed to be training your so lucky he wasn't fighting to kill...make sure to give him a taste of hell I'm out"

Sasuke passed out as the nine tails chakra oozed out Naruto began to batter haku sending him flying across the bridge.


Sasuke was in a dark space until 2 red mangekyo Sharingans pierced the darkness.

"Who are you?"

"me? who are you? I'm supposed to be the darkness inside you this blade was made to be capable of releasing the darker part of yourself as a failsafe in case the wielder was close to death"

shadows surrounded Sasuke.

"so I'll clean up your mess,"

~back in reality~

Sasuke was surrounded by dark purple chakra as his eyes glowed ominously Sasuke looked at himself feeling the power in his hands. He looked back up to see haku about to Charge at Gato's men in rage he blitzed beside him knocking him out and surprising everyone.

"I don't need my pawns breaking"

Sasuke looked at the army of thugs as his KI flowed through the air as a phew of Gato's men dropped dead foaming at the mouth.

"hahahaha wow what a bunch of weaklings this is who you fear Tazuna haha money really does make the world go round!"

Kakashi watched intently wanting to know where this dark chakra was coming from. Naruto looked worried while sakura was shivering.

Sasuke gripped his blade as he rushed at the army of thugs with a silhouette of a demon behind him as he sliced through them bones were like butter as he was being dyed red by his ruthless display Gato turned and ran in utter fear but then he met cold red eyes as his neck was grabbed his sharingan spun as he went through the man's mind.

"interesting life for a scumbag but I'll be carrying out vengeance for the people you killed all to make it big in this world but let me tell you something money can only be guarded by the trusted and strong but you had none which is why.."


"...You died"

Sasuke cut off his head and threw his body off the bridge and stored it in a scroll.

"I took care of your mess for free this time but next time you fuck up I'll start things early and call me Akuma"

Sasuke fell to his knees as the chakra disappeared and the sharingan on the sword closed. Sasuke took heavy breaths seeing all this carnage made his world change from the bridge to the Uchiha district faster and faster as his ears started to ring.


He was smacked out of it by Naruto of all people he stared in shock.

"what happened you look like you were about to drop dead!?"

Sasuke took some deep breaths and closed his eyes as he got back to his normal self and with anger behind it, he smacked Naruto to the floor.

'what the hell was that? The damn sword spirit must be fucking with my mind I haven't had an attack like that in years I'm so pissed right now that shop owner is so gonna bleed for this!'

"hn Sorry Naruto I don't know what came over me thanks for the help,"

'it seems I'm not num to the emotions felt that day by the original Sasuke then again we are one now so the fault on me I probably would have killed all these guys regardless but he deliberately cut limbs and spinal cords to leave some of them tortured'

he saw Kakashi mercy killing them but even though he wasn't controlled anymore he chuckled a bit at the sick massacre he caused.

'assassination is one thing but a dirty massacre is another I'll have to make sure not to get bested again but hey one thing came out of this an oblivious pawn'

"Sasuke you good?"

Kakashi asked

"Yes I'll clean up this mess on my own"


"don't worry I didn't mean for this type of bloodbath to be on my hands anyway"


due to the massacre, the bridge was called the great demon bridge which isn't a bad fit. The team traveled back as Sasuke contemplated his plans Haku was still out and Naruto and Sakura were thinking about how to improve themselves to not be liabilities in fear of another horrific picture to be in their mind of their teammate while Kakashi was going to look more into the blade of Sasuke's.

(boom hope you enjoy 1000+ words comment vote and peace)